00:00:520 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - should all be the same spacing since they are all the same notes without no background instruments
I think you should make the sv a bit upper on high notes like 00:01:159 (1) - & 00:03:712 (1) - , and lower sv for 00:03:393 (9) - to make a better contrast
Yeah I think I kept that idea through mostly the whole map, but I will look for some improvements, ty
00:02:754 (6,7,8) - is maybe overspaced for the intensity of this part, you should map it with wider angles and less spacing
and 00:02:914 (7) - randomly overlap with 00:02:275 (5) - you should avoid this kind of overlaps
00:04:190 (3,4,5) - same, a little bit overspaced, you should reduce the spacing too and try to work with angles to make a better transition to drums
I agree with the spacing issue, fixed it. I don't really think that overlap is bad, maybe I should make it so that the slider and the circle are closer, idk
00:02:914 (7) - visually not the best thing, not much sound so u could stack with the 6 or make a much smaller spacing too
I like that kind of visual overlaps tbh. There's enough sound to justify the spacing (it is still a very small one)
00:04:829 (5,2,3) - is kinda ugly tbh, you should reduce the spacing to make it looks better
exemple: https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/17823277/ca34
00:05:148 (2,3) - these being overlapped are really underwhelming, if u wanna keep the overlap it's best to use these as 3/4 sliders
or alternatively space them a lot bigger since 1/2 sliders are very much lenient in gameplay so they can be spaced out more w/o causing too much difficulty
as 00:05:786 (4) - is on a snare, which is a louder sound, you should space it more from 00:05:148 (2,3) -
I don't think that's an issue necessarily. At the end, the pattern is 00:05:786 (4,5,6) - , which is a spaced pattern. I'm not completely sure about this one tho. I will leave it how it is atm and if people keep pointing this out I will eventually change it
00:07:541 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16) - nc every 5th note?
00:07:541 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1) - why are these cut streams? you don't seems to be using it other than this
you rather applied ti somewhere else or don't use it
considering that it is a unique section during the song, there's nothing wrong with mapping it applying a concept that doesn't repeat
00:07:861 (5,6,7,8,9) - I think the cutstream at the start of the map is good, just I would make each of the first cuts [ 00:07:541 (1,2,3,4) - ] and [00:07:861 (5,6,7,8) - ] 4 notes long.
Basically, I think the 9 should be apart of the circle stream and not the
00:10:414 (5) - id make this into 2 hitcircles because both hits are of same importance here
yeah, it could fit propperly, but since I'm following drum sounds, I think that placing a slider represents the idea a bit better. I will keep this in mind for the future tho
00:15:520 (2,3,4,5,6) - is more intense than 00:14:403 (3,4,5,6,1) - but the spacing is pretty the same, you should buff it or play with angles again
00:15:680 (3,1) - I think it's worth increasing the spacing to better highlight the contrast of the vocals https://i.imgur.com/7h6Woie.png
00:17:595 (6) - the movement into this slider could be smoother - eg straight slider or rotate 90 (or both would be cool)
the idea you are giving here works for a standard circular flow, but I'm not following that. Look at the cursor movement at 00:17:116 (4,5,6,1,2,3,4) - to understand what I mean. This is a flow that is repeated throughout the entire map, so I see no problem with it
00:17:914 (1) - spacing here can be a bit lower as the sound isnt really strong enough to justify this
00:19:031 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - i'd personally buff these a bit more since it's a gradual buildup until 00:20:946 -
actually, it is not a gradual buildup. It is more of an "adding-instruments" part. In 00:19:031 hi hat is added, and in 00:21:105 (11,12,13) - the snare gets more intense. Both buildups are followed by larger spacing, so I think it's ok
00:19:031 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13) - the comboing here isnt the best, maybe nc the 10, maybe the 6... see what works best :>
00:20:467 (7,8) - Personally, I would make these jumps into a slider to match vocals. Jumps here work, just preference.
for now I will keep it how it is since I'm following drum sounds, but I will also keep it in my mind for future modifications :)
00:21:105 (6,7,8) - here you need to increase the spacing more because of the addition of snares, as well as growling vocals
00:21:584 (1,2,3,4,5) - When look at the map with ctrl+a, the bottom left looks sparse. I think you should orient these jumps in the bottom left as it wouldn't be that intrusive to what you have now.
