the one at 00:15:790 I have as d bc the note that falls on 00:15:961 (57) - has a jump in the pitch. As for 00:21:447 - I changed the pattern in this bar 00:20:761 (80,81,82,83,84,85,86,87,88,89,90,91) - to apply the change, it now follows the pitch better.
00:22:132 - this section goes on way too long without a 1/1 break, which you need to place every 16/1 to 20/1 on Oni difficulty, easy fix would be to remove the first notes of each double 00:22:390 (92) - 00:23:761 (100) - 00:25:132 (108) - etc, theyre kinda improvised anyway
if you just wanna remove the minimum, then just 00:22:390 (92) - 00:27:875 (128) -
bruh i misclicked real bad, didnt mean to resolve
00:48:190 - same thing here, no break for a pretty long time, delet 00:53:504 (112,113) -
shorten 00:57:790 (1) - spinner to 00:58:818 - so theres 1/1 break after it
01:04:818 (43) - remove to create another break here
03:04:561 (313,314) - 03:07:475 (332) - remove these to create sufficient breaks for the last kiai
00:22:132 and 02:02:247 - Fixed by removing all doublets (RIP, liked them but consistency is important).
00:35:847 - Done.
00:48:190 - Fixed by instead changing the quadruples into triples (i.e. the notes on 00:52:390 and 00:55:139 are gone). Spinner in the section has been shortened. Same for the one at 02:22:818
01:04:818 and 02:29:847 - Done.
The section after 02:46:304 and the last kiai have been changed to add more 1/1 breaks.
00:25:132 (108,109,110,111,112,113,114,115,116,117) - It's interesting that you're following the melody at the 1st 2 sets and then randomly switch to drums. For me, that doesn't feel as consistent.
00:26:504 (118,119,120,121) - this would be better if it was kddk
the switch up happens to create a sort of pattern that's repeated later at 00:30:618 - too. I don't know if I wanna change it as it works as a form of variation, will consider it though. Applied change for 00:26:504 (118,119,120,121) - though.
what you did works here because 00:25:132 (108) - is a longer chain of sound from that timestamp to 00:27:618 (127) - so i think its fine
01:10:132 (83) - 01:18:361 (156) is 25/1 of continuous mapping without a 1/1 break as stated in rc, id slot in a break here (as mentioned on futsuu its a section with pretty dense rhythm which could really use a break) maybe you could remove 01:15:790 (134) - to seperate the two sections/sorta highlight 01:15:618 (133) - shift in the music (altho this break may not be a very good one but i couldnt think of any better timestamps to slot in a rest moment)
I'll instead break it at 01:10:304 (84,85) - and 01:13:047 (107,108) - by removing those notes and giving a 1/1/ break. The kick is still mapped that way with the kats on the white ticks and not omitted like it would have been otherwise at 01:15:790.
02:46:132 (164) - the kiai's already ended at this timestamp so its weird that it keeps the same note density as the section before it, id maybe nerf/slightly undermap this section so the density progression is more apparent (but you can choose to keep same note density in inner oni, works fine there bc its a higher diff)
The kiai is over but the music is still very energetic and powerful, I'd say even more so than the kiai, which has more simplistic rhythms. Which is also why on the top diff that part is mapped as a deathstream. Thing is, that's not the drop/chorus, thus it's not marked as a kiai until 03:02:590 where the percussion becomes more dense. I can add some breaks but there isn't much I can do in regards to the density, as then it wouldn't be mapped properly to the song.