mapped by Mochi -
This beatmap was ranked on 14 January 2023!
nominated by Dea ex machina and autofanboy
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00:00:705 (1) - Please convert this slider on a 3/4 slider ( to make it more consistent with the guitar sound (I guess it's guitar OOOO) and follow the same 3/4 sequence for all second big white tick you can see (00:02:805 - 00:05:205 - 00:07:605 - ) for make it more consistent with the vocals


In function of this, you need to remove 00:05:355 (7) - 1/4 slider and 00:05:205 (6) - add a 3/4 slider here (There's none noticable sound to make that 1/4 slider btw)

Marked as resolved by Kegare-


Reopened by Kegare-

yes yes yes, changed everything into a 3/4 slider

Marked as resolved by Ririmu

00:00:705 (1) - This is odd to have as a 3/4 slider, there's no sound on here compared to 00:00:855 - 's sound.

00:02:805 (5,1) - is fine, while 00:05:205 (6,1) - again doesn't have anything and sounds wrongly snapped.

Also, the 1/4 hyperdash isn't placed on anything that warrants it and doesn't really fit with how calm the intro is.

A dash would fit much better.


ah this slider was requested in this thread #3169950 to have the same 3/4 slider for the consistency, also the std ver. of the map are having the same slider as well

but on the second thought i feel like the sound of 00:00:855 - aren't too noticable, so for this 1st slider I think I will just make it 4/4 slider instead

and for the 00:05:205 (6,1) - I feel like both need to be a slider because of the guitar sound, so I think it's better to keep it like this, I wish I could mute the 6's slider tail sound

Marked as resolved by Ririmu

00:01:155 (3,4) - Swap these two so that the repeat slider stars on the strong vocal sound at 00:01:305 -, and you can make the jump to emphasise that sound


00:05:955 (2,3) - Samke idea, try circle -> dash to 1/2 slider -> circle so the 00:06:105 - vocal is emphasised


agreed and applied it to the map, hopefully I'm doing it correctly

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00:02:795 (5,1) - Missing hyperdash


I decided to give no hyperdash for the whole intro, talking about how quiet it is

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00:06:105 (3,4) - The rhythm here would be better if this were Ctrl+G'd.

Because the vocal starts on the 00:06:105 - and then another one comes on 00:06:405 - , also sliderends are mostly used for weaker sounds, so there's that as well.


that makes sense, Ctrl+G'ed

Marked as resolved by Ririmu

00:08:355 (2,3,1) - The consecutive hyperdashes are confusing regarding the emphasis of the sounds you're mapping to.

00:08:355 (2,3) - is much more intense due to the usage of 4.15x spacing, while 00:08:805 (3,1) - is stronger sound wise, but weaker spacing wise.

If you were to make 00:08:355 (2,3) - a dash and 00:08:805 (3,1) - it'd provide some nice contrast between the two objects.

This might apply to more parts of the map, so I'll leave this here as an example.


okay got it, I made 2-3 usual dash and 3-1 hyperdash now

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00:08:655 (3,1) - Felt like this should have more spacing because of the strong vocal, but if you're trying more to follow guitars I suppose this is ok


added some spacing and a bit adjustment on the next slider

Marked as resolved by Ririmu

00:09:405 - 00:09:705 - 00:10:005 - Do 3 sliders 3/4 for every part like screenshot ( ) To emphasize better the bass sounds


yes changed 3 of them into 3/4 sliders

Marked as resolved by Ririmu

00:11:430 (5) - There's no sound here to support a 1/4 hyper like there is at 00:13:830 (9) -, would remove this


ah i see, removed the circle

Marked as resolved by Ririmu

00:13:755 - 00:15:105 - You can do triplets on ( 00:13:755 - 00:14:055 - ) parts for cover the 1/4 symphony parts, and one stream on ( 00:14:805 - 00:15:030 - ) for the same


ah this pattern was actually intended to be like this by me, in order to continue the flow of the previous pattern

but I think your suggestion also might be suitable with the music, I tried to do the same as the screenshot above and also do more triplets on the next section, hopefully it's not too overdone

thank you! will roll back the update if there are many people who think it's not suitable

Marked as resolved by Ririmu

00:14:430 - could consider adding a note here since u did are following 00:13:755 (8,9,1,2,3,4) - the rhythms

also these sounds actually doesn't make much difference so the emphasis here seem a bit weird, would suggest buffing hdash for 00:14:355 (5,6) - too to make a consistent emphasis


adding a note on 00:14:430 (6) - , and adding more hyperdashes to make it consistent