Maybe try something like this, https://imgur.com/wVScJSE
(This change is very subjective, feel free to ignore it.)
hey that's a pretty good point! I modified that jump pattern in a similar way to what you did to fill that bottom left corner, ty
I think spacing is already buffed. Not if you compare it with the "hype building part" (00:20:467 (7,8,9,10,11,12,13,1) - ), but you can see clear differences between, for example, 00:16:478 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - and 00:22:701 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5) - . In addition, sv is higher on this part which gives a faster flow to the section
00:26:371 (13,1) - 00:27:010 (2,3) - I think you can emphasize these sv's a little more because it's such a strong sound.
I suggest making 00:26:371 (13) - slower (0.9sv) | 00:26:690 (1) - (1.2sv). Then 00:27:010 (2) - (0.8sv) and 00:27:329 (3) - (1.1sv) to echo the previous sound.
Not a big change, just think it gives this section more character.
00:27:648 (4,1) - same type of deal here, if the mod above applies, make this the same sv as 00:27:010 (2,3) -
00:26:371 (1,1) - I think you should increase the SV even more, the moment is extremely powerful and it is poorly highlighted
I think that the current spacing is big enough. If I separated them more, the player would probably missunderstand them as a 1/2 gap
agree, I think it would also make the player understand a bit better that 1/4 gap between 00:26:371 (1) - and 00:26:690 (1) -
00:29:563 (2,3,4,5,6,7) - i'd buff spacing for these a lot since it's clearly more intense than previous part
00:32:914 (4) - id make this just into a circle and have it stacked with (5) to emphasise the stop in vocals even more
Yeah that's a cool idea, but restructurating the next pattern is kinda messy, so I prefer to leave it how it is just for now. Nice suggestion tho!
00:33:712 (8,9) - the slider looks much more appropriate here than circles, as it will better highlight the vocals, as the artist pulls the word.
00:33:712 (8,9) - I'm focusing on vocals sounds, representing each one with a clickable object, so I believe that placing two circles instead sticks in a better way to my idea. About 00:38:180 (1,2) - , I'm focusing on drums, so I also think it is better how it is atm
00:34:031 (1,2,3) - & 00:34:669 (1,2,3) - are pretty mapped on the same intensity, consider having the same spacing for both
realise that there's a secondary voice (00:34:669 (1,2,3) - ). Therefore, it is mapped with a lower spacing, so that's why I didn't keep the same intensity for those sections. Plus, it is distinguished with NCs to make that intensity change a bit more obvious
00:34:988 (3) - could be a slider, seeing as 00:34:350 (3) - is one. This should give the player more familiarity with the map, as they would expect another slider instead of full on jump section.
yeah, it wouldn't be a bad change at all, but I think that placing a slider at 00:34:350 (3) - and not at 00:34:988 (3) - emphasizes a bit more the "main" voice, and that's why I mapped it like that. However, I will keep this in mind for future changes!
00:38:180 (1,2,3,4) - this rhythm should be less active as the song is not very intense in this section
I'm following drums sounds, with a small spacing due to the fact that this section is not very intense. I really see nothing wrong with it. I mean, 4 circles in a row for a 6,5* map is not a big deal even considering the fact that it isn't an intense section
00:39:456 (1,1,1,1) - - try to rework it to look better with visual spacing
exemple: https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/17823294/04c1
yeah I agree but I was worried about it ending up being overspaced, so I underspaced instead. Mistake, fixed :P
00:40:733 (1,2,1,2,1,2) - not enough sound to justify this spacing or rhythm really, i know u were told elsewise but there is absolutely no sound on the red ticks
pretty big screams with finish sounds and buildup... I think it is enough to justify the spacing. It is true that there's no remarkable sounds on the red ticks. However, I really feel that these 1-2 match very nicely the song, and mapping 1-2 in parts with no sound on red ticks is a common practice we've seen in a lot of maps, so I think it is just fine. Not sure tho, so I leave this open for a couple of days
we've seen it before but not on newer maps, this kinda thing isnt rankable anymore but if u wanna keep it thats fine cause this isnt going for ranked anyways
in the nicest way possible this isnt anywhere near rankable, you still need a lot of practice
well I have been mapping since 2016 so I think that my mapping style could make more sense than what you find. Not gonna take this as a serious thing
hmmm I don't actually find it unfitting for the song tbh. I will leave it how it is just for now
