mapped by -MysticEyes
This beatmap was ranked on 27 January 2024!
nominated by Monoseul and Scotty
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00:03:190 - Missing note whoa


00:04:644 - yuh


00:06:099 - are you ignoring these on purpose?


00:07:553 - same here


00:00:281 - from the very start to 00:12:099 - yo seem to be ignoring a lot of sounds like the little snares, which can be appreciated, so it feels weird not playing a note while listening to it imo


Whoops, that wasn't intentional lmao


Marked as resolved by -MysticEyes

00:10:281 (10281|3) - Should be an LN for the synth? It's playing here.


o true, fixed!

Marked as resolved by -MysticEyes

00:11:008 - Double? There's a kick.

03:40:463, 03:41:190 -> Missing doubles for the clap? You use doubles for them here usually.


whoops, all are fixed now

also restructured some stuff around 03:40:463 - to make sure that double is decently comfy

Marked as resolved by -MysticEyes

00:23:372 (23372|3,23394|2,23417|1) - Not sure how to explain but considering what this is expressing, the visual length and how it plays out is a bit odd. It feels too short in a way.

I think it'd feel more natural to extend it like this:

Same applies to similar iterations later on.


Ah, yeah I see what you mean. All are applied!

Marked as resolved by -MysticEyes

00:52:099 (52099|1,52144|2,52190|3,52281|1,52326|2,52372|3) - Is this meant to be dump? I can't exactly hear anything warranting this kind of grace - at least I don't think it's strong enough to warrant it. I do hear a little sound in the background


Yep! Idk those 1/8 burst sorta felt right to cover those higher pitched synths. I think it makes them stand out more and I like how they play personally

Marked as resolved by -MysticEyes

01:03:735 (63735|2,63826|3) - Would be cool to make this go 4 - 3 instead to emphasize the jump from a low pitch to high pitch repetition here. It'd also look nice visually as a trill from 01:03:553 (63553|0,63644|1) leading back to a left hand trill.


YES! Great idea, I'll apply that

Marked as resolved by -MysticEyes

01:04:463 - the one hand trills/reverse shields in this part are cool af :weary:


01:10:281 - could add another LN here for the "bass" vocal sample as you used a double for the weaker echoing one at 01:11:008 (71008|0,71008|3) -


oh, so in this case the "bass" vocals are just meant to be on 4: 01:10:281 (70281|3,71008|3,71735|3,72463|3) -

01:11:008 (71008|0) - is just to emphasize the "ah" (scratch that I'm calling it "a")

Marked as resolved by -MysticEyes

01:11:735 (71735|3,71735|2) vs. 01:17:553 (77553|3) -> Missing an LN in the latter part? It's the same sound

Same with 01:23:372 (83372|3) and 01:29:190 (89190|3)


Whoops, fixed all of them

Marked as resolved by -MysticEyes

01:18:826 (78826|2) - Nitpicky but I think it'd be nice to extend this as 1/2 considering it's a lasting part of the rhythm and feels a bit inconclusive leaving it as 1/4 (also flows better imo as a transition)

Same with 01:30:463 (90463|2) -


Ahh, yeah I thought about that when I originally did it but idk I kind of prefer how a 1/4 LN looks visually and I kind of prefer how the current pattern plays too. To me 2 1/4 LNs kinda accentuate that super loud synth a bit better. Makes it feel punchier imo

Marked as resolved by -MysticEyes

01:21:190 (81190|1,81190|3,81190|0,81281|1,81281|3,81281|0,81372|1,81372|0,81372|3,81553|1,81553|3,81553|2,81735|1,81766|2,81917|2,81917|0,81917|3) i feel like this might be a tad overkill considering the overall context of the map with jack usage

the difficulty mainly comes from the transition into a kinda grace-y release pattern afterwards and because of 01:21:190 (81190|1,81281|1,81372|1,81553|1,81735|1)

my suggestion would be to reduce the triples into [14] doubles which still maintains a similar feel as the current pattern while easing the transition


yeaaaaa that's fair, I'll do that

Marked as resolved by -MysticEyes

01:25:644 (85644|2,85735|2,85826|0,85917|3,85917|0,86008|3,86099|1,86190|1) - you got 4 consecutive jacks here which represent multiple different things which gives off a strange feeling when playing. usually you'd associate consecutive single jacks with having some sort of repetition or similarity

01:25:917 (85917|3,86008|3) is probably the vaguest jack so how about unjacking it by moving 01:26:008 (86008|3) to 3? this makes 01:25:826 (85826|0,85917|0,86099|1,86190|1) have more emphasis as they both are based on the same synth


another option which can add a bit more detail is doing something like

by having the last 2 jacks be on the same col it adds some seperation of the last 2 jacks against 01:25:644 (85644|2,85735|2) - which is of a different synth


Really good point tbh

I like the second suggestion a lot so I'll do that. Feels pretty nice to play too

Marked as resolved by -MysticEyes

01:14:008 - oops i missed another instance of it but i guess it would apply here as well