Marked as resolved by Ririmu

00:16:905 (5,1) - only dash here feels too underwhelming, would highly suggest to try to buff a hdash, if 1/1 too hard could consider trying buff a 1/2 o 1/4 hdashe for 00:17:505 (1) -


apparently it's not possible to make it become hdash

I buff 00:17:505 (1,2) - to become 1/2 hdash and make 00:16:905 (5,1) - a bit more closer (1.00x)

Marked as resolved by Ririmu

00:17:805 (4,5) - Would place a hyperdash here because of how intense the song gets and how strong 00:17:955 (5) - 's sound is.


adjusted to hyperdash

Marked as resolved by Ririmu

00:18:330 (6) - would suggest moving this one to like x:340 so the emphasis can be more focused on 00:18:330 (6,7) - instead of 00:17:955 (5,6) - . 00:18:405 - the sound is much more notable than 00:18:330 - the blue tick one for sure


ah that's actually makes sense, I moved 00:18:330 (6) - to x:340

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00:18:555 (1) - Unexpected to have 1/2 hyper into this kind of antiflow based on patterns that came before. Since you're early in the map, I'd stick with something a bit simpler, like this


yesss it's better like that, changed the pattern

Marked as resolved by Ririmu

00:19:905 (1,2,3,4) - 00:20:205 (5,6,7,8) - would curve these streams more by moving 00:19:980 (2,3) - more to the right and 00:20:280 (6,7) - more to the left. Current spacing feels a bit bland to play


ah okay I moved both of them to be more curved, thank you!

Marked as resolved by Ririmu

00:20:870 (4,5,6) - Would give a hyperdash at (4,5) for emphasis and make (5,6) distance equal to 1.00x for consistency


added hyperdash

Marked as resolved by Ririmu

00:23:205 (4,5,6) - Don't think double hyper fits here as none of these sounds are that strong compared to e.g. 00:24:330 (3,4,5,6,7) -


removed the double hyper and changed it into single hyper

Marked as resolved by Ririmu

00:24:330 (3,4,5,6,7,1) - This hyperdash chain is quite overdone for what the music is conveying.

It's the same intensity as the rest of the guitar solo, yet you mapped it as all hyperdashes. Compare it to 00:26:805 (4,5,6,7,1) - and you'll notice the difference in the sounds the song provides.

It'd be better if you stuck to what you've done before at 00:23:505 (1,2,3,4) - .


ah for this one I am actually intended to make it like that, I use the reference from Seijouki no Pierrot map, the mapper uses the hyperdash chain and add cymbal in the end to make it like building up to the transition note (idk how to explain it but it sounds like that)

so for this one, I will keep that pattern section

Marked as resolved by Ririmu

after getting multiple suggestions from others, I decided to nerf 00:24:405 (3,4,5,6) -


00:24:480 (4,5,6) - what does this hyperdash chain emphasize? none of the sounds are that strong to utilize 3.3x DS for 1/4 hyperdash :(


00:26:805 (4,5,6,7) - same thing here but except i can actually hear a high ptiched guitar, perhaps you can make the distance between these shorter?


01:12:480 (4,5,6) - also same


ok I gave up on my original intent, it's just a hyperchain with a purpose of build up for incoming cymbal, I'm taking the reference from Seijouki no Pierrot map (01:44:976)

adjusted both 00:24:480 (4,5,6) - and 01:12:480 (4,5,6) -

for 00:26:805 (4,5,6,7) - no adjustment, distance feels fine & still flowy, in fact it feel awkward to catch if the distance are shorter

Marked as resolved by Ririmu

00:28:230 - Seems weird that you skipped this kick drum, and that 00:28:305 (1) - doesn't have hyper for a strong snare sound. Would add circle here and make sure (1) is a hdash for emphasis at the end of this deathstream section


in the beginning I was confused and hesitant to add it because of the music transition

added the kick drum + (1) become hdash

Marked as resolved by Ririmu

00:29:055 (4,5,6,7,8,1) - This should get some hyperdashes, the snares here are really noticeable but aren't deemed as such due to only having dash + walk usage.

How about:

00:29:055 (4,5) - Hyperdash for snare.
00:29:280 (6,7) - Hyperdash for snare.