00:42:329 (2) - doesn't rhythmically make sense for this to be a 1/2 slider since you always mapped consecutive vocals as circles until here
I don't know if this is necessarily something bad, but I guess it makes more sense placing 2 circles instead
00:45:839 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - these need a large buff for how intense the section and the drums are
nobody has missunderstood those patterns, and I think it's pretty obvious it isn't a 1/2 since the spacing between those notes is way different from the rest of the patterns, which awares you of "something new"
00:52:222 (1,2) - these sliders are verrrrrry overwhelming for how intense these notes are, i'd suggest you make them jumps (albeit slightly less spaced compared to prev part since background instruments stopped)
precisely, because background instruments stopped, I don't find this underwhelming. If I increased spacing, it shouldn't fit the intensity change as good as now
I think I didn't get your point. If you think 00:52:222 (1,2) - is a little too spaced and then you say that it can be mistaken as 1/4, you are being kinda contradictory, since the way to make it understood as a 1/2 gap would be to space it even more... And, btw, during my testplays and other people testplays nobody found any issue on understanding that pattern as a 1/2, so I feel it's ok. I hope you clarify your point a bit more :)
00:56:052 (1,2) - this pattern doesnt flow very well and the spacing is probably a bit too high, i know its mean to kinda change the flow for emphasis but it just doesnt work
01:02:595 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - the sound is not enough to justify this much spacing on these patters, the first triple is louder too so make that more spaced
practically every triple has the same sound (maybe the second has 1 circle with lower sound, but it can be ignored). And imo the spacing is completely justified (big drum sounds + buildup for the kiai repetition)
to give the map a little bit of more variety, I mapped 00:53:499 (1,2,3) - the same as 00:58:605 (1,2,3) - . Then there's an "interlude" (01:02:435) and comes back with the repetition of the chorus at 01:03:712. This is the moment where I slightly changed the way of mapping what you point out here. I don't really feel like it fits wrongly the vocals, so I will leave it how it is for now
01:12:967 (4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12) - these being static in spacing make no sense since there are clear instrumental groupings here, 01:12:967 (4,5) - /01:13:126 (6,7) - /01:13:286 (8,9) - /01:13:445 (10,11) - /01:13:445 (10,11) - are the rhythmic groupings here and they could all be separately spaced or contrasted, it'd be much more interesting gameplay and much more representative of what the drums are doing
01:20:786 (5,6,7,8,9,10,11) - same applies here, also dont forget to hs the toms for both instances
I agree with the first one, but I think 01:20:786 (5,6,7,8,9,10,11) - is ok since 01:20:786 (5,6,7,8,9,10) - are kick sounds and there's only a snare sound (01:21:265 (11) - ), so keeping here the same spacing makes sense
01:13:924 (1) - 1/1 repeat after all the intense gameplay is really underwhelming, i'd remove the 2nd repeat and map these notes 01:14:403 - 01:14:563 - as jumps
since sv is still high, I don't think it is that underwhelming, but I'm not sure about this one. I will leave it how it is for now and consider future modifications, ty :)
01:15:201 (1,2,3,4) - the rhythm here fails to follow the vocals or the drums since everything is mapped the same
the strong hits of the voice are on every white tick, I wouldn't consider red ticks as vocals sounds, although they could be mapped. Just personal preference I guess
01:18:552 (4,5,6,7,8,9,1) - I think this slider should curve to match the stream shape, https://imgur.com/irtVDq7 rough idea of what it might look like.
yeah, many modders point out these kinda things. It is important to understand that the fact that there's a sound doesn't always make it an obligation to map it. In this case, I was following drums, so I think it fits better to ignore that vocal note and directly place a circle where the big finish sound comes
01:26:371 (9) - could be 2 sliders instead of a repeating slider. This would be a good choice if your going for a grand finale type ending that slightly increases difficulty at the end of a map. This also opens an opportunity to make 01:26:371 (9) - into 2 sliders the flow into 01:26:850 (3,4) -
the reason behind the repeating slider choice is that it follows the melody, while there's no need to tap during that time since drums are pretty low on that part. I see what you wanna do, but I think the way it is mapped fits the song a bit better