00:30:342 -> 00:49:242 the patterning here could be improved on, its a bit repetetive right now
youre using this 00:30:642 (2,3,4,5,6) - triangle pattern for this entire section which gets repetetive quickly after once or twice. and the vocals are different enough to support other ideas aswell.
you could use different patterns based on the pitch of the vocals too like how it goes deeper 00:36:792 (9,10,11,1) - 00:31:992 (9,10,11,1) - here
for example 00:31:992 (9,10,11) - here the vocal goes more deep than before so you could emphasize that by lowering the spacing and making it more linear, kinda like this https://zolizoli.fs.boltz.hu/2t1l7x.png
and then here 00:33:042 (3,4,5,6,7) - the vocals go back to before how it sounded, but the lyrics are different so you could try something that fits to this, like a square for example https://zolizoli.fs.boltz.hu/c8b1um.png
there are contrast issues between the parts of the song which makes the map's sections not stand out from each other.
00:01:242 The intro of the song is considerably more calm than 00:10:842 this part yet its mapped in the same intensity.
You need have contrast between these parts to show the difference in the song, and to not have an already high spacing for the intruduction of the map, unless the song calls for it which is not the case here.
you can achive this by making the spacing smaller, and simplifiying the rhythm, and lowering the slider velocity
for example you could use more long sliders (1/1 beat) and repeat sliders like this: 00:01:842 https://zolizoli.fs.boltz.hu/r918iv.png
as for the spacing, you could just go smaller distance snap like 1.1x which would look something like this with the rhythm i showed earlier: https://zolizoli.fs.boltz.hu/afx4zw.png
and then normally when the 00:06:042 drum kicks join the song here you would increase the intensity a bit by adding more circles and using slightly bigger spacing, but as it is right now its still a bit overkill.
00:06:042 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - for example here instead of already going ham with the jumps this early you could just stack them on top of each other like this https://zolizoli.fs.boltz.hu/hvpb7b.png
the spacing is slightly bigger than before in the intro and now there are more objects to press for the player
00:10:842 and after all that this section will have a much better contrast than before
00:49:242 -> 00:57:642 this whole post also applies to this section aswell
00:49:242 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - the way you did it here was good, but then suddenly went 00:51:492 (8,1,2,3,4,5) - big spacing here again which isnt very fitting and its also inconsistent with the previously mentioned group
00:20:442 -> 00:26:892 all the objects here are all located in roughly in this area https://zolizoli.fs.boltz.hu/d33krd.png
this is not good for gameplay because its easy to notice that your cursor is moving around only in one small area and it can be underwhelming.
it would be much better to spread your patterns out more and go to the other side of the editor aswell, make use of the playfield, map the corners of the editor too.
some NC issues, i suggest going back throughout the map to find where you can NC
00:08:442 (4) - NC for start of jumps
00:56:442 (8) - ^
01:00:492 (9) - ^
01:10:092 (8) - ^
00:09:792 (6) - NC for slowing down section or new pattern
01:14:742 (9) - ^
00:03:642 (4) - ^
00:12:042 (6) - could NC this to signify the new sound and downbeat
00:14:442 (1) - ^
00:16:842 (6) - ^
00:19:242 (5) - ^
00:21:642 (6) - ^
00:24:042 (6) - ^
00:24:042 (6) - ^
00:26:442 (6) - ^
00:28:842 (5) - ^
Some issues with your rhythm
00:10:842 - this section right after the intro has poor rhythm. you're mapping all the sounds, but sounds that should be active aren't always mapped, and some sounds are mapped that shouldn't be active
00:10:842 (1) - 2 circles to accommodate for the guitar having 2 notes
00:11:742 (5) - 2 circles
too lazy to point out everything but you get the idea
i kinda agree with this, but i don't agree that you need to always map everything actively. you can choose when you want to map actively vs passively, just be consistent with it. however there are some weird places that i think aren't mapped and it makes the map feel empty.
01:07:692 (8) - 01:07:767 and 01:07:842
00:47:442 (3) - strong sound on slider tail
some slight structuring issues. https://gyazo.com/55a5f1490f96a66a36aa61219b277d45
00:10:842 - 00:30:042: could be buffed (pink)
00:30:042 - 00:49:242 could be nerfed (blue)
right now these sections don't feel that much harder than each other since spacing is similar. also 00:30:042 - 00:49:242 has way too many active notes imo. if anything, 00:10:842 - 00:30:042 should have more active notes.
this post is about visuals, straight sliders to be exact. their rotation angle relative to the horizon should be the same during the song section to keep the consistency. For example, 00:03:042 (2,3) - has 4 degrees of difference and look messy already. If you map sliders with this sort of pattern it's much better just to copy them and do Ctrl + H/J, and they will look very clean.