You could also make 00:29:205 (5,6,7,8) - all hyperdashes because the snare is really strong and it'd be a nice closer to this section of music.


I feel like it will be overwhelming for the next section if 5678 are all hyperdashes

so I just made hyperdash for 4-5 , 6-7 , 8-1

Marked as resolved by Ririmu

00:30:405 (7,8,9) - this is the only triple in the whole map shaped like this, it plays well but i would add a few more throughout or remove this because it stands out way too much


okay removed

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00:30:470 (8,9,1) - Apply hyperdash to (8,9) instead and make (9,1) normal dash / walkable distance to emphasise vocal


adjusted to hyperdash and then walk

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00:31:305 (5) - distance as a walk doesn't feel good here, move to x:331~ instead?


ok position adjusted

Marked as resolved by Ririmu

00:32:280 - You can map this for the drum, you did so numerous times in this section.


changed the slider into triplets

I was trying to notice the guitar but then I realize I'm being incosistent

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00:32:655 (6) - move to x:89 so it doesnt seem like an edge dash maybe?


Sure sure, but I think having both 5 & 6 become hyperdash will be too much, so I adjusted 5 as well

Marked as resolved by Ririmu

00:36:405 (4,5) - seems like you tried to do the same pattern as 00:35:205 (7,8) - but it didn't work out? perhaps you can either change 00:36:405 (4,5) - or make both of there similar without any hyperdashes


adjusted the position also some of the previous part

Marked as resolved by Ririmu

00:37:455 (3,4,5) - This shouldn't be all hyperdashes because you've mapped these sounds before as either only walks or 2 objects => hyperdash like 00:34:605 (3,4,5) - and 00:35:205 (7,8) - .

You should be more consistent with whether what you want to use in your map to make it more cohesive.


got it, adjusted those section a little bit

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00:38:805 making a 1/2 slider from 00:38:655 (5) - could be good for flow


making a 1/2 slider looks weird because it's too short, so I will just extend the slider tail to the blue tick and mute it

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00:38:955 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - and 00:41:355 (1,2,3,4,5) - are the same yet first group of sliders doesn't use any hyperdashes at all, while the second group Does and it feels very inconsistent


yeah adjusted both

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00:39:330 (2) - distance from the sliderend of (1) can be increased, a bit weird to read right now


0.6x > 1.0x

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00:41:655 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - Overdone compared to 00:39:255 (2,3,4,5,6,7) - and similar which are the exact same intensity. These can be a big wiggle but they don't need hdashes, save that for kiai buildup like 00:47:655 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1) -


changed the overdone part and make it become similar to the next pattern

Marked as resolved by Ririmu

00:44:955 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - This pattern seems really complex because you have to wiggle all the notes.

If you intended to make a stack here it'd be nice to lower the distance between the objects to make it more lenient.


ah this pattern is actually just 1 wiggle since you come from previous direction and then go to next direction anyway

but yeah on the second thought it looks so messy and complex, I will change the pattern instead

Marked as resolved by Ririmu

00:45:330 (2,3) - This pattern feels pretty awkward to play I think it would feel better if you changed it to a similar pattern that you used before.


changed the pattern into like the previous pattern

Marked as resolved by Ririmu

00:47:205 (8) - Having a really strong sound on a sliderend gives weak emphasis to what's at the end of it.

Would be nice if you mapped it as the following:

00:47:205 (8) - break this up into a circle and a 3/4 and map hyperdashes to 00:47:205 - and 00:47:355 - .

If this mod isn't as comprehensive as I've thought, I've provided a screenshot to go with it:


ah I feel like the 3/4 slider on that position doesn't give much room for the players to prepare for the next building up jump part

but if the hdash is necessary then I will just break up both slider of 00:46:905 (7) - and 00:47:205 (8) - , then make 00:47:055 (8,9) - become hyperdashes

Marked as resolved by Ririmu

00:47:655 (1,2,3,4) - you emphasize wrong things with hyperdashes. it is not just 1/2 spam, the rhythm is much complex, by ear it goes like this perhaps you can work with this


I agree but disagree with the screenshot above, if I want to follow the HS it goes like
Clap 2x > Normal > Clap 3x > Normal > Clap 3x >
and it's kinda awkard to play if it gonna be mapped like that

I feel like the current state still feels fine as it is, and movement wise still acceptable

Marked as resolved by Ririmu

00:48:105 (4,5) - To avoid all of these sliders in the kiai buildup being identical, try inverting these two (Ctrl+G them one at a time) for the extra vocal intensity present in the song.


