00:13:271 (2) - make this the same angle as 00:11:396 (1) - so it's in line with the line of notes.
It's intentional, I don't want them be in lines. I didn't make them in line for 00:05:771 (2,3,4,5) - too. Sorry but no change.
for 00:48:896 (1,2,3,4) - use double reverse sliders instead of sextuple ones to reflect the buildup in music.
00:52:646 - When I first played the map, here I was overwhelmed by the sudden change from very slow to very fast (I actually failed there lol). Maybe you could make the sliders from 00:48:896 to 00:52:646 1 beat long instead of 2 so there is a more gradual increase in difficulty. This also would have the added benefit of matching the drums better, since they are played on every beat during that part.
00:58:271 (1,2,3) - Don't be scard to make it 1 tick longer to be a little Slider stream https://i.imgur.com/HPWEC2X.png (like this)
01:43:271 (1,2,3) - same ^
I'm just trying to do something like https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/517474#osu/1114721 00:45:788 - so I think it's ok.
01:27:333 (4) - if this note is placed where 01:26:630 (2) - is, it will flow a lil' nicer.
01:29:677 (6) - Think u may decrease the volumn here to 30% to emphasize the change of tones, also it can lead to the following part better
01:39:521 (1) - This slider is not timed correctly to the music, see 01:39:755 (2,3,4) for example.
01:44:677 (4,5,1) - possibly lower spacing a little for 01:44:677 (4,5) - , and increase for 01:44:911 (5,1) - so more impact for 1. helps create contrast, and 4,5 are sounds where the bgm stops, so would be nicer to emphasize them less
02:00:614 (2) - NC here is ok, tho. cuz the change in melody is enough to spread to 2 different parts
02:02:724 (5,4) - either stack them properly, or give them more distance, so that it looks less accidental
02:14:208 (1,2,3) - give those sliders a 5% volume maybe, there is no sound at sliderends
also u can make it like this http://osu.ppy.sh/ss/16684264/46b7 , no need to stack them becuz the BPM of the song is kinda low anyway
02:15:146 (1) - Maybe delete this and make the spinner start from this timeline is better, no more sound for a note but a spinner can demonstrate it better