00:01:034 (1) - this intro section is kinda intense which doesn't really contrast well with how 00:05:397 (1) - feels like the song adds some more instruments here and gets slightly stronger. also has some similar spacing to 00:09:624 (1) - .
would feel a lot better to give more contrast imo like make 00:01:034 (1) - feel weaker, 00:05:397 (1) - slightly stronger and 00:09:624 (1) - strong
00:08:261 (7,8) - additive feedback here, you map this like a continuous pattern so sounds kinda weird to have hs cut out on 00:08:261 (7,8) - in the middle of the stream
00:09:624 (1) - this entire section has a lot of normal-hitwhistle spam for some of the guitar sounds. honestly sounds kinda weird and inconsistent cuz you only give whistles to some of the guitar and not all.
honestly i would advise against using normal-hitwhistle. would suggest you use soft-hitwhistle sample (the light bell thingie) to hs the melody instead.
00:09:624 (1) - please read #2413778 if you haven't already.
00:09:624 (1) - should add kick and finish hs.
00:15:079 (7,1) - I think you should have this be a slider on 7 with 2 notes afterwards. The guitar sounds falls on the red tick, think its more consistent with other sliders on similar sounds.
00:15:079 (7) - extra snare here? random red tick snare sounds really out of place in the song.
00:19:170 (8,9,1,2) - spacing between the 8-9 and 1-2 are very similar but have different rhythms. make 8 either stack on 9 or increase 8's spacing to fix.
00:22:579 (6) - This 1/1 slider does not fit here, that whole section you were following guitar and here you just ignore it
00:34:852 (1,2,3) - You're following vocals in this section but these sliders are following basically nothing major
00:40:306 (1) - Funky slider for no reason doesn't fit, there's no special sound youre trying to emphasize so there's no need for this unnecessary contrast
00:43:715 (2,3) - really noticed 1/4 rhythm here you kinda ignore. songs leading triples into beat 2 is not really common you should really do some 1/4 rhythm here to show how the song is doing this nuance.
same here 00:47:943 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - notice how the this 1/4 pattern kinda emphasizes 00:47:943 (1,4,7) - in a super regular 1/1 rhythm way. also feels kinda weird since you give the active clicking here 00:47:943 (1,2) - when the song is weak but when the song is doing real 1/4 rhythm here 00:48:079 - you simplify it kinda with the 1/4 slider. would feel a lot better have the clickable 1/4 rhythm on 00:48:079 - instead.
also hs sound kinda messed up here since you got a mishmash of samples with snares, soft-hitnormals and drum-hitnormals. having a kick sample would really help here
00:48:897 (1,2) - rhythm is kinda meh here notice how players dont feel the impact of 00:49:579 (3) - cuz you repeat the same thing here 00:49:306 (2) - . basically 00:49:306 (2) - removes impact from 00:49:579 (3) - due to lack of rhythmic distinction.
notice how the song there's a really stronger grouping of 3 vocals here 00:49:170 - on the red tick. would be cool to map that group of 3 somehow cuz like 00:48:897 (1,2,3) - is kinda simplifying the rhythm too much. notice how a rhythm like https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/16716565/6dfb reflects the off beat syncopated vocals a lot better.
this is actually kinda of map wide issue earlier as well with how you repeat 00:46:852 (1,2,3,4) - like a lot during the map. overall 00:46:852 (1,2,3,4) - is actually a common rhythm seen in maps but the usage here feels more akin to it being an umbrella rhythm, meaning that you use this rhythm even when the song is doing different rhythms.
like honestly the song's really goes kinda hard with how the red tick after each big white tick is almost always emphasized. for example 00:46:988 - 00:44:806 - 00:42:624 - etc... notice how 00:42:488 (1,2,3,4) - doesn't really capture the idea of the vocals coming in on 00:42:624 - very well
00:58:034 (1,2,1,2,1,2) - These jumps are a little unorganized and don't emphasize much, if you wanted the snares to stand out more id make 00:58:852 also 2 circles so when the snare part stops the next slider will be more impactful
01:03:897 (4,5) - same as #2413792 kinda but this time notice how triple is emphasizing beat 4 which is also uncommon. would be cool to give triple here to show how the song is doing this type of nuance.
01:06:829 (2) - song is emphasizing white tick here 01:06:761 - but 01:06:829 (2) - implies blue tick emphasis. sometimes patterns like this work but honestly seeing how 01:06:829 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,1) - is kinda hard it would make more sense to start the stream on beat instead of off beat.
also a lot of players would probably interpret 01:06:829 (2) - as being on the white tick as well.