Could do same here 02:38:941 (4,5) -


both inverted, also added some distance for kiai build up

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00:52:005 (4,1) - 01:01:605 (4,1) -
01:49:605 (4,1) -
02:42:841 (4,1) -
would make these all hyperdashes for more emphasis, since these are quite strong vocals. Musically the sound is also very similar to 00:59:355 (1,2) - 01:00:555 (1,2) - (for example), so it would also be more consistent to have the mentioned patterns also have an hdash.


that is understandable, I made each mentioned pattern become hyperdash

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00:53:055 (4) - move to x:19 for emphasis




okay moved both

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00:53:355 (1) - 01:02:205 (3) - These seem pretty strong, so having them just be standstills is a bit weird in the kiai. Would try curves and/or something with antiflow instead, e.g.


yes yes changed both of it

Marked as resolved by Ririmu

00:54:855 (2,3) - could hdash this like u did in previous part 00:52:455 (2,3) - to keep some consistencies


added more distance to become a hyperdash

Marked as resolved by Ririmu

00:56:955 (4) - This should use an NC, as you've been using an NC per downbeat, but this one is missing one.

While we're at this object, can you place a hyper for 00:56:955 (4,1) - as there's a really strong snare and vocal there.


That is true but I think this is still gonna be acceptable, since I better use new NC on those next stream section, so the fruits will drop right before those streams

Apparently I can only place a hyper if I change the SV timing to 2.00x , but I feel like that will be too much and I'm afraid it will be tough for players to catch the droplets

Marked as resolved by Ririmu

oh wait nvm I'm so dumb, my brain thought the 1 was the slidertail of 4

Reopened by Ririmu

agree with you, added hyperdash

Marked as resolved by Ririmu

00:56:955 (2) - I think you can make this slider a hyper slider. This is the most distinct vocal in the kiai before it repeats and it feels a bit too similar to the one before it and I think you could get away with buffing it.


Yeah I agree with your opinion, but somehow the following short stream part becomes harder & uncomfortable to catch, so I adjusted both the slider and 00:57:405 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - as well 👌

Also gonna apply the same thing for 01:54:555 (2) -

Marked as resolved by Ririmu

00:58:155 (1,2) - 01:48:555 (1,2) - 02:39:391 (1,2) - 02:52:141 (3,1) - These edgedashes are pretty uncomfortable to play and seem unintentional, should buff these to be hdashes.


based on the diff's structrue i would say they're just missing hdashes should be buffed to keep some consistencies


ah yes I made all of the mentioned pattern become hyperdash now, just realize it was an edgedashes

Marked as resolved by Ririmu

01:00:105 (3,1) - Missing hyper for consistency with previous vocal sounds?


added hyperdash in between of it

Marked as resolved by Ririmu

01:02:495 (3,4) - Hyperdash?


adjusted everything

giving hyperdash to all of them kinda forcing me to create repetitive pattern, but I hope this will be alright & acceptable

Marked as resolved by Ririmu

01:06:105 (3,1) - Should really have a hdash for the strong drum+finish hs, plus end of kiai emphasis


agreed, I added hyperdashes

Marked as resolved by Ririmu

01:11:205 (4,5,6) - don't really understand the hyperchain here since there's nothing to support such strong movement from (4,5)


moved (5) to the side of (4)

Marked as resolved by Ririmu

01:16:070 (5,6) - Apply hyperdash and change (6) to a 1/4 slider


changed to 1/4 slider & added hyperdash

Marked as resolved by Ririmu

01:16:080 (5,6) - kind of troll, pls nerf the distance a small amount


2.02x > 1.70x

Marked as resolved by Ririmu

01:22:305 or 01:24:705 - consider mapping a spinner from either of these to 01:26:205 -. This is a quite a long break, so a spinner is a nice option for people to either keep resting if they feel the need, or help build intensity back into the next section otherwise


decided to add spinner on osu://edit/01:24:705 because there's a sound that kinda building up

Marked as resolved by Ririmu

01:26:655 (2,3,4,6,7,8) - personally don't really feel like a curve represents the guitar very well, with this many notes i suggest a slight diagonal facing either left or right, or just a vertical stack


trying a straight diagonal to the right, movement wise is a dash from (2) to (8)

Marked as resolved by Ririmu

01:27:995 (1,2) - Swap NC


01:28:595 (1,2,3) - Swap NC between (1) and (3)


01:29:795 (4) - NC
01:30:395 (1,2) - Swap NC
01:30:995 (1,2,3) - Swap NC between (1) and (3)


02:03:695 (1) - Remove NC


adjusted all as suggested, thankyou!

