00:28:447 (2) - maybe add circles instead and a 1/3 slider at white tick will be better since all the sound at the previous are clickable, undermapping in just one tiny part is not a good choice imo
00:37:581 (2) - you should change this to 2 sliders like here 00:34:381 (1,2) - or here 00:35:981 (2,3) -
yup i've already consider those rhythm choice. I used sliders at 00:55:181 (2). In short, its just matter of variety and both of rhythm were fine
01:52:696 (2,1,2) - dunno but imo the diistance compare with the snap divisor is kind confused
02:02:406 (1,2,3,4) - same sound than here imo 02:05:606 (1) - , why are you using reverse in the 2nd time? You should use same rythym to be consistent
in order to make buzzsliders at 02:06:006 (2) more impactful. I can follow the usual pattern like i do in previous kiai but it would make the map much boring to play imo since the similar sound happened much often. I short, its just another variety related stuff btw
02:35:006 (1,2,3,1,2) - maybe unstack triple with the slider, kinda confused especially when u have low SL