00:00:364 (1) - This circle right here sadly doesn't hit the piano note precisely and there's no way to get it right without a new timing point, so, add a new timing point on the offset 373, snap it there, should be fine.
This is a 9ms difference, not noticeable while playing since it's just 1 note but takes no effort to fix.
00:04:109 (1) - Just as a subjective idea, move the "last" red anchor towards the slider head a bit more like this https://prnt.sc/07Md4gcHjJ4E
Technically ruins the symmetry of the top part but the 2nd part of that looks a lot smaller since it transitions into the wave and the first leaf-like shape looks bigger than the other because the sharp angle between the wave and the sliderhead is much deeper.
00:09:493 (4,5,6,7,8) - Having the kickdrum on the slidertail of 4 feels lackluster because it's non-clickable, would suggest turning 4 into a kickslider and then adding a new note on the white tick to give more emphasis to the kickdrum
This isn't much better/worse to play, it's just rhythm choice, playability and comfort are relative when you're mapping high star maps like this. It feels a bit better since osu players are more naturally conditioned into hitting triples or 5-note bursts and it was a 4-note burst, which is a tad more awkward, but people who play on this level shouldn't have any problems with something as simple as that.
00:10:109 (8,9,1,2) - Make the jump from 9 to 1 smaller, so that there's better emphasis on 2 https://prnt.sc/Pm-gJdK1-0RG (Just copy-paste 8 and 9, rotate it by 70-90 degrees and just call it a day)
00:12:570 (6,7) - Maybe you could rearrange these to not be covered by the slider? Like so https://puu.sh/IYi7A/0ee93a32e5.png
00:13:801 (5) - Contradicting to my previous suggestion if you do have to cover the hitcircle with a slider, maybe you could arrange it to be covered completely? like so https://puu.sh/IYi8r/35c447cd44.png
00:17:185 (4) - Maybe move it to the right a little bit? https://puu.sh/IYi8Y/b4abfd672f.png
00:18:570 (5,1) - Looks a bit disjointed because the stream, 5 as a whole, and the slidertail of 1 don't form a straight line with the previous stream.
00:27:493 (1,2,3,4,5) - Why is there such a sharp cut on 3? If it's due to the synth playing, there should also be such a sharp cut on 5. Otherwise this should be changed into a normal curve stream because it creates a wrong sense of emphasis.
maybe group 00:40:877 (5) - differently, feels too connected but its a start to new phrase
consider making it stand out from 00:39:955 (2,3,4) - while making it feel more connected to 00:41:185 (6,7) -
maybe change slider shape and spacing to be more distinct from 00:39:955 (2,3,4) - ?
00:48:416 (1) - Maybe you could reshape the slider to match the opposite shape of 00:48:878 (3) - https://puu.sh/IYiaL/bc9f42cc9c.png
00:55:801 (1,2,3,4,5) - Not a suggestion but just wanted to point out how well the blanket is made here! Most of if not all your jumps could somehow fit this your map would be set!
01:05:801 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15) - Same topic as earlier, sharp turn on 10 for no reason whatsoever, creates a false sense of emphasis
01:11:647 (3,4,5) - There's no sound playing on 4. Could be justified with 01:16:109 (2,3,4) and 01:34:109 (4,5,6) for consistency but I don't see a point in it since mapping this as two jumps would fit into the whole section just as nicely. This critique point also applies to the other spots aswell obviously.
01:21:032 (5,6,7) - i would rework this line into something like https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/17928843/7b22 I think it looks more visually appealing since the follow point leads directly into the slider.
01:27:262 (5,6) - this plays rly badly compared to 02:50:955 (5,6) - I would just ctrl g the slow slider
01:37:032 (3,4,5,6) - the spacing for these jumps isnt really justified, would be better if they were smaller to emphasize the upcoming jump section. try something like this https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/17827154/7756
01:40:262 (3,4,5,6,7) - these jumps feel kinda off because you suddenly start ignoring the snare, id suggest extending 01:39:955 (2) - to 01:40:262 and just keep going with 1-2 jumps after that
02:12:416 (1,3,5,7) - I think these specific notes could have some sort of consistency here, whether its in a straight line or a zig-zag. Personally i suggest making them a zig-zag like so. https://puu.sh/IYida/0216c8518e.jpg
02:35:801 (6) - Maybe you could move it a little to the right? https://puu.sh/IYiek/36293a55b8.png
03:16:878 (4,2) - Maybe I would suggest seperating tese two apart a little? Like so https://puu.sh/IYifx/eeb7e8a6e2.png
03:30:570 (1,2,3,4,5) - Maybe move this stream a little to the right? Like so https://puu.sh/IYiga/fc90e8c3e2.png
03:31:185 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,6) - i LOVE these keysounds but there's no hitnormal feedback. i would make these keysounds whistles so there would be feedback like u did with 01:16:801 (6,7,8,9,10,11,12) - (not sure why the keysounds are paired to claps here either, they should be whistles if anything)
03:40:724 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - really unjustified spacing for pretty much all of this, compare it to 03:45:647 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - which has much stronger sounds but the 2 parts currently have the same spacing
04:31:185 (3,4,5) - this felt very underwhelming for a buildup. you used a lot of 1/2 jumps in similar patterns earlier yet here you didn't use them.
i guess the other buildups are a little bit different since they are in the middle of kiais like 01:25:339 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - but i would still use jumps to express the buildup in the song, maybe not as intense tho.