Marked as resolved by Ririmu

01:29:055 (4,5,6) - better for the player's experience if antiflow triples have consistent spacing, so adjust them pls? 00:28:605 (2,3,4) - 01:33:855 (4) - 02:50:941 (3) - etc


okay it should be consistent now

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01:29:130 (5) - Could you perhaps place this on the right side of 01:29:055 (4,6) - ?

Right now it looks like really difficult movement coming out of a 1/4 hyperdash when 01:29:130 (5) - is not really much of a strong sound.


01:33:930 (5) - Likewise.


I'm gonna keep it like this for both triplets

It has 3 sounds and I feel like still acceptable to add wiggle part in the end, it will be matching with player's movement as well since they will need to move 3 times as it's a wiggle, also adding a bit variety for those stream since it's only left to right each time the music tone changed

01:29:130 (5) - is not really much of a strong sound but still noticable as 3 sounds with 4,6 , so wiggle still gonna be acceptable

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01:29:355 (1,2) - a bit too edge and seems like missing hdash compared to 01:26:955 (3,1) - so would suggest just buffing


yes missing hyperdash, I moved 01:29:805 (2) - more to the right

Marked as resolved by Ririmu

01:31:305 (1) - This would make more sense either as a circle only for the sharp drum sound, or as a 1/1 slider for the held guitar sound. 1/2 is just a little confusing because it doesn't really prioritise either.


changed it into a single circle

Marked as resolved by Ririmu

would suggest using 1/1 slider and make a hdash for 01:31:755 (1) - instead currently feels underwhelming

Reopened by Souvenir

changed it into 1/1 standstill slider and hyperdash to 01:31:755 (1) -

Marked as resolved by Ririmu

maybe make it a c-curve? doesn't feel great to play as a standstill

Reopened by skill issue lol

sure I curved the slider

Marked as resolved by Ririmu

01:32:355 (4,5) - this 2.04x feels unnecessarily tight and too edge as a 1/4 dash when 2.30x is already a hdash, would suggest nerfing this to like 1.6/1.7x at least


okay based on the hdash here 01:34:605 (2,3) - so it seems like just missing but the hdash place feels really random, it is not really recommend to do so though.


oh wow definitely unnecessary, I made it more closer

Marked as resolved by Ririmu

01:36:255 (2,1) - You could make this a hyperdash for the strong sound on 01:36:555 - .

It only requires about 1.8x spacing to make one, a dash feels a bit underdone, especially when you could make it a hyperdash.


yeah minimum for the trigger is 1.74x, I will adjust it to a hyperdash

Marked as resolved by Ririmu

01:36:855 (2,3,4,1) - Be wary of introducing difficult patterns like this that are very micro-intensive a long way into the map. If you haven't introduced them earlier in the map, they're unexpected and present a large difficulty spike.

If you want to keep a pattern like this, try to use more of this type of pattern (but without so many hdashes) in the deathstream parts so the player can be a little more prepared for them


yes I actually agree, but I don't know how to fit the pattern in the deathstream since the deathstream itself is intended to have hyperdashes here and there

but i think the introduction of the pattern itself are starting from this one 00:21:405 (5,6,7) - > 01:36:855 (2,3,4) - > 02:22:141 (1,2,3) -

even though the first one can't really be called introduction since the pattern is different and way longer (4 circle each, while the mentioned pattern are 2 circle)

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01:38:945 (1,2,3) - Hyperdash should be on (2,3) instead to follow the rhythm you had earlier e.g. 01:37:745 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) -


yes changed the overdone part and make it become similar to the next pattern as well

Marked as resolved by Ririmu

01:42:105 (7,8) - The distance here should be reduced, as it's hard to currently catch it because of how snappy 01:42:030 (6,7) - is IMO.


okay I adjusted the distance

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01:44:495 (1,2) - Hyperslider feels overused here, would just delete (2), make (1) a reversed slider and add circle on 01:44:945 - to have a nice 3-1 structure


okay adjusted to what suggested

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01:44:505 (7,8) - Would make this a hyperdash to (8), since this is the 'climax' of the buildup here.

another suggestion what you could do is making these all single notes with a dash to 01:44:655 - and hyperdashes to 01:44:805 - 01:44:955 - for buildup but that's really optional.


