mapped by Lagetta
last updated
This beatmap wasn't updated since 17 August 2022 so it was graveyarded...
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ok so ima do some more general things since this map is too long, the majority of the map feels like it was put together without much thought, however it feels complete at parts and then lazily put together at others to just like, get the map over with or something

some calmer sections of the song feel too lazily thrown together without thought that it doesn't feel fun to look at or play, flesh out some of the calmer sections to avoid this

overlaps are too common in this map, as the overlaps make the map ugly to play, i would know this since that's all i did in previous maps of mine

most of the sliders in this map don't follow the song in a way where they ignore what the song is doing and are just placed there to be sliders, my maps do this sometimes but they're at points in the song where it's calm enough to not be noticed

some of the spacing in this map is inconsistent, like how some stacks are more spread out than others, while some are perfectly stacked at one point and then streams at the next

overall, the map isn't too bad, but it's just not very pretty to look at or play, i suggest making the map look nicer and fleshing it out a bit to make it a good map for ranking, since right now it could possibly get ranked, but i doubt it with the amount of issues it has


Thanks for taking time, I will try my best to fix them


most of these sliders are around 0 degrees or 45 degrees, i suggest keeping it from 5-15 degrees as it doesn't feel as linear or condensed

also, try spreading the map out to the corners as well
