00:01:976 (1976|1) - to 00:03:158 (3158|2) - Don't you think the hitsounds you posted are unnecessary?
Well, in the first few notes they all follow the rhythm but I'm confused why you put those notes in that place it looks a little weird.
In this notes they looks like hitsounds
00:01:976 (1976|1) 00:03:158 (3158|2)
Just look that notes.
00:17:476 (17476|2) - I don't think it'd hurt to make this an LN too considering the little sound following the melody plays a 1/8 flam here as well. Would be nice to emphasize.
00:21:430 (21430|2,21430|3,21612|3,21794|2,21976|3) - The right-handed pattern here felt rather awkward when played out with the chords beforehand. How about moving 00:21:794 (21794|2,21976|3) one column to the left?
00:40:703 (40703|3,40885|3,41067|3) - Three note jack here feels a little off considering all of your jacks are usually 2-notes. How about switching the columns of 00:41:067 (41067|3,41249|2) around?
01:06:703 - The col 1 anchor gets heavy a little too early here, how about moving 01:07:067 (67067|0) to col 3?
01:10:885 (70885|1,71067|2) - now that "insane" is gone some parts would still need to be nerfed. their level of technicality included (since thats not a thing that SR can calculate). hence this should've swapped places
applies to nearly everything similar
01:15:976 (75976|1) - It'd be nice to make this a 1/1 LN considering the chord synth here is a lot longer than 01:15:612, so it feels a little underwhelming that it stops midway.
01:31:885 (91885|3) - Nothing plays here, would remove this note. It's similar to 01:32:612
01:34:340 - if these 01:34:885 (94885|1,95067|0) - notes are for melody, putting single instead of double on 01:34:340 - would be more fit into your rule.
01:45:976 (105976|2), 01:47:430 (107430|1), 01:49:612 (109612|2), 01:50:340 (110340|3), etc..
There's still room to extend the LN longer. You could extend them to the triple to further emphasize the synths, since release patterns like earlier are the main motif to accentuate them here.
01:46:703 (106703|1,106703|2) - are shorten to put tripple on 01:46:885 - . but 01:46:340 (106340|2,106340|0,106521|1,106521|3) - and 01:46:703 (106703|1,106703|2,106885|2,106885|0,106885|3) - plays totally different.
how about unify to one of those? (shorten LN or elongate it)
01:49:112 (109112|2,109158|3) - on kiai, you are using sinth sound and drum as main structure.
but these high pitch sound are getting too much attention. its because it used same LN, same number of note with 01:49:067 (109067|1) -
consider removing it or use rice for those sounds.
also, reduce it to single note, making players more concentrate on main structure.
02:01:794 (121794|2,121976|2,122158|2,122340|2,122521|2) - This anchor is a little awkward in my opinion. You don't usually have these throughout this segment, so the bias really shows off clearly in gameplay. Consider moving 02:02:340 (122340|2) to col 4?