00:03:161 (3,1) - 00:04:642 (3,1) - 00:06:124 (3,1) - 00:09:087 (5,1) - 00:10:569 (5,1) - unsure if these are meant to be dashes or walks as you have 00:07:605 (3,1) - as a dash.
00:10:569 (5) - This should be a repeat slider for consistency sake. EX) 00:04:642 (3) , 00:07:605 (3)
there's no consistency in this section because if you compare 00:07:975 (1,2,3,4,5) - this group of objects with this one 00:02:050 (1,2,3) - you'll notice they utilize different rhythm choices
how come? because these are different sounds
i used a reverse slider 00:12:049 (5) - here for the highest pitch in this group of 3 00:07:975 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5) -
while in this group of 4 00:02:050 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3) - i used reverse sliders 00:04:642 (3) - 00:07:605 (3) - for the prominent 1/4s with high pitch
no change
00:12:420 (1,1) - at least 250ms between end of spinner and next notes, Current only 185ms.
So, should move the end of spinner to 00:13:531.
With the way it is hitsounded, having 00:19:087 (2) - as a same direction walk feels a bit awkward to play. I think ctrl+h and moving it out by 1.5x away from 00:18:346 (1) - play better and compliments the hitsounding more.
00:25:383 (3) - Feels a bit hard to catch for a platter diff. Just making the slider a straight repeat slider would be better here imo.
00:25:753 (1,1,1,1) - I would make these dashes to be consistent with the previous long slider section you had here 00:13:901 (1,1,1) - as 00:25:753 (1,1,1,1) - imo is musically more intense than 00:13:901 (1,1,1) -
the previous slider section has more layers of the sound to it rather than
00:25:753 (1,1,1,1) so no change
00:31:679 (1,2) - current the pattern doesn't follow the piano(?). The more louder piano sound hit on 00:31:772 & 00:32:049 & 00:32:327 respectively.
So, the rhythm should be like this
00:35:012 (2) - Changing the rhythm into what I suggest here is strongly suggested. I can hear the buzz noises that you went for on 00:32:142 (2) and 00:33:624 (2), but on 00:35:012 (2) it is barely audible. If I were you I would just map the main melody rather than the small buzzes throughout the sections 00:31:679 ~ 00:35:383.
tbh i'd rather stay consistent with the idea of mapping a very loud prominent bass than change the centre of a players attention by suddenly shifting focus to other sounds
00:40:012 ~ 00:46:308 - Confused on the usages of 1/4 stream here such as 00:45:938 (4,5,6,7,8). I understand 00:40:012 (4,5,6,7,8) getting a stream as you can hear the trill noises in the bg. Trills noises are audible on 00:43:161, but isn't used. 00:44:457 (4,5,6) also is ignoring the trills. I would try to be more consistent on the 1/4 in this section.
00:40:012 (4,5,6,7,8) - the 1/4s here are way loud and expressive
00:43:161 (5) - in this particular case the drums are louder and more burst out other than 1/4 synths and the repeated synth pitch sound is on 1/2
00:44:735 i will map this
00:47:235 changed the emphasis here
It feels a bit off having 01:10:198 (1,2) - a lot closer together than 01:01:309 (1,2) - 01:02:790 (1,2) - and other patterns on that same sound
except you're comparing a 1/4 slider + 1/2 slider with 1/2 sliders... these do not work same way and its compensated with the lack of distance
01:12:235 (2,3) - dash distance between these is pretty brutal, if you use similar distances as this pls look onto reducing them to like 2.5x or something
01:18:253 (3,1) - here are at 2.49x spacing. I suggest having a spacing like 01:16:772 (3,1) - and here 01:21:216 (3,1) - to prevent any possible ambiguity in distance recognition for platter players
01:21:679 (5,6) - I'd personally make the end of the stream a bit more flowy towards the hyperdash, in order to avoid the stop&go: https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/18836375/b14a
01:21:679 (5,6) - don't really like how it plays, imo a standstill feels more natural here
01:29:086 (5,6) - applied for this one though
01:32:790 (2,3) - A antiflow into a higher-snapped dash is way too hard. Would just make these flow.
02:00:568 (1,2) - this walk distance seems bigger than other walk suddenly. Reduce a bit to ~1.1x
02:21:309 (1,2,3) - the piano doesn't strong here and 02:21:864 (2,3) - pretty strong cymbals. So, u put dash on 02:21:309 (1,2) - and 02:21:864 (2,3) - walk it seems not make sense to me.
I suggest 02:21:309 (1,2) - walk + 02:21:864 (2,3) - hyper, which is better emphasize each sound. Also good for build up.
02:23:531 (4,5) - build up and emphasizing can be better here if u make dash here. (4,5) dash -> (5,1) hyper.
02:23:531 (4) - Would remove the clap here at the end of this slider. Sounds very random and wasn't used for quite a while.