Reopened by Scotty

lmao I don't know how I missed that either, fixed

Marked as resolved by -MysticEyes

This is pure personal opinion, feel free to not take it since its just how i would like to feel the map, not forcing you to do anything!
01:45:190 to 02:08:099
I would be great to have a triple playing in every Clap like 01:45:553 - 01:46:281 - 01:47:008 - etc
Since the section being for the most part a 3/4 means you can go a little further with the difficulty on that section imo
You used triples on 01:55:372 - 01:55:735 - and 01:56:099 - May it have been for the kind of transition theres in between but you used them, you can use more of those perhaps


I know your not a fan of triples in most of your maps so thats why i said its up to you lol


Totally fair! I guess it's an inconsistency when compared to some later sections, but my worry is that adding triples will led to unintentional triple jacks at spots like 01:47:008 - , so I feel like adding triples to every clap will limit the way I can layer the section

As for the triples pointed out, they're meant to cover this really short cymbal that I wanted to bring out. I appreciate the suggestion though!

Marked as resolved by -MysticEyes

01:46:281 (106281|1,106281|0,106402|1,106402|0) vs. 01:47:008 (107008|2,107008|3,107129|0) -> These two are following pretty similar rhythms but use a different LN structure. This applies throughout the whole segment, though I find the gameplay a little counterintuitive considering patterns like 01:47:008 are usually used for the longer iterations of the melody instead of the 1/3 portions, so I feel like it'd be better to follow 01:46:281 this kind of structure more for the 1/3 iterations.


Hmm I was pretty conflicted on this one

Probably pretty obvious but I originally wanted those double jacks into double LNs to highlight those loud hihats so they stand out from parts like 01:47:008 -. I personally like how the current patterns play, however your suggestion was really interesting so I messed around with the kiai for a bit


After trying to make it work I had a lot of trouble preserving playability at certain points due to the additional density those patterns would provide. In particular the parts before the OH trills (like 01:49:675 (109675|0,109735|1,109796|0) - ) were kind of blegh to deal with overall (And the OH trills have to stay in since I really love how they play)


If you're curious though, I made a little test diff to try to implement your idea that I'll link here:

The first half actually represents my last attempt to make it work and the second half represents the second to last so I'll talk about the second half first


The second half is sort of my "ideal" way to represent it. Specifically:

  • the double LNs at 02:00:947 - and 02:01:675 - (for example) have to be different than the [12] and [34] double LNs while also being different from 02:01:190 - and 02:01:917 - since they represent a different set of synth pitches
  • the doubles that cover those loud hihats 01:58:038 - were changed into triples so they could still be emphasized in a different way

And the first half is the same except without the triples since the triples made things really nasty to play once you got to the OH trill

I'll leave this open though, idk if something like this was what you were thinking of and I'm definitely open to suggestions!


I think the second half is basically what I was suggesting - I'd be fine with that personally. I'm not sure the OH trills would be an issue considering the chart often uses one-handed trills as a motif throughout for repeating rhythms.

If you're going to apply the second half, I'm just gonna point out that 01:45:553 (105553|2,105553|3,105675|2,105675|3) might be a mistake? It doesn't follow the 1/3 rhythm xd


Hmm sure! I think you have a cool idea and I might be worrying a bit too much

I think 01:45:553 (105553|2,105553|3,105675|2,105675|3) - still follows the 1/3 rhythm though, I can hear a synth at 01:45:675 - at lower speeds

Marked as resolved by -MysticEyes

03:06:281 (186281|2) - i think moving this to 2 could be really cool as it creates an OH trill that matches the background synth thingy, and also creates a similar feeling to other transition sections that also use OH trills.

you do lose a bit of pr but not much changes visually as the pattern still goes left->right and 03:06:281 (186281|2,186553|2) - aren't the same pitch anyways


Good stuff, applied!

Marked as resolved by -MysticEyes

This 4 notes 03:17:190 (197190|1,197281|0,197372|1,197463|0) - are kind of inconsistent with 03:29:553 (209553|1,209644|1,209735|2,209826|2) - which are kind of the same, so you could probably make them look the same one way or the other, up to you


Agreed, and fixed!

Marked as resolved by -MysticEyes

03:49:644 (229644|2) - Personally think it'd flow better to move to col 4 since the sound repetition from 03:49:190 (229190|1,229281|2,229372|1,229463|2) isn't the same as this specific portion which emphasizes the little wub.


good point, applied

Marked as resolved by -MysticEyes

04:01:008 (241008|1,241069|2,241129|3) - Acidental 1/6? It's just a 1/4 rhythm here like usual.


oh! Actually I was covering a different sound. The same...whatever instrument this is also plays at 00:02:463 (2463|1,2523|2,2584|3) - so it's sort of a callback to that

Marked as resolved by -MysticEyes

04:28:099 - Theres a sound here at the very end of the song, maybe try placing something in there idk


o, I didn't notice that before lol

added a note on 1! It's really soft so I think a single note will work

Marked as resolved by -MysticEyes