source: Plastic memories
I suggest to write the artist name as Eri Sasaki instead of Sasaki Eri to be consistent with other two taiko mapsets ranked of this song
(ref: and ) so they can also be sorted more properly in game when someone sorts things by Artist.
aside from those sets theres some other recently ranked (2021/20) sets and thought it was fine,,
i also i cant find a source specifying that eri should be put first? unicode prints sasaki first and unless something else says that it should remain romanized in that order (would be open to a dq if someone puts an actual source forward and not just other maps) I think that her official website clearly stating it as soon as you open it could be considered as a valid source
Audio: The quality of this mp3 is not very good and needs to be converted
This is an mp3
Don't forget to change the preview point, SV and offset after changing the mp3
I think the offset should be +24 from the current state
not sure why do you have mizki.mp3 on the map folder, doesn't seem to do anything so I assume you forgot it there and this used to be another song at first? you gotta remove it
I think artist name should be Eri Sasaki not Sasakit Eri?
from what I've seen on most ranked maps and also google
look at the other map sets, the Unicode name is "佐々木恵梨" and the English name is "Eri Sasaki"
a lot of late svs,
i recommend moving all the svs a few ms earlier except for the start and end of kiai
sometimes when you use sv with decimals, the sv line will be a bit later than the note so it won't affect it, for example at 01:02:255
so it's better to move the lines a few ms earlier to avoid this