I made it become hyperdash

I've tried it but I think I will keep it as a slider, but instead I will change the position to horizontal to make it more wider

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01:45:405 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - Cool idea, but as with #3164997 it comes very unexpectedly. If you want to keep this, please reduce spacings a little (maybe 1.65x?)


adjusted the spacing to 1.65x

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01:45:405 (1,2,3,4,1,2,1) - This is pretty cool.


01:45:442 (2,4,6) - These should all be on blue ticks, currently it's wrongly snapped to 1/8 as it sounds too early right now.


this one is intended to be like this, my purpose is to make 1 sound within this 2 circle, same as other section like 02:22:141 (1,2,3) - it's sounds suitable as well and cool transition for the next section

if I move it to blue ticks, the sounds become doubling and sounds so odd, so I'm gonna keep it like this

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01:46:155 - kiai is too similar to the first, i think you can increase the difficulty a tiny bit and keep people engaged by changing a couple of the curved 1/1 sliders to horizontal, like the first part of the final kiai (02:44:191 (1) - )


changing some of the sliders to horizontal and a bit of variation

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01:48:405 (4,1) - 01:57:705 (3,1) - Probably also missing hypers for vocal


added hyperdashes on both part

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01:49:005 (2) - lean this out a bit more I think it feels better to play as you have to kind of slow down in the kiai to hit this slider.


okay I lean it more, also do the same thing for 00:51:405 (2) -

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01:50:195 (1) - remove nc


okay removed

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02:01:755 (1) - pretty sure there should be a hyper on the slider end to remain consistent with the rest of this section


ah missed hdash, added it

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02:04:155 (1) - SV of 1.51x snaps the slider tail better to 02:04:471 here


this part is confusing me the most, when the timer is on 02:04:305 (1) - , the slider tail is actually already on 02:04:471 -

but if I changed the slider tail when the timer below 02:04:305 , the slider tail will end up on 02:04:450 , and the Ai Mod will say "Rare snap divisor used on slider end (1/9)"


ah I figured out the problem by editing manually the .osu file and adjusting the length of the slider from there, Dudamesh was told me how to do it

at the moment there's no error notification from both Ai Mod & Mapset Verifier 1.8.2 , so I will just keep it like this

Marked as resolved by Ririmu

02:04:155 (1) - This should get an SV change of 1.49x, that would be snapped a bit closer to the red tick due to the slider going through a BPM change.


Also, the slidertick hitsound takes away from the sliderend because it's so close to it.

Place a greenline with 5% volume on 02:04:388 - and a 70% volume change at 02:04:471 - .


this slider has been so crucial and been brought up multiple times, but it's already in the best possible condition and the mapper verifier don't give any warning related unsnapped slider tail, check out #3165018 & 1332820#2360223

Apparently changing SV to 1.49x doesn't affect anything but I'm still gonna do it anyway

added both greenline

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actually adding a greenline with 5% volume on 02:04:388 - gives this error

so I am just gonna change the volume of 02:04:305 - to 5% instead since the timing are so close to it

Reopened by Ririmu


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02:04:155 (1,1,1,1) - I would make the flow of these sliders a bit easier. The bpm change is not one that is intuitive and can easily catch quite a few players off guard. If they had less anti flow they wouldn't have this effect.


adjusted the positions, it should be easier to catch now

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02:06:991 - You could optionally drag the timeline break to here so the HUD fades out as the guitar sounds begin to play. Doesn't really affect anything gameplay wise since HP isn't draining, but I think it looks cool (:


yeess!! I was trying to do this the whole time, I keep pressing the Insert Break Time button on that timeline but nothing happened

now that you mentioned about dragging it, I just realize how easy it was

thanksss I agree with the suggestion

Marked as resolved by Ririmu

02:15:391 (1) - i think for more unexpectancy and strength of this note you can move it to x:16 because it gives 1.1x distance snap and compared to current 0.63x this is definitely more emphasized


I think moving it to x:16 is a bit too much and it makes it impossible to catch the first couple bananas from the spinner, but sure I will move it to x:81 to give 0.90x distance

