00:11:337 (11337|2) - i feel this would be better on a 1/8 snap, at 00:11:274. it sounds more synced to the music
00:14:134 (14134|2,14134|1) - because this is the last note before it leads into the verse, i personally would make one of these an LN and hold it for at least 4 beats, maybe even more. it gives a more suspense effect and a more clear transition into the next section of music
additionally, i think u could move 00:14:134 (14134|2) to col 4 (1|2|3|4), since this note is much higher than everything else prior to it, it would have more pitch relevancy
00:19:084 (19084|0) - similar thing to #3605269, because this has a held suspense effect in the music, u could make this an LN for abt 2 beats to match that suspense in the map
00:22:281 (22281|1,22281|3) - to stay consistent with 00:21:203 (21203|0,21203|1), which musically is the same chord, i would rearrange this double to match 00:21:203 (21203|0,21203|1) . then move 00:22:640 (22640|2,22640|0) to stay consistent with 00:23:045 (23045|3,23045|2)
especially before the violin comes in, u have a lot of space to move notes around. my suggestion would be to have the same chords represented by the same emphasis and lane usage. this will obviously not be possible when the violin comes in, but at least until then, these should be consistent
same at 00:23:404 (23404|2,23404|3) and 00:25:549 (25549|2,25549|3) to stay consistent with 00:21:203 (21203|1,21203|0)
and also move 00:26:286 (26286|1,26286|0) to col 3 and 4 to stay consistent w 00:25:927 (25927|3,25927|2)
00:26:516 (26516|1,26875|1,27234|1,27594|1,27953|1) - should keep visuals in mind, this anchor is quite distinct, though it doesnt impact gameplay much, itll be misrepresentative of the piano unless theres a clear reason (like piano hitting the same notes)
00:26:645 (26645|0,26645|2,26645|1) - i don't believe this works with the suggestion in #3605285 as the note is just a very straight one, no graces or anything
what u can do to distinguish this is have these as 2 short LNs. i understand that you want to reserver LNs for violin only, but in this case i don't know if theres much to do unless you choose to keep the triple here
i suggest to just have it just be on 1/4 LN so it's still different but not like violin length LN
00:28:829 (28829|3,28829|2,28829|0,28829|1) - i don't believe that a quad is warranted here. the violin does come in, but the volume at which it comes in is very low, so the emphasis, at least to me doesn't need to be buffed into a quad. the most i would suggest is a triple, or even double since it sort of crescendos in, and starts off pretty soft
changed it to 00:28:829 (28829|3,28829|2) instead of a quad, hopefully that appeals the case
00:28:829 - for this section, we have a long violin with piano. you can make use of the pitch of the key to variate the pattern. you can follow the "density" of the sound (i.e. 00:29:921 this has one pitch so one note is logical). i suggest doing a hold on column 3, and place the a5f5 notes on column 1 & 2. arrange it based on what you feel. note: stay consistent. if you see a pattern with the same keysound name, layer them as if they're on the same column.
00:28:829 (28829|3) - 00:32:121 (32121|3) - 00:32:839 (32839|2,33179|3) - 00:36:412 (36412|0) - etc shouldn't these be 1/4 LNs to match the earlier emphasis? top diff so i think it should be deserved
00:30:639 (30639|1) - this could move to col 4 (1|2|3|4) since it's a higher note than 00:28:829 (28829|2). as a result, 00:30:639 (30639|3,30998|3) would have to be rearranged
generally pitch relevancy is represented like a piano, higher notes are on right, lower on left. this should not be a top priority bc perfect pitch relevancy can really mess up some areas and make the map uncomfortable, but when u have room to move stuff around, u could try to make it as relevant as possible
u could rearrange to something like this https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/18471922/6ed7
00:30:998 (30998|0) - this can be moved to col 2, and 00:32:121 (32121|2) to col 1, so 00:32:121 (32121|2,32839|1,33179|2) represents the rising of pitch in the violin more accurately
maybe rearrnage this section to something like this https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/18471927/b244
00:34:975 (34975|0) - u could move this to col 4, since its the highest note in this small section
00:36:412 (36412|0,36771|1,37131|2) - i would flip the direction of this 1/1 stream, as the violin is falling in pitch
since 00:35:334 (35334|2) takes up col 3, u could rearrange to something like this https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/18471931/9a53
00:37:490 (37490|3) - just an idea here, this violin sound sort of breaks off at 00:38:826 and continues shortly after. u could split this LN into two LNs to address this, it also makes a neat effect
something like this https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/18471941/627f https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/18471938/bed0 (this section doesn't really fit in one screenshot lol)
additionally, this LN should be extended to 00:40:128, u can remove 00:40:128 (40128|3) to reduce cluttering
00:37:535 (37535|3) - this long ass LN can be simplified to 00:38:826 instead since i can't hear the resonance at that.
