gap between 00:04:727 (3,1) - could be potentially misread as 1/2, as 00:02:185 (4,6) is in 1/2, could do something like instead, as the spacing and how 00:05:236 (2) - perfectly overlaps with 00:04:219 (2) - should indicate that its 1/1 instead of 1/2
00:13:573 (1,2,3,4,5) - 00:18:997 (1,2,3,4,5) - i'm inclined to believe that the jump patterns a bit too much for such a slow section, could nerf a bit
00:14:251 (5,1) - Would emphasize this more with a higher spacing than 00:13:064 (4,1,2,3,4,5) -, the cymbal feels a bit underwhelming rn in terms of spacing
Also, stuff like 00:15:268 (3,4) - 00:12:556 (3,4) - don't really get any interesting emphasis cus the spacing is super low and the flow doesn't change much
I'd encourage you to pay more attention to the intenser parts of this sections and try to add more emphasis on these, cus right now the whole section feels super flat regarding flow/spacing
00:16:285 (5,6,7) - you seemed to follow the flutes at the start of the section up until this point, so why not this also?
could change 00:16:285 (5,6) - into 2x 1/2 sliders and have 00:16:963 (7) - as actives to emphasize the drums more.
Current patterning doesn't sound that good tbh... would change 00:16:285 (1) --> 2 circles so the strojng instrument at 00:16:454 - gets a better emphasis than as now
00:19:336 (3,4,5) - would be cool to see some contrast for this piano sound since you already did this similar pattern for 00:13:573 (1,2,3,4,5) -
00:21:369 (3,4) - can be spaced more? 00:21:539 - have strong snare sound which is good for emphasis.
00:22:047 (1,2,3) - tbh there's no reason to have a large spacing here because drum sound is descending.
00:24:081 (5) - perhaps do the same thing as what you did here 00:02:217 (4,5,6) - ? since currently shows no sign of following anything or am i missing something?
00:24:727 (6,7) - spacing feels really overdone for a calm section and pretty jarring tbh, I would nerf it a bit to be similar to other 1/1 spacing in this section such as 00:26:083 (3,1) - 00:29:473 (5,6) - 00:30:829 (1,2) - etc
00:33:234 (4,1,2,3) - spacing feels to low for the amount of intensity the song offers, could consider spacing it a little more
00:34:759 (5,1,2,3,4,5) - Current rhythm usage feels rly forced when the most prominent thing is vocals, could probably go with something like
00:50:183 (3,4) - (4) deserves something more interesting regarding flow/spacing so the snare would be better highlighted
00:52:217 (4,5) - 00:51:708 (2,3) - 00:52:895 (6,7) - Same thing, the whole section feels super random in spacing terms without emphasizing much, cus not even the flow is that impactful, it looks more like a hard diff than a insane
01:04:759 (1,2) - Pitch is way too intense on (2) not to have a bigger impact, it's indeed pretty much the same as 01:04:420 (4,2,3,4) - so it doesn't feel like you're tapping an important sound at all...
00:53:880 (1,2) - Jump is kinda too overdone imo, would do something like 00:54:388 (2,3) -
01:00:522 (1,2,3,4) - probably just me being picky but this doesn't really emphasis well with the flow you have for the entire kiai.
i'm assuming what you were wanting to do was this type of flow similar to what you did on 01:11:369 (1,2,3) - although, it would be better for you to do smth like this.
agree with crysisters here, the current pattern still feels undermap since its easy to play or catch by player even though the vocal here quite intense here
01:01:539 (4) - convert this into 2 circle for emphasis the vocal and also for better progression towards 01:01:878 (1,2,3) - 1/2 slider seems a lil bit undermap here
01:05:098 - too strong to map this part with slidertail. Have strong drum+finish+vocal,,, no reason to express it weakly. I highly suggest to add something clickable.
01:07:471 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - if you didnt raise up the sv like i suggested, perhaps try to buff the jump here since you tried to emphasize the percussion sounds here especially on cymbal. the current pattern seems pretty weak for representing the intensity of the music.
01:07:948 (2,3,4) - emphasis feels really awkward here since the song is quite intense but grouping is cramped, I suggest opening it up a bit or at least making flow less back and forth to give similar effect, perhaps like this?
01:12:047 (3,4,5,6) - Should do some more spacing variations like you at 01:01:200 (3,4,5,1) -, which works way better for variation/emphasis
01:12:354 (4,5,6,1) - Vocal emphasis kinda dies here, perhaps doing something like 01:01:507 (4,5,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) ? it feels super odd not to follow 01:12:693 - 01:13:032 - these held vocals like you did at 01:02:015 (3,4,5,6)