01:07:306 (9,10,11,12,1) - The toms got the same spacing as the snares here again which is a no no
song sounds like it emphasizes 01:09:215 (3) - over 01:09:079 (2) - but the map emphasizes (2) a lot more over (3). basically would suggest you emphasizing the white tick on (3) more relative to (2)
01:13:034 (1) - 3/4 slider into a 1/2 slider would fit better, cuz a 1/1 gap in ur kiai is just awk, also the momentum stop for 01:13:579 makes no sense
01:20:397 (4,5,6) - ehh constant white tick emphasis kind meh here considering the song is doing some red tick emphasis. considering 01:20:943 (6,7,8,9,10) - follows vocals it would make sense to follow some of the red tick vocals just prior. could do a rhythm like https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/16716596/8fb6 , the first half of the measure here 01:19:579 - you could do a bunch of different rhythms the important bit i wanted to highlight was (4,5) in the screenshot.
01:21:761 (1,2) - eh distinction here feels kinda weak notice how 01:21:761 (1,2) - and 01:21:215 (8,9,10,11) - sound different but you do the same jumps. like you just do CCW rotation throughout 01:20:943 (6,7,8,9,10,11,1,2,3) - even tho the song changes on 01:21:761 (1) -
would recommend you give some more distinction on 01:21:761 (1) - by placement or rhythm distinction.
should probably emphasize 01:23:943 (12) - more relative to 01:23:670 (11) - considering 01:23:943 (12) - has a huge crash sound on it
01:24:215 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1) - ehh jump pattern feels ok i guess but honestly could make these white ticks 01:24:215 (1,1,1,1) - more emphasized relative to their red tick counterparts 01:24:352 (2,2,2) - . especially for 01:24:215 (1) - notice how the start of the jump pattern doesn't feel very strong because 01:24:352 (2) - gets the spacing emphasis over 01:24:215 (1) -
01:29:806 (9,10,11) - some pretty intense jumps considering there's not much important sounds.
compare 01:28:306 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - and 01:29:806 (9,10,11) - . the first timestamp feels more intense but for some reason you still give the same kind of jumps to 01:29:806 (9,10,11) - . also consider how the song is emphasizing white ticks here 01:29:397 (8,10,12) - but you map red tick stuff on 01:29:806 (9,11) - . also notice how your usage of the 1/1 slider here 01:29:397 (8) - leads you to map intense red tick stuff on 01:29:806 (9,11) -
would be better to center rhythm around the stronger white ticks here for example some rhythm like https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/16716616/e524 . notice how it's actually ok to have some red tick clicking as seen on (11) in the screenshot, you should just pattern it so that the white ticks still get emphasis in terms of object placement.
Changed the spacing keeping the rhythm I want to emphasize the scream here over anything else
01:31:988 (7) - red tick emphasis kinda weak here. notice how this slider feels like it ends on a stronger sound than it started on. in general players expect clicking to occur on stronger sounds. likewise in general players usually expect sliders to start on stronger sounds and end on sounds of weaker of equal strength. this is just a general thing tho there's always exceptions.
ctrl g the rhythm here 01:31:852 (6,7) - would be better so that 01:31:988 - is passively reflected instead
01:40:306 (4,1,2,1,2) - As for hitsounds. I think you should just make 01:40:579 (2) - and 01:40:852 (2) - but auto+clap to go better with the simple rhythm. If there would bursts, it would work, but these are 1-2's.
01:42:420 (1,2,3,4,5,1) - ehhhh this pattern is kinda meh and is going to be a pain to play. notice how fast this comes out players barely have enough time to tell that 01:42:556 (2,3,4,5) - is actually an even numbered 1/4 pattern. doing something like https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/16716635/e187 would feel a lot better imo.
honestly most people would just ignore 01:42:420 - and start the pattern on 01:42:488 - since that's when a noticeable percussion roll comes in.