regarding this violin sound, 00:41:924 (41924|1) - i do think this should be cut into 2. one ending in 00:42:822. and another long note for the fade in violin in 00:43:002 and ending in 00:44:344.
00:40:128 (40128|1,40487|2,40846|1) - suggestion to rearrange these 3 to be in col 1, 2, 3 as the pitch in violin is rising
u could rearrange like this https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/18472038/3200
00:45:468 (45468|1,45648|0,45827|1,46007|0,46186|1,46366|0,46546|1) - i personally would rather make it less of a trilling motion due to the piano doing a motif thats different from a trill (kinda like this: https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/18466903/387b )
00:46:660 (46660|1) - i like the grace roll effect here original mentioned in #3600395 , but i think this starts too early? i don't hear any roll when this 1/16 note occurs
my suggestion would be to move 00:46:637 (46637|0,46660|1,46727|3) to later, around 00:46:727 like this https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/18471767/2d55
(make sure the ln tail isn't sticking out past 00:49:561)
00:46:772 (46772|1,46787|2) - why? you literally have the piano chart to reference snaps from lmao
00:46:815 - suggestion throughout the song, i think having 3 note graces can help add some cool variety to it since the piano plays a rolled chord https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/18466905/929e you can use 1/8 or 1/6 if you want it to feel a little more dragged out
you mean like a short ln or a regular note? wouldn't that turn 00:49:561 (49561|1) - into a very awkward minijack?
what i COULD and will do is extend 00:49:561 (49561|2) - to 00:49:472 since that squeak is actually starting the LN, which makes the section much more comfortable to hit
00:52:239 - there is a violin note here, so should be represented
u could do something like this https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/18472042/d49c
00:52:753 (52753|0) - would move to col 4 since it's a much higher note than the note right before it
u could do smth like this https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/18472046/97ec
00:54:912 (54912|2,55316|2,55630|2,55994|2) - this 4 note anchor here makes this section very bias on the right hand and 3rd column, my suggestion would be to rearrange the notes to break the anchor and balance out this section more
something like this maybe https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/18472048/68a0 a very small movement can fix two problems
01:02:763 (62763|3,62943|2,63122|1,63302|0) - i would connect these 4 LNs together rather than making them short 1/4 LNs, since the violin note is played for its full 1/2 duration
01:03:302 (63302|0) - this also feels like it's a bit too late, i feel its more suitable on 1/6 snap at 01:03:242
u could do something like this https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/18472051/a398
01:03:122 (63122|0,63242|0) - move the long note to column 3 to give way for the piano sound at 01:03:122 (63122|0) and not having a forced jack.
01:03:841 (63841|2,63841|1,63841|0) - i feel like one of the As should be a storyboard hitsounds because 3 notes for this when other triple chords have been mapped as two and i hear no increase in intensity here is too much
01:04:185 (64185|2) - this seems a little late, i think its more on time on a 1/6 snap at 01:04:080
u would also need to shorten 01:03:392 (63392|3) 's LN tail to end at 01:04:080, something like this https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/18472058/1fb0
01:04:813 (64813|2) - since this is a low note compared to its surroundings, i would move this to col 1, and move 01:04:903 (64903|0) to col 3
01:05:173 (65173|1) - this feels a bit early, would be more suited on a 1/1 snap at 01:05:262
01:09:160 - 01:09:842 - i believe this is on a 1/3 snap. currently it doesn't feel like it lines up with the music, though this section is really mushed together and hard to hear lol
i believe the rhythm is something like this https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/18472071/a3c5
01:13:868 (73868|1) - i think this should be removed. there is no piano here, i do hear a very feint violin bend here, but at full speed, i don't think it's noticeable enough for it to be kept, and as a result, this appears as a ghost note
01:14:492 (74492|2,74492|0) - why does this get 2 and 01:15:534 (75534|0) - gets just 1?
