00:25:840 (1,2,3,4,1) - I would personally shrink these notes toward the sliderhead so it looks more like a clean evenly spaced triangle https://i2.paste.pics/Q5WOQ.png
maybe make 00:26:702 (3) - the same circle shapes as 00:26:875 (1,2,3,4) - ? theyre repsenting the same wub sounds so yeah
I was thinking about it too the other day but I forgor to change it. lmfao
Will resolve once I able to change it.
00:26:875 (1,2,3,4) - lil wubs mapped here but ignored 00:28:082 (2,3,4,5,1,2) ??? for consistency map wubs possibly
00:28:599 (1,2,1) - slider covers two drum kicks while circles cover kick and a less significant sound. maybe ctrl g this pattern
00:30:754 (2) - delete this note? you've got symmetry here with 00:30:668 (1,2,4,5) - but [4] and [5] both represent kicks while [2] has nothing on it so it's more fillery. could also increase spacing on [1] here since there's a loud electrosnare here as well
Hmm... the 2 has actually the lead sound so that's why I put it there, not only to have a filler.
Now delete the note feels like empty around there so I made 00:30:693 (1) - into a 1/4 slider instead. c:
00:32:047 (2) - the wub here is much different from 00:31:702 (1) - so having them be the same slidershape is a bit misleading. might wanna make this some other shape to differentiate
I'm sure it's fine. The pitch of the wubs are at around the same pitch. I made 00:32:072 (2) - a bit larger than its previous due to the addition of snare.
What makes 01:50:348 (1,2) - different is to fit with the wubby section after that - and to give a halt before proceeding with the fast-paced sliders.
00:35:495 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,1,2,3,1) - the drum pattern here is in groups of 3 (i.e. 123 123 123) but you've mapped this in cutbursts of 2 00:35:495 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1) - which is very odd considering the hitsounding here as well. might wanna make this more focused on the kicks since the synth here is barely audible until the last group of 3
00:39:461 (1) - considering 00:39:978 (1) - is representing a wub sound with a kick on it while this slider has no kick on it (and should be relatively silent) i think it would be better to make this a different shape / decrease the SV altogether, since rn it looks like the same type of sound is being represented with both of these. would also be more impactful transitioning from the sudden stop here
True, even though 00:39:486 (1) - doesn't have the kick compared to 00:40:003 (1) - , but I do say the wub sound does help visualise it. Besides, I do start to make it impactful in 00:39:486 (1) - since the silent part is actually at 00:39:141 (1) - , and then following 00:40:003 (1) - to give a nice flow.
00:41:185 (2) - might want to decerase SV on this slider draamtically so that it lines up with the low SV of 00:41:875 (1) - so the buildup of fanning sliders here is more effective
imo 01:41:357 (1,2,3,4) - should have larger spacing thaN 01:41:702 (1,2,3,4) - cus pitch difference
considering the fact 01:42:564 (2,3) - has been done before with 2 sliders e.g. 00:23:771 (2,1) - , and that the slider here 01:42:737 (3) - conflicts with 01:43:082 (3,4) - representing synths, maybe make 01:42:564 (2,3) - just a single slider again?
01:42:589 (2,3) - and 00:23:796 (2,1) - are two different beats playing.
In 01:42:589 (2,3) - The kick + wubs at 01:42:589 (2) - and snare at 01:42:762 (3) - . I do want to prioritise the snare instead of making it as an sliderend.
Why do I made 00:23:796 (2,1) - as such is because 00:23:796 (2) - snare at 1/4 to be consistent with 00:24:314 (3) - and 00:23:969 (1) - its sliderend doesn't have any kick or snare prioritisation.
And 01:42:762 (3) - may be the odd compared to 01:43:107 (3,4) -, but added 01:42:934 (1,2) - and combo coloured at 01:42:934 (1) - . That way, would see the 01:42:762 (3,3,4) - triangle pattern.
I don't see the reason why it is not needed.
If I were to remove it, it feels like something's missing from there or incomplete when listening carefully to the wub sound. Sure I can just extend the previous sliders but the pitch from that part you pointed out is really low compared to the previous one.
I remain unchanged for this one.
01:55:495 (1) - i think it suits better for this to not be a partt of the stream since the melody actualyl starts at 01:55:582 -
02:03:426 (1,1,1) - while these funny cube sliders are cool because idk geometry dash, the intensity here is going way down with the sparse kicks on 1/3 ticks here. imo it would make more sense to have a very low SV 2/3 reverse slider to compliment the high SV of 02:02:564 (1,3) - here instead. that way 02:04:116 (1) - would be much more impactful since it's also very high SV
For me, I do say 02:03:451 (1) - is the most impactful among the sliders you've mentioned. I don't think I don't intend to make 02:02:589 (1,3) - high SV, just so-so to follow the rhythm section from 02:01:383 to 02:03:279. At 02:03:337 (1) - is where things started to change to break the cycle like such. The last slider 02:04:141 (1) - I made it lower than the 3 wubs is because thinking of a mid section between the 2nd kiai and the calm part. Instead, I "Ctrl" + "G" 02:04:141 (1) - to emphasise the spacing between 02:03:911 (1) - and 02:04:141 (1) - because I do agree a bit with the impactful part.
02:28:599 (2) - might wanna cut off the slider at 02:31:702 cuz it ends kinda randomly in its current state
yeah. or map all the synths. but having a break between each section of leads is alright aswell. (imo mapping all the synths is more fun)
02:53:771 (1) - isn't really consistent with
02:55:151 (4,5,6,7) - i would pick either a slider or the circles but not both
02:55:151 (4,5,6,7) - make the pattern contrast to ur sharp jump so it represents the melody better
Made it to 03:16:875 (1) - Circle and 03:17:047 (2) - 1/2 sliders (Following exactly like this pattern 03:17:392 (3,4) - ) Although, I believe there's going to be like different beats but same pattern kinda discussion here so I leave it open for now.
03:23:082 (2) - would say change this just bc the shape feels really out of place but im being very nit-picky
Update: Changed to a straight slider instead. But your point about weird shape still stands out.
03:23:426 (4,5) - maybe expand these out a bit more since these can represent the synth here better as large jumps in contrast to 03:23:082 (2,3) -
Prefer 2 kicks on 2 hitcircles and snare on a slider.
Although, if I were to understand the suggestion here, is it that: 03:31:702 (4) - slider | 03:32:047 (5) - circle | 03:32:047 (6) - circle ?
Open it for now as to wait for the reply.
i was trying to rep the lead by putting the slider on 4 and keeping all the rest of the drums the same. but if you strictly want to rep drums here then what you have is fine
Yeah, I think I prefer to rep the drums. Besides, I already rep the lead with 03:31:358 (3) - so I made 03:32:047 (6) - slider too.
At first I thought he understands why I put it as 1/2 sliders instead of 1/1 slider. And the reason I add 1/2 sliders is to match the slider end with the kick sound.
04:30:323 (3) - sliderend falls on nothing. either map just the drums by replacing 3 with a circle or map the lead aswell for the whole section where the drums drop out
yeah i see that but even with the slider muted i could barely hear what u were mapping to. if u think its aight then its probably fine but i think completely cutting out the no drum section or mapping the leads are much stronger representations than what u currently have
05:18:772 (3,1) - ctrl+G the rhythms here? follows the synth thing in the background much better imo