mapped by Greenshell
This beatmap was ranked on 17 October 2021!
nominated by Nifty and Ideal
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00:00:015 - recommend moving the first sv line to the beginning of the map because currently the barlines in the intro are all 1.00x which doesnt really fit with the vibe


o shit

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00:10:861 - Is this for nc reset? if so, that's insane, but also you don't have nc resets in the rest of the map so it's kinda pointless. consider deleting this uninherited point or making nc resets consistent throughout the rest of the map.


I mean who's gonna play it with NC anyway right (removed that red line)

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00:11:042 | 00:15:406 | 00:19:770 - I feel like mapping the piano immediately after the double on all of those spots would be a nice idea since it's quite noticeable, and you did map it on 00:23:952 and 00:26:133 aswell which makes it sorta inconsistent - if you don't wanna map these piano notes, you might aswell move 00:24:133 (69) over to 00:24:497 and 00:26:315 (79) to 00:26:679


added those notes and moved 00:15:770 - over to 00:16:133 - since I think tht fits better after looking at it again

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00:28:724 - this doesnt feel like a finisher in the music at all, it's just slightly louder than the rest of the notes, so consider removing the finisher


I would also consider removing the finishers for the rest of this section since they're all the same way.


eh, sure

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00:37:451 - would recommend removing this note, its far less pronounced than the sound after it and it plays pretty awkwardly right now with this note here



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00:45:030 (161,162,163) - these notes are like, 20ms late, pls fix timing here to make them not very very late (or just move the notes since it's only a few tbh)


never trust timing of ranked std maps part 8723177372



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01:02:967 (92,93) - I suggest removing these two notes



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01:25:002 - i get what youre going for with this kiai but it feels really out of place and forced, would be better to remove imo


01:35:967 - too tbh


I personally like the effect it has on both the giggle for the former and the choir for the latter, removing that would feel like something is missing to me

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01:28:824 (11,12) - more of a personal preference, perhaps removing 01:28:967 (12) - while also revert the color of the note behind it could put more focus into the finisher at 01:29:109 (12) -.


could do the same to 01:33:395 (34) -, 03:34:538 (109,110) - for consistency


definitely fair point, I chose to put that extra note in-between because I felt like three consecutive 1/1s would take away from the buildup in terms of intensity

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01:49:681 - this speedup is really uncomfortable since it's so difficult to read the snapping here, and I think it would make more sense for this 1/6 to have no changes since it is in the same part of the music as 01:45:252 - , which obviously has no changes. for this, I recommend making 01:49:109 - drop down to 0.80x or 0.90x (whichever feels best) and speed back up to 1.10x ending at 01:49:681 - . same applies to 01:58:252 - , since 01:58:824 - is equally uncomfortable to read


went with the suggestion you provided on discord, thanks a lot for helping me out there!

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01:53:681 (116,117,118,119,120,121,122,123) - ngl I don't think these fit as 1/8 doubles at all, the synth is on a continuous 1/4 decrescendo with two drums on 01:53:967 (120,122) and a kkkkddddK would fit much much better imo


I did this mostly out of gut feeling with what sounded most intuitive for me at 100% speed but after listening more closely I can see where you're coming from with this, did a dkdkddddK now instead and inverted the SVs to follow the decrescendo more closely

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01:57:824 (51,52,53,54,55) - it's a bit plain for a ddddk covering both the sounds and the kicks, could try dkddk instead on here


good point, changed

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01:58:824 (63,64,65,66,67,68) - going with a (dddk)dk for consistency with 01:49:681 (62,63,64,65,66,67) would make the synth rhythm more consistent since it's basically the same rhythmic structure at a different pitch


true, also adjusted the SVs accordingly to fit the buildup

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02:11:967 (206,207,208,209,210,211,212,213,214) - going for some sort of synth emphasis would be nice here - using a kkkdkkkdk would nicely emphasize how it weakens on 02:12:181 and 02:12:467 while being very loud on the 3 preceding notes for each one of those. a kkddkkddK also works but kkkdkkkdK is evil and I like that lol


kkddkkkdk it is

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02:18:252 (276) - mannn all of your finishers in this section are K, why is this a D :(


you wouldn't get it


(I changed it to K)

