00:03:636 (4) - not really understanding the purpose of these 1/4 sliders. they dont really add to anything. you usually just map the vocals as circles and the drums andguitars dont really get anything out of this
00:16:493 (8) - how about ctrl + G ? to keep the high DS motion in this section ( 00:15:850 (6,7) - and then 00:16:064 (7,8,1) - ), gives a nice feeling due to the consistency
00:17:350 (3) - i'd rather go circle plus slider for this one to keep it different from 00:20:778 (3) - which has several guitar sounds. spacing and such is different already but that only covers the pitch
00:19:171 (5,6) - Would suggest moving 6 to about (295, 230) since your other 1/4 circles at 00:15:743 (5,6) - 00:22:600 (5,6) - 00:26:028 (5,6) uses more snappy movement while this one is a more linear movement.
00:23:778 (1,2,3,4,5) - these 5 soundsdont deserve as much emphesis as the sounds 00:20:350 (1,2,3,4) - here i wound say. i dont really see why you chose to use this pattern here instead of there. also you kinda broke your passive drum rhythm logic here 00:24:207 (3) -
00:27:207 (1,2,3,4,5) - heh... that first circle makes me wonder...
If you planned to use the drum rhythm for the entire combo aside from that first circle, why did you dilute your rhythm with another instrument? x.x
If you really want that beat because it helps keep the momentum better, consider adding a slider tail there instead (00:26:778 (8) - repeat).
If you instead want to keep the NC in that exact place I suggest switching the focus on the guitar making those quick chords, like you did for 00:23:993 (2,3,4,5) -
00:27:743 (2) - more ds would be cool, 279|145 for example, no need to change it so abruptly like this in such a funky song :3c
00:28:493 - 00:35:136 - not sure whether you tested this part, but it plays reaaaally awkward.
The current rhythm choice is one of the reasons here, but also the way you try to confuse the player with your object placement: first is 00:31:493 (9,10,11) - breaking the usual spacing rule between circles, then 00:33:421 (11,1,2,3,4) - going completely crazy with its flow making it hard to follow, as well as 00:34:814 (11,12,13,1) - at the end.
The main reason for this is probably the fact you put a sharp angle BEFORE the actual beat that needed the emphasis from the sharp turn, like for example 00:34:921 (12,13,1) - where you put the angle on a blue tick instead of doing something like https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/11548124. Keep an eye on emphasis.
00:41:028 (8,1) - similar in reasoning, emphasis is kinda meh if you put the sharp turn on a blue tick.
Ofc, if it's done consistently and it fits it's not a big deal, but since it doesn't fit in the first instance here I can't let the other one slip away due to consistency. Just make sure that strong beats don't fall within wide angle jumps like 00:35:028 (13,1,2) - currently does
00:31:493 (9,10,11) - fixed this
00:34:921 (12,13,1) - slightly moved this, prob not noticeable for you
yea i test all my parts, but i dont try to go for SS's with my testplays. i think the way it is is engaging. wide angles for me are easier to play than for you i'm pretty sure, so i dont think it's an issue if my angles are the way they are
00:29:028 (4,5) - 00:32:457 (4,5) - Similar to #443974 this is using more smooth flow while other circle->slider patterns like 00:28:493 (1,2) - 00:30:421 (2,3,4,5) - 00:32:136 (2,3) are more snappy. Making them all snappy would feel cooler I feel.
00:29:350 (6,7,8,9,10,11) - is it just me or this rhythm is kinda misleading. You tend to use a slider whenever there's a held sound on the guitar, but then the rhythm seems kinda off for that last part.
Since it's a bit long to explain in words, here's what the rhythm should look like imo https://i.imgur.com/XUZPL9I.png if you want to focus on guitar for the entire combo (since it also plays better tbh).
00:32:778 (6,7,8,9,10,11) - similar thing happens here, but in this case there's also a big inconsistency with 00:31:278 (8,9,10,11) - if you check (the most obvious thing being the triple at 00:31:493 (9,10,11) - being represented with 00:33:207 (10,11) - later on even tho it's the same rhythm)
i put circles instead of sliders for claps, which overrides my rules for the sliders for the held guitar sounds. the inconsistency occurs at 00:31:278 (8,9,10,11) - because i didnt want that part to be all circles
00:33:528 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13) - idk, music changes pretty drastically, but those patterns don't
00:36:207 (2,3,4) - while it plays fine with the repeating vocal rhythm, it doesn't really work out with the doubles and the guitar. with the vocals in mind just triples would probably do the job best. maybe something like https://mok.s-ul.eu/2tcpcuEm https://mok.s-ul.eu/dA3lweZI
00:38:564 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - I mentioned earlier emphasis and this is another point related to it. While I do understand you wanted the visual pattern to be like this, you discarded how it actually plays.
The way you cramped your slider shapes, players will just ignore them and abuse slider leniency. That being the case, you should only worry about how things flow into each other, and that's the issue: 00:38:564 (1,2,3) - are done nicely, since both 1 and 2 point towards the next object, but 00:39:421 (5,6,8) - these do the exact opposite if you check their flow. Again, if you test this out you an see it since it feels rather forced.
00:44:564 (5,6) - can I express my utmost dislike for this sort of stuff?
I know it has been allowed with some RC changes while I was gone from the game, but holy... I keep missing on those. You also use them in just like... 2 places and the ending, so it's not even something you made a full fledged concept into
01:05:457 (2,3) - this is improportionally large in comparison to 01:02:029 (2,3) - where the guitars are similarly quiet. i assumed the logic for the sudden spacing increase here 01:03:743 (4,5) - was to map the guitars that suddenly become more audible