same situation at 00:44:165 (44165|2) -
01:15:175 (75175|1) - pretty minor, but u could make this a 1/4 LN to keep violin representation consistent, though not needed
01:15:534 (75534|3,75534|0) - would reduce this to a single or not represented at all, as the piano here is much quiter than the sounds around it
01:17:569 (77569|3) - i think this piano starts a different time than the violin. i believe it sounds like it starts at 1/1 snap at 01:17:659
u could move to something like this https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/18472092/a79d
01:20:043 (80043|3,80180|2,80359|1) - these should be 1/2 LNs, since the violin is held here. additionally, 01:20:043 (80043|3) should start at 01:19:953 to become a full 1/2 LN
would look something like this https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/18472098/4a6b
01:20:898 (80898|2,80898|3,80898|1) - i don't feel theres a need for a triple here. the notes aren't accented. i suggest to reduce to a double
01:22:656 (82656|3) - since there is no audible pause in violin, this LN should extend to 01:24:550
01:27:964 (87964|2) - for a similar reason in #3605480 , this LN can be extended to 01:29:004
01:30:464 - 01:31:930 - the piano here is pretty accented, but its around the same level of accent as 01:29:410 (89410|2,89410|0,89769|3,89771|0) , which is represented as a double. to keep this area consistent, would reduce these to doubles
01:39:955 - here the violin feels like its rising in volume just a little, my suggestion is that u could represent that by adding another LN at this timestamp, so u would hold two LNs down before heading into the next section
u would also have to remove 01:40:382 (100382|2) to give this LN room to end
something like this https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/18472120/8f6d. if u want to retain the triple suggested in #3600401 , u could do something like this instead https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/18472121/f98c
01:39:955 (99955|2) - what's this meant to represent since there's just one continuous violin sound here
01:40:618 (100618|1) - i think it could be 3 notes since its a beginning of a new section and the piano plays a big chord, similar thing with 01:57:773 but id make it two notes
01:40:894 - 01:42:908 this area feels very biased on the right hand, as most 1/2 notes are played by the right hand, my suggestion would be to rearrange so its a more balanced stream
maybe something like this https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/18472125/18e0
01:43:481 - missing piano note here
u could rearrange to accomodate this note being added to smth like this https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/18472128/b67a
since the rearrangement creates a small bias on the second col, u could move 01:44:151 (104151|1) to col 1 to balance
01:48:516 (108516|3,108727|3) - seeing how this is one of the only jacks in this entire map, i would suggest to rearrange it so it can be removed
u could do something like this https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/18472134/a6c0
01:49:971 (109971|2,109971|3,109971|0) - if u want to keep this triple here, i suggest to reduce 01:49:121 (109121|1) to 01:49:763 so it creates room and removes the jack at 01:49:760 (109760|0,109971|0)
maybe something like this https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/18472138/6c13
01:52:209 (112209|0) - u could move this to col 2 to remove the jack at 01:51:953 (111953|0,112209|0)
u can rearrange this section to something like this https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/18472140/4427
01:57:088 the violin pitch changes here, so u could end 01:53:544 (113544|0) here and add a new LN, suggesting to col 4
u would need to move 02:00:074 (120074|3) to col 1 or 2 https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/18472145/4433
nvm i just heard it slower, it should be 1/8 earlier. i shifted 01:53:544 (113544|0) - to 01:53:544 (113544|0) - to match 01:57:007 (117007|3) -
02:05:558 there is a similar effect here #3605366 , u could do something similar to what i suggested
maybe something like this https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/18472150/4a8b