02:13:034 (7) - decrease sv a bit and extend to next white tick, might be wrong on how long the sound is, can't really tell
02:16:306 (1,2) - Don't get why you did this here, making both of em 1/3 sliders would be better, if you want contrast in this bit make 02:17:215 a circle
03:03:352 (5) - Cherry-picking this example, pay attention to visual spacing, this circle being this close to the previous slider is sort of an eyesore so keep visual spacing in mind
03:39:624 (6,7,8) - Nerf spacing here cuz toms get same emphasis as the snare and thats unrepresentative of the music
03:56:670 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4) - this feels like the song is reaching some kind of climax but the map suddenly gets easy?
like this is kinda like the huge bridge and solo section of the song. 03:56:670 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4) - should really feel more cathartic honestly.
basically the song is doing cool stuff so it would make sense to map some cool stuff, currently is like 03:56:670 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4) - the most bland and least intense patterning.
notice how 03:58:852 (1,2,3,4) - sounds a lot stronger than 03:56:670 (1,2,3,4) - but the map doesn't really show this contrast.
04:08:397 (1,1) - short combo seems kinda inconsistent and unnecessary would suggest you remove NC on 04:08:397 (1) -
04:13:170 (2,3) - Waaay too spaced for the intensity of the song rn, the angle plus the spacing compared to circles before is overbearing
I wanted to put extra emphasis on these vocals because imo it sounds harsher then the rest of this section
04:15:761 (1,2,3) - should give this more contrast imo. song's guitar come back online here 04:15:761 (1) - but the map doesn't really change that much except for a NC. could put a lot more emphasis and distinction on 04:15:761 (1,2,3) -
04:16:647 - This starts off at giga spacing then the spacing gets smaller as the sons buildup gets higher, this whole stream part needs to be redone tbh
-The intial stream is a very awkward shape and plays very badly, and is giga spaced for no reason
-You do a cutstream for the first time in the map at 4 minutes in which is pretty unexpected
-The final stream has a lower ds than the intial stream overall
-The final final stream at 04:19:306 with snares has the same ds as the rest of the stream
tl;dr this whole bit is misrepresentative of the music and its quicker just to redo it
04:16:851 (5,6,7,8,9) - think this part of the stream is bad, rotate it 40 clockwise to fix.
04:18:419 (4,1) - usage of stream knobs with regards to rhythm seems inconsistent. notice how 04:18:419 (4) - is the knob and it's the blue tick, this emphasizes 04:18:488 (1) - . this idea alone works fine, however here 04:19:034 (1) - is both the stream knob and white tick you are trying to emphasize, usually this on it's own works fine as well.
both ideas work fine but doing both of them close together like this is kinda weird to see since it looks inconsistent, imo i would suggest this kind of knob 04:19:034 (1) - for 04:18:419 (4) - since it's usually more common and works better (imo).
04:27:215 (12,1,2,1,2,1,2,1) - nc should start on the 12. So 12 should be 1. i.e. 10-11-1-2-1-2-etc.
04:27:761 (2) - wait i didn't mean to add a whistle here, i will just remove it from this note so they all have just claps
04:28:306 (2,3,4) - put clap on 2 instead of 3, make it auto instead of drum. sounds better imo.
04:36:352 (1,2,1,2,1,2) - this comboing is really messed up. notice how song is emphasizing white ticks but your comboing is emphasizing some weird off beat red ticks here 04:36:352 (1,1,1) - .
this is mostly due to 04:35:943 (12) - which led you start the jumps on the red tick here 04:36:352 (1) - which you just rolled with and 1-2 comboed everything, even though 1-2 comboing implies the white tick is stronger than the red tick.
notice the difference between 01:23:943 (12,1,2,1,2,1,2,1) - and 04:35:943 (12,1,2,1,2,1) - .
basically it would feel a lot better if you object placement, rhythm and comboing emphasized white ticks
04:37:034 (2,3,4,5,6,7) - hs this 1/4 pattern. there's literally almost zero feedback for this super intense pattern
04:38:943 (3,4,5,6,7) - eehhh rhythm is kinda wonky here and kinda simplifies vocals. some rhythm like https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/16716691/0110 would follow vocals a lot better
04:44:943 (3) - extra snare. snare should be on 04:45:079 (1) - instead. notice the song is doing the snare-kick-kick pattern and your comboing is implying groups of 3.
04:46:306 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1) - i would avoid copying and pasting this pattern notice how 04:46:306 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1) - and 04:17:397 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - are in two completely different contexts.
04:52:852 (5,1,1,1,1) - kinda lame to put at the end of the map imo. going from 04:52:852 (5,1,1,1,1) - to full on intense jumps here 04:53:397 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1) - is kinda hard and cheesy imo. also not too sure why 04:52:852 (5) - is muted it has a pretty noticed percussion sound on it.