00:21:802 - ~ 00:29:585 - the usage of drum-hitclap22 in this section sounds somewhat unfitting imo... i think soft whistle only would work for all of the places you put drum-hitclap22 on
could gather more opinion on this if ur uncertain on keeping or not
also on a side note, i think this hs file would fit with the song on certain sections, u probably would like to make use of it: https://zeldaflask.s-ul.eu/2vl1A268 (it's also ok if you dont want to use)
I feel like all difficulties lack contrast between calmer sections (00:01:045 and 00:21:801) more intense sections (00:11:423 01:03:315)
I suggest introducting more simplification to calmer sections for example the very beginning of song could be simplified to https://i.imgur.com/Wz6QPIG.png while still following vocals reasonably and then at 00:21:801 https://i.imgur.com/eXna3LP.png could be used with lower sv like 0.9.
Just like normal if you compare rhythm density of 00:21:801 and kiai/chorus it's very similar I suggest simplifying rhythm and introducing more 1/1 gaps so there isn't constant clicking example of beginning rhythm https://i.imgur.com/ZTd6xlJ.png and for 00:21:801 https://i.imgur.com/qGsVD8B.png.
Currently as it is the rhythm density and spacing is too similar between those sections especially in insane on 00:21:801, you could introduce more simplified rhythm similarly to lower difficulties and nerf spacing where it's too high.
on top of that i'd like to add more intense moments doesn't seem to be emphasized property as well if you compare spacing on more intense vocals like 01:03:315 - 01:13:693 - 01:13:693 it looks similar to rest of jumps, overall you constantly use same spaced patterns for all everything which is really noticeable, I suggest putting more emphasis where it could be used etc as everything seems to be emphasized the same right now.
As for hitsounds since you are planning to re-do them:
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Official sources:
Artist: タケヤキ翔
Romanised Artist: Syou Takeyaki
Title: 未来のヒーローたちへ (TV Size)
Romanised Title: A Hero Someday (TV Size)
Source: 組長娘と世話係
Tags: Japanese Rock j-rock The Yakuza's Guide to Babysitting ANCHOR