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02:26:252 - I think it would be worth having a finisher here (shortening the spinner of course). playing it for the first time it was weird knowing there was a distinct note here but not having anything emphasize it. recommend like 20% volume on the finisher so it isnt too overbearing but also isn't completely inaudible


sure, works well

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02:39:967 - consider removing the soft hitsounds from here and just making this section 30% normal hitsounds. I try to avoid using anything other than normal hitsounds because some skins don't have soft hitsounds, and so it forces the default soft hitsounds, which I do not wish on any person. 30% normal is the same volume and avoids this possible issue.

the same applies to the beginning and ending, making the hitsounds normal and half the volume they are at soft is the same volume


did 35% instead and changed everything to regular hitsounds

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02:40:109 (1,2) - don't really see a reason to make them all ks. Considering most of the patterns here were mapped with their low pitched counterparts, only this remained monotone which looks inconsistent.

To sum up, revert these colors for above reasons


could do the same to 02:41:252 (5) -


true, originally wanted to go for the japanese kat only style with only few dons to emphasize things but I can see how it's messy right now, changed notes as pointed out

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03:11:967 - this section feels too high volume for how quiet and simple the music is. currently is as loud as 03:32:538 - which is obviously much louder, so consider lowering this volume to like 60% or 50%



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03:14:824 (12) - could remove this note since you follow the piano in this entire section and this note is mapped to a very low sound with little to no importance


moved it to 03:14:967 - instead since there's a piano note I previously missed

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03:49:538 (243) - could make it a d, dont really feel like the sound at 03:49:395 (241) - needs a long chain of ks, also for better playability i suppose


plays better yeah

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03:50:181 (251) - if you're following the synth you could make this into a d for flow purposes since it's relatively maintained off , if you're following the gabber kicks you could make 03:49:967 (248,249,250,251) into a kdkd instead as that'd emphasize the gabbers with ks and still allow for some nice flow into the 1/6 kkkd


I honestly don't even know why but to me this is like the one pattern I really want to keep the way it is cuz it sounds the most natural to me as it is now, with kdkd on those notes you mentioned it doesn't sound as satisfying to me and making the note before the 1/6 a d also doesn't sound right to me so ultimately I decided I'd want to leave the pattern this way even if it's unnatural, to me personally it still plays just fine and I haven't seen anyone really miss there upon watching them testplay (samples from Raytoly and Luffy126 mostly)

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03:50:609 (258,259) - i think ctrl+g will create a better flow for the melody at 03:50:538 (257) - rather than pausing it with a d in the middle like in the current pattern


imo it makes the handswitch less stressful to play so I'd like to keep it the way it is now

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03:53:681 (294,295,296,297,298,299,300,301,302) - personally, i think ddkkddddk fits better here, the monotone pattern at the ddddk of the suggested pattern would emphasize with the burst at 03:53:967 (298,299,300,301,302) - better.


I did a dkddkkddk here instead, like that it retains some of the dynamic throughout the part while sounding a bit better

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04:06:895 (452) - kinda weird for you to have this note here since the major kick lands on 04:06:824 while the synth also gets dragged, I think you could move this over to 04:07:038


true, did that now

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mfw finished modding but remembered something after finishing

04:18:395 (1) | 04:20:681 (1) - honestly these spinners would fit much much better starting on the blue ticks, consider moving them


true, adjusted SVs for the spinners too so they don't look quite as cluttered

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05:03:967 - yeah,,, it's epic time


05:07:538 - I understand you're going for blue tick rhythm here due to the synth but this feels out of place given that you didn't use it on 05:06:109 (25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38) which is where it starts, you could either just add a note on 05:07:538 or make the other two pattern blue tick rhythm to account for how sudden this swap is


and even if you don't wanna change for some reason, it's also inconsistent with 05:25:681 in which you follow the 1/4 fully so I recommend this change quite a bit


I went with the blue tick rhythm suggestion for this yeah

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05:29:967 (309) - i don't really have a reasoning for this but i feel d fits better so it doesn't kinda feel too offhand(?)


feels better to me the way it is right now due to the heavy percussions

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