00:02:275 (1,2,3,4) - Why is this part here straight sliders instead of reverse sliders like when this section is repeated most of the time. Listen to 00:06:146 (1,2,3,4) - and they're basically the same. I suggest sticking to one choice rather than switching a lot. This also includes the rest of the times when this repeats fyi.
You could put a specific distance for parts like 00:04:210 (1,1,1,1) - , 00:06:146 (1,1,1,1) - , 00:08:081 (1,1,1,1) - and 00:10: 017 (1,1,1,2) - Because even if it's pixelated, it looks a bit messy the order and distance they have from each other, for example 00:04:210 (1,1) - they are not so close together unlike 00:04:501 (1,1) - they are overlapping. A distance of 2x between them can be fine
Make 00:07:017 (1) - this as 00:06:436 (1) - to follow the pattern. That is, straight up, don't look up
00:14:463 - Add a circle that's stacked on top of the next circle to make the rythm gap regular and to map a small sound that's present there.
00:15:098 (1) - I don't think this needs to be a reverse slider since the sound on the reverse is faint. I suggest making this a non reverse slider instead.
00:15:098 - this timing point doesn't need to be here. you can simply put 00:15:098 (1) on which you did by using 1/8 beat divisor // after you did, 00:15:098 (1) - unsnapped slider tail, has to be at 00:15:339
00:15:114 (1) - Ctrl + G to make it easy to follow as it undergoes a greasy speed change that is surprising, besides that, 00:14:952 (7,1) - are very close notes to each other and that will help to have an adequate distance
00:20:672 (1,2,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - This stream may be boring and unrepresentative to play since the motion is fluid throughout the whole slider. Since every 4 circles starts a new phrase of some sort, there should be something to show that and combos don't show it well enough. Combos aren't enough to show that, since some players don't even have combo numbers and because there is no new play in it as well. I suggest changing the direction of a stream using sharp angles or spacing out every 4 notes.
Here is an Example: https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/15450755/dcb8 (Change the visuals and object placement. This is just an example.)
Due to the accompaniment of the snares, greasily lowering the speed by 00:27:447 (1) - can be a problem on the map on the rhythm side, it does not emphasize well with the section. I recommend to increase it a bit more, it could be 1x
00:32:661 (1) - circle + slider fits better rhythmically since you would emphasize the more important downbeat here 00:32:855
00:33:641 (5) - This part of the music sounds more fit for a fast SV reversing slider. It's not very quiet and it's kind of loud too.
Even the sound is sustained, it is very bad to place a stream at 00:39:060 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,1) - when even the background drums maintain a constant sound at each of the white ticks and are not as loud. To emphasize better you could make a slider that covers that section without being so slow
00:49:125 (3) - make a better slider here, the shape of that slider does not represent anything or any change of the same song or rhythm. Something simpler is fine.
00:51:544 (1) - Why do you decide to put a spinner here when in 00:46:028 (5) - you follow and emphasize WELL the rhythm with a slider? I recommend to remove that spinner as well as the streams mentioned above and follow the example of the slider but with more speed to emphasize better
00:52:996 (1) - 00:56:196 (1) - the repeating sliders here shouldn't be as long as they are I'd recommend shortening them and placing two more repeating sliders at 00:54:596 (2) - and 00:57:796 (2) - to better represent the music
00:56:196 (1,1) - these would be great if they have different angle with 00:52:996 (1,1) - since it has different melody. consider ctrl+h them imo
00:59:396 (1,2,3,1,2,1,2,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - since the rhythm's split into 3's here, your rhythm should look something like this https://i.imgur.com/PwLu5CF.png rather than what you had before where the downbeats were landing on sliderends, creating an inconsistent rhythm to play
01:36:037 (3) - This sounds weird. There are beats to support this but they are very low and unnoticeable. It also sounds like the hit sounds are louder than the music too, making it not able to be heard. I suggest making this just one long slider.
02:00:792 (1) - Maybe just make all the reverse sliders in this section stacked bursts. The Reverse sliders don't represent the intensity and may sound weird.
02:09:192 (1,2) - Don't ignore the other sounds in this part. Why are these sliders so slow for such an intense music. A multiple reverse slider thats a little faster in sv would do it.
02:29:014 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - The sounds in each note of the stream aren't equal. Perhaps turning these into multiple sliders would represent better.
02:57:064 (1,1) - too low distance in comparison to 02:56:314 (2,3,4,5,6,7). should be increased imo
the slider of 02:57:214 (9) - it doesn't make much sense with the rhythm and it's also very abiguous. There are background drums you can follow instead of doing this.
04:04:264 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3) - This just comes out of no where. This section isn't so intense so I suggest maybe some sliders instead?
04:33:214 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3) - are all 3 objects combos. putting nc at 04:34:264 (1) - would be weird. also, you don't need 2 nc's on 2 objects in a row 04:34:264 (1,1) -
you can leave the finish if you want its just that theres not really anything to support it in the music, as for the ctrl-g, that was necessary because the slider entry point made it seem like you'd go down first while really you take a sharp left after entering it then aim the bumps, with the ctrl-g its very clear that you go down the bumps of flandre's wing before looping up to the end of the slider