00:19:606 (19606|0,19791|3) - suggest sequence col 4>1 instead of 1>4 :would provide better representation for pitch change, personally i'd make the ln end snapped earlier so that theres a bit of release impact that would emphasize the sudden change in pitch sequence; but thats just my mapping style~
actually, I kinda have to disagree with that, because 00:19:791 (19791|3) matches better with 00:19:235 (19235|3)
also for the LN snapping suggestion, I'll shorten them by 1/8 so they'll also match better with 00:16:272 (16272|3,16319|2,16365|0,16458|3,16550|1)
00:21:643 (21643|3) - i think the single LN here doesn't emphasize the intensity of the growl enough, consider making this a double LN?
00:33:263 (33263|1,33402|1,33541|1,33680|1) - not sure how intentional it is but personally i didnt like the column strain.
i think moving 00:33:402 (33402|1) - over to col 4 could help with the balance
00:39:328 the space around here seems a bit empty, doesn't it?
Consider either putting longer LNs that lead up to the chord at 00:39:606 (39606|2,39606|0,39606|3) to represent the bass??? sound that's getting louder, or extending the idea with the shorter LNs like 00:38:680 (38680|3,38865|2,39050|0) because these sounds don't disappear
I don't really see the reason for the trilly motions at 00:43:680 (43680|2,43742|1,43803|2,43865|1,43927|3,43988|2,44050|3) considering other bursts like this starting at 00:40:346 or 00:49:235 etc don't have it
00:52:630 (52630|2,52692|1,52754|2,52816|1) - same here, and this example is also a problem because this trill goes right into a longer tougher one so it risks overstraining the fingers for players at this level (and overemphasizing this particular sound)
00:48:319 (48319|2,48319|0,48389|1) - is there any valid reason for this?
you can't even place 00:48:389 (48389|1) - without changing the bpm/.osu manipulation
on 00:48:443 the synth (or whatever that is im bad at music) gets a bit quieter if that even makes sense so I guess that's the reason for it, I'll change 00:48:319 (48319|2,48319|0) though to be snapped on 1/16th
00:53:495 (53495|0,53495|1) - sounds about the same as 00:52:939 (52939|1,52939|0,53001|2,53063|1,53124|2,53186|1,53217|2), should add the trill for the sake of consistency
cuz there's not a sound that occurs on 00:59:245 (59245|1,59338|2) or at least I don't hear it lol
00:59:421 (59421|3,59482|2,59544|1,59606|2,59667|1,59698|0,59698|2,59791|1,59791|3,59791|0,59853|2,59914|3) - I think this is worth addressing - I think it's a bit spiky because while the 2-3 trill is already very demanding, it also draws the player to play 00:59:667 (59667|1,59698|0) like a stream as opposed to manipping it as a [12] jump, which makes 00:59:667 (59667|1,59698|0,59791|0,59791|1) - this motion very difficult (specifically because of the speed of the trill)
hm, do you think that mirroring 00:59:482 (59482|2,59544|1,59606|2,59667|1,59698|2,59791|1,59853|2) - might fix the problem?
I do think it makes it better but on top of that I would also repattern the following burst to have 00:59:976 (59976|0) - on the right hand as well
The reasoning is that (timestamp after mirroring what you selected) 00:59:482 (59482|1,59606|1,59698|1,59698|0,59791|0,59853|1,59976|0) - is still very tough, but if you give the 3/6 space, equivalent to half a beat between 00:59:853 (59853|1,60038|2), to let the player regain balance on that hand then it should no longer be a chokepoint
00:59:544 (59544|1,59606|1) - im not sure if this was like this during my first check but this is pretty wacky. 1/6 minijack at 162bpm is like dummy fast. i think removing 00:59:544 (59544|1) - would be good at the very least
01:02:569 - i was thinking it would be cool to do a jack thing here, i think it would give a more accurate feeling for the drum , i think the current pattern plays a little empty
also the sound at 01:03:680 - could have a different expression in order to separate it from the LN's just before. the sound is really different so using the same single LN i think doesnt do it justice.
01:12:877 (72877|1,72939|0,72985|1,73032|0) - Considering this is at 324bpm, I'm not sure if this isn't spiky. Personally I found it very difficult to hit consistently which made me lose balance towards the rest of the stream and make a ton of misses/bad acc.