Marked as resolved by Ririmu

02:17:791 (1) - Deserves a hyper as much as if not more than 02:17:641 (3) - due to the strong downbeat cymbal sound


added hyperdash

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02:18:531 (1,2) - Swap NC
02:19:881 (1,2,3) - Swap NC between (1) and (3)
02:21:081 (1,2,3) - Swap NC between (1) and (3)


okay swapped everything

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02:21:016 (2,3) - could hdash like 02:19:816 (2,3) - to keep some consistencies


changed it to become same pattern

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02:22:141 (1,2,3,1) - Cool pattern.


tap tap tap


02:25:291 (2,3) - Hyper for consistency with previous combos


adjusted the position to become hyperdashes

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02:28:141 (3,4,5) - this distance is pretty big for such sound, can you nerf it?


nerfed 02:28:291 (4) - by adjusting it to become usual dash

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02:29:791 (1,2) - this spacing is a little edgy I would move 1 to the left a little bit to fix.


adjusted the spacing a little bit

Marked as resolved by Ririmu

02:37:441 (1,2) - could hdash this to create some emphasis


added hyperdash

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02:44:931 (1) - A bit odd to have a hyperslider here when it is just a dash slider in 00:56:495 (1) - and 01:54:095 (1) - , would just do the same


okay I'll just do the same, was thinking to do it because the vocal has a higher pitch

Marked as resolved by Ririmu

02:46:891 - -> 02:50:191 - best part of the map, gj. however 1.45x for the dashes is a bit strong, there aren't harsh regular dashes like this throughout the map, making the ending really annoying to sightread, so i would nerf a tiny bit. 1.40x~ would be more appropriate (like you said you were going to do xd #3181879/8600653 )


thankyou I adjusted the spacing to 1.40x

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🡢 🡠 🡢 🡠 🡢 🡠 🡢 🡠 🡢 🡠


02:47:191 (3,4) - / 02:47:491 (1,2,3) - / 02:48:241 (2,3) - / 02:49:141 (1,2) - / 02:49:591 (4,5) - you use 1.41x tight dash in the previous 2 timestamps but did only 1.05x in latter 3 but this is all in a pretty intense section, it feels imbalanced when playing tho, would suggest either using all dashes or just nerfing to 1.05x


ah I didn't even realize, thanks I will change everything into same value

no nerf, I will make it all become 1.41x instead 😈

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02:51:241 (3,1) - 02:53:341 (4,1) - More missing hypers for vocal/finish emphasis


added more hyperdashes

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02:51:381 (1) - i really don't think this should be antiflow, it feels too unexpected. the hardest part just finished, and the antiflow triple 02:50:931 (3) - is already intense enough for the end of the map. a regular C curve would be satisfying to play, you could also try a ctrl+g version of 02:53:781 (1) - ?


ah true, was doing it just to add some additional movement but yeah 02:50:931 (3) - is already enough

will apply both

Marked as resolved by Ririmu

02:54:381 (4,1) - Would give an antiflow here to emphasise (1) with an additional movement, so put (1) to the left of (4) and develop the pattern after it


tried something to it, hopefully it's decent enough to emphasize it

Marked as resolved by Ririmu

02:54:541 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1) - shape/structure is too underwhelming for the end of the final kiai


adjust the spacing a bit + additional hyperdash

Marked as resolved by Ririmu

02:54:691 (3,4,5,6) - I think you can improve the quality of this stream and have a left right style movement here.
I see that you want it to be connected because of the lower pitch drum and I feel that is still doable

Here is what I came up with there are multiple ways to do it and it does feel better emphasized play wise if you add a left right movement here.


yeah I feel like the suggestion is feels more suitable & better emphasized play wise, applied the suggestion

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02:55:141 (1,1) - be wary of spinner traps late into a map, it's a good way to make players sad D:

This one isn't toooo bad since the best spin does end on the right, but I think to be safe you could either move 02:56:941 (1,2,3,4) - a bit close to the centre, or shorten the spinner to end at 02:56:641 - instead


nooo I don't mean to D:

I moved the spinner end to 02:56:641

Marked as resolved by Ririmu

03:00:391 (5,6) - should this have been a hyperdash?


yes, adjusted 03:00:241 (3,4,5) - a bit to the left

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03:03:231 (7,8,1) - Hyperdash between (7,8) and make (8,1) normal dash or walk


hyperdash to walk

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03:04:131 (5,6) - Hyperdash?


added hyperdash

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