00:21:837 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3) - gradually lowering the spacing instead for guitar pitch?
00:44:090 (5) - 像你這個 長白線沒聲音聲音(鼓聲) 就選擇直接做一個1/1滑條拉過去 我知道你想要fit vocal 但你都是跟鼓聲 突然跟vocal 不太行 你整首有這問題的 要全部做修正
00:46:728 (6,7) - 像這種地方 如果你放1/1滑條 你滑條尾會有鼓聲 這樣就不能放1/1滑條 怎麼解決 很簡單 不要放滑條 就00:46:728 (6) - 單點跟00:47:057 (7) - 單點
把長白線空下來 NC選在前 在後 我覺得沒什麼差 你自行選擇
00:57:936 (8) - just too underwhelming and not a straightforward rhythm cuz nobody expects this in a top diff, just do a stream normally or triple + circle instead
01:27:112 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - 你這裡跟vocal就好 不要多放3連打 聲音逐漸下降 但間距還有一定的距離 不優 你改成類似這樣 https://i.imgur.com/Q0rQi8l.png 能比較好體現出來連打跟小間距之間的舒張力度 剛好也可以符合音樂情境
01:28:101 (1,2) - 02:44:586 (1,2) - just some playability concern on my end, I don't think it's that comfortable to start massive 1/2 jump right after a 1/1 pause, a smoother buildup would be nicer imo
01:34:035 (1,2) - looks a bit meh cuz its just something between a tricky stack and a properly done overlap pattern, and sadly looks like neither of them, could change a bit the direction of 1 for slightly better visual clarity -> https://puu.sh/HO7Jh/7b6bbc0cdc.png
01:37:002 (1) - could just place it further to have 01:36:838 (7,1) - spacing differentiated from 01:36:508 (4,5,6,7) -
01:37:662 (3,4) - uh now that you changed rhythm of this I suppose you should have it differentiated from 01:37:991 (4,1) - with some pattern adjustments. current pattern worked as an interesting transition for the older rhythm but for current one it just looks like a misplaced pattern to me :(
https://puu.sh/HOfsl/12906a8632.png 原本是这样的节奏,两个1/4gap都拉得很开,我觉得这样改也会有人说所以其实可能基于现在的节奏改改梗会比较合理
01:52:250 (4) - more fitting to have 01:52:085 - as triple rhythm instead (similar to 01:53:403 (3) - ), guitar melody isn't the main instrument but rather a supporting role
02:05:354 (5) - . similar to #2408328 I think it's kinda dumb using 1/2 reverse in an extra unless it really fits ._.
02:06:673 (1,2,3,4) - 這個pattern是很好看,但我覺得音樂強度不夠支持這邊放三滑條,
節奏用單點應該就可以了~ https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/16478842/ea7d
02:12:607 (6,7) - thats some random massive 1/2 spacing on nothing in a calm section, rly pops out of nowhere
02:41:536 (11,1) - think you should change flow at 1 instead for consistency with like most of your other streams 02:43:019 (6,1) - 01:11:865 (4,1) - etc.
02:49:201 (1) - 1/4 gap into 02:49:530 (2) - at current spacing is just a huge miss which breaks the flow of movement badly, you can keep current shape and movement but make 02:49:201 (1) - 1.5x and a 1/2 slider instead
03:17:552 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1) - yea this is the reason i will never nominate the other ghost set, but at least it was consistently introduced in that map while ur doing it only 3 minutes into the song which sucks in terms of player expectation
04:14:750 (4,5,1) - that movement is super weird and just looks like you ran out of space ? ? ?
you know, flow wise 4->5->1 is pretty shit, like even https://i.imgur.com/kqGU22M.jpeg is better i dont know uddudududfudfdufsfdkalsdfh
04:21:178 (2,3) - similar to #2408341 but you could even do more here cuz now you have 04:21:343 - drums to map, using same rhythm for consistency does not make enough sense