01:38:587 (98587|0,98587|3,98587|2) - this is a triple but 01:37:198 (97198|3,97198|0) - , 01:37:939 (97939|0,97939|3,98309|3,98309|0) - are doubles?
if you listen to 01:48:289 (108289|3,108319|1) that part gets a bit louder so that's made to emphasize that exact thing
01:52:198 - (theres a few parts in this section)
firstly i think the stream kinda falls flat here by stopping and changing to such a low density, the synth sound from 01:51:828 - is still going, so to stop halfway is a bit off for me.
could also think about getting a bit more technically demanding pattern here
also, i think there could be an added LN at 01:53:217 - for the sound
and i think we could do more with 01:54:235 - , there are sounds at both 01:54:328 - and 01:54:513 - and im pretty sure 01:54:143 - is 1/8 stream sound
01:56:550 (116550|2,116643|3,116643|0,116735|2,116735|0,116828|3,116828|2,116921|3,116921|0,117013|2,117106|1,117106|0,117152|2,117198|0,117198|3,117291|3,117291|2,117384|0,117384|1) - This pattern seems to overstrain the right hand and for some reason almost completely abandon the 2nd column, very unbalanced and plays very differently than most of the chart
Neat suggestion for 02:00:439 (120439|1,120439|0,120532|2,120624|2,120624|3,120717|1,120809|2,120902|1,120902|0,120995|2,121087|3,121087|1), consider this screenshot: https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/18435709/8369
Reasoning is as follows:
02:04:189 (124189|3,124451|2) - is there any particular reason why theres LNs here and why its so long?
02:11:643 (131643|3) - would suggest making this a double or an LN grace of some sort to provide the needed emphasis for the vocal chop
02:33:911 - i feel this pattern doesnt do enough to emphasize the wubs increasing pitch, heres a suggested pattern~ https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/18422636/9bd9
02:35:171 (155171|1,155356|1) - : 02:35:171 (155171|1) - this sound ends on the 1/6 so would make sense to make both of these 1/6
Consider moving 02:37:384 (157384|2) to avoid the quick trill entry into the burst 02:37:198 (157198|3,157291|2,157337|3,157384|2)
02:40:264 (160264|1,160310|0) - make these [1][3] to separate them from 02:40:032 (160032|1,160079|0,160125|3,160171|2) -
idk if its just my skill issue but it felt a little cramped on these notes 02:54:791 (174791|1,174914|1,175100|1,175208|1) -
i propose to flip the positions of these notes 02:55:208 (175208|1,175346|0,175439|1,175485|0) -
I don't think 03:10:161 (190161|3,190254|2,190346|3,190346|1,190346|0,190439|2) should be easier than 03:08:680 (188680|1,188772|2,188865|1,188865|2,188865|0,188958|1) right?
and 03:11:643 (191643|1,191735|2,191828|0,191828|1,191828|3,191921|2) - and 03:13:124 (193124|1,193217|2,193309|3,193309|0,193309|1,193402|2) - I think you're better off just making the second timestamp easier for consistency lol
03:13:865 (193865|2,193865|3) - moving this to 12 like https://i.imgur.com/9sj69Hi.png makes it look cleaner
In the part starting at 03:14:513 I'm not sure what constitutes a minijack and what doesn't. For instance 03:14:513 (194513|3,194513|1,194513|2,194606|2,194698|1,194698|3,194698|0,194791|1) has 2 hands 1/2 apart and they have minijacks leading in and out, while 03:15:439 (195439|1,195532|3,195532|2,195532|0,195624|1,195717|3,195717|0,195717|2,195809|1) doesn't have any placed anywhere. I'm not sure if this was intentional in any way.
03:18:865 (198865|3,198865|0,198958|1,199050|3,199050|2,199143|2,199143|0,199235|1,199328|3,199328|2,199421|0,199421|3,199513|2,199513|1,199606|2,199606|0,199606|3) - I think I understand what you were going for here but I can't help but think it's easier and less impactful than the previous buildup section (with the onehand jump minijacks), so here's something to consider: https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/18435728/cde8
Still relatively simple, but the hands now add impact to the powerful kicks in the song and the density/difficulty peaks at the last moment which is generally desirable for a buildup to a main drop
03:30:995 (210995|0,210995|2,211180|2,211180|3,211365|3,211365|0,211550|0,211550|1) - I think these doubles are kinda off on accenting the synth properly. at least it seems you have been on the synth the whole time.
i think doubles should be in the white lines here for synth instead of blue
and i think the pattern could be more like this to highlight the rising pitch
03:33:032 (213032|2,213124|2,213217|2,213217|0,213309|0,213402|0) - i'm fairly certain suddenly throwing in triple jacks out of nowhere in a stream is a bad idea
03:34:884 (214884|1,214976|0,214976|1,215069|0,215161|1,215254|0,215346|0,215346|1) - I think this is very nasty especially considering I have no idea why these LNs 03:35:161 (215161|3,215161|2) even exist lol
03:39:791 (219791|1) perhaps move this to col 3 to make a minijack? because 03:39:050 (219050|3,219143|3,220161|3,220254|3,220346|1,220439|1) - are kicks with minijacks
And 03:41:458 (221458|3,221550|3) is cringe why is there a minijack wtf
03:51:458 (231458|1,231550|1) - I think leaving the 4-jack at 162bpm right into a minijack on the same hand is a bit merciless especially considering how easy it is to avoid, literally select 03:51:458 (231458|1,231550|1,231643|2,231828|2,231921|1,232013|2) and ctrl+H
from 04:07:846 (247846|1) to 04:11:458 (251458|0) - not a bit issue but playing it felt lopsided to me - and the reason is:
minijack counts per column:
c1 - 4
c2 - 5
c3 - 6
c4 - 2