Metadata :
Title : ディアブレイブ (Dear Brave) (TV Size)
Artist : 鹿乃 (Kano)
Source : ヘヴィーオブジェクト (Heavy Object)
you should remove bg4.jpg
unused file
This kiai was supposed to be a contrast after calm part, so i prefer to keep it. Will leave this open for other opinion.
Since the volume of the mp3 is lower than usual maps, the hitsounds currently is a bit too loud and covering the song. Consider lowering all the volumes in the map by at least 10%.
bg3 is quite big comparing with other bgs, you could try this one out:
If you put the green line directly above the note, there is a possibility that the volume change will not be applied properly.
for example, lets see this 00:17:186 -
If you hit this note even 1ms earlier, the volume change does not apply.
Therefore, when changing the volume, it is recommended to put the green line in the front of the target note.
01:21:015 - 01:22:386 - 01:26:338 - The speed change in the part where the BPM has been changed is not smooth.
For example, In Muzu, Oni, 01:20:377 - ~ 01:21:015 - 0.99->0.98->0.97->0.96->0.93085
(because 175/188 = 0.9308...)
And the intention at low difficulties is not known exactly, but if you do not want to change the speed, you should add a green line to there.
Therefore, it is recommended to make the SV change as follows.
In Kantan, Futsuu, if you don't want to change the speed,
01:21:015 - 1.0742857142857142857142857142857
01:22:386 - 1.1257485029940119760479041916168
01:26:338 - 1.2129032258064516129032258064516
In Muzukashii, Oni
01:21:015 - 1.0205714285714285714285714285714 (188/175 x 0.95)
Red line initializes SV to 1.0
In Muzukashii and Oni,
01:26:338 - As you can see by playing it yourself, the speed suddenly decreases in this part.
01:23:823 - ~ 01:26:725 - If your intention is to maintain speed, 01:26:338 - the green line should be added here with a rate of bpm.
01:26:338 - 1.0838709677419354838709677419355 (168/155)
There are several parts where the use of big notes is inconsistent.
00:27:398 - 00:32:505 - 01:10:803 - 01:15:909 - There are cymbals here, but no big notes are used.
But in some places it was used.
01:18:462 - In particular, this note and the above note were used in some places and not in some places even though the sound volume was the same.
01:21:015 - 01:22:386 - 01:26:725 - The volume here is very small, so I think the big note is too much.
01:03:143 - Please check the consistency between difficulties.
00:36:335 - ~ 00:37:611 - Please make sure the mapping logic.
When looking at the beat of the note, I think the sound to be expressed is the same.
Therefore, I think the pattern should also be the same or similar.
01:12:718 - ~ 01:15:909 - Please check this part too.
01:13:037 - Considering the expression method at the difficulty below Futsuu, I think this note should be k.
If my guess is correct, I think you have a greater weight to express vocals than drums.
Therefore, if you change this note to k, all of the vocals come to k.
01:13:994 - As above, considering the expression method at the difficulty below, and considering that there is a snare, I think k should be used.
01:14:313 - Considering the change in the melody of the vocals, I think it should be k because the pitch of these two part (01:14:313 - ,01:14:473 - ) does not change.
And by doing this, dkd can be prevented from being repeatedly used.
Repeating patterns is not a bad thing in all cases, but it is not recommended to use patterns repeatedly when the song's development is clearly different.
And there is a possibility of causing boredom.
01:22:386 - Compared to the piano chords and the hitsound sound, the hitsound sound seems to be coming out slower than other parts.
01:21:015 - I recommend changing this red line to bpm176.
If you apply this, don't forget to resnap all notes in that part (01:22:300 - ~ 01:26:725 - )
and move all red,green lines and check the SV at 01:21:015 - here for smooth SV changes. (#3056211/8278400)
spectrogram of this music :
i think this mp3 file is clipped
consider replacing it with a different file
spectrogram of another music from :
not changed ;;;;
try using mp3 file from this mapset ->
hmm that's weird, i'm pretty sure i already overwrite the mp3s from that mapset, maybe try to redownload?
the graph should be like
Did you use a different app for the spec? because the spec from the link you provided and the spec from the picture are completely different.
Audio seems a bit quiet compared with the current ranked one, but i think its fine, changed mp3.
Spec :
And please tell me if the audio is already changed after you redownload, so i can resolve :3
overall still needs some hard works and efforts, masih banyak bagian-bagian yang gk konsisten dari keseluruhan difficult jadi good luck untuk kedepannya~