00:02:711 (1) - slidershape looks squished :< http://osu.ppy.sh/ss/14914612/a4d9 looks far better
if you need the code:
replace with that in osu file
00:05:438 (1) - make sure when you have a grey anchor between red anchors, place the greys in the middle. kinda imbalanced rn
00:09:529 (1) - as you focus piano throughout the section it feels weird to skip the one at 00:09:870 - I think it would fit better to end the slider there
U can then fill the vocal at red tick with circle but i guess it isn't necessary
00:09:529 (1,2) - hs isn't following rhythm, would whistle on slider head
also aesthetic doesn't look too great for these two sliders
00:12:257 (1,2,3,4) - The choice to arrange these in a square is considerably poor as the piano notes are clearly increasing in pitch with every note, but are being represented as if they were the same. The square shape also doesn't integrate well into the map's aesthetics, which are generally more freeform, especially because the square's edges are effectively parallel to the Cartesian axes.
As these are all circles, the only viable way to accentuate the increasing pitches is to move each circle further away from the last, in a fashion less predictable than a square. It would also be possible to change each circle into a held slider which increases in slider velocity with every note.
00:17:200 (2,3) - these sounds are entirely different so I'm not sure if stacking them fits, plus these are the only stacked 1/2s in the section so ye
I'd suggest to put 3 around x 128 y 131 or something like that
stacking the 3 to emphasizing 00:17:541 (1) - more instead of jump imo opinion and there is drum in background piano so it's would be good transition
00:18:393 (3,4,5,6,7) - I feel like there is little reason to make this a full burst? it's just a circle into a triple so removing 4 would fit better because you don't use bursts in this map anyways.
just want to make symmetrical pattern here 00:18:052 (2,3,4,5,6,7,1,2) - it's more fun to play imo and will create good aes/structure there but will change if u still not argee with me
00:19:416 (2) - this diagonal slider looks pretty out of place as you tend to use straight sliders either vertical or horizontal through the map.
For the sake of keeping the pattern idea I'd say that you should just use this shape flipped instead 00:18:052 (2) - for more accurate symmetry
00:19:416 (2,3) - Would increase the spacing a bit here, spacing feels abruptly small for no reason, mb https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/15406445/1848 ?
00:23:336 (2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2) - This is kind of hard to deal with considering the music is both going 1-2 mode and the melody is doing some 1-2-3 thing at the same time, I thought up of this https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/15406458/9944 , I feel like the 1-2-3 on 00:23:848 (1,2,1) - is too much to ignore or map as typical 1-2 so it would be nice if you try to signify it somehow, generally up to you though.
i prefer keeping 1-2 mode cuz there only 1-2-3 in a moment so it's pretty confusing when it's from 1-2 to 1-2-3 and back to 1-2
00:25:211 (3,4,5,6,1) - pattern should have higher initial spacing before decreasing else the contrast doesn't feel like much
00:34:927 (3,4,1,2,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1) - This pattern is of the same intensity throughout, which does not reflect the song. 00:35:268 (1,2,1,2) - only cover instrumentals while 00:36:120 (3,4,5,6,7,1) - are also backed with a vocal layer. There should be some contrast between 00:35:268 (1,2,1,2) - and 00:36:120 (3,4,5,6,7,1).
Representing this build-up well is considerably key as this is arguably the most intense section within the verses, bridging between a quiet piano/vocal section and a section with a stable drumbeat. The jumps covering the vocals could have higher spacing to fix this.
i pretty much focus on drum layer more than vocal layer and the vocal there not really noticeable imo if i do that than i will have to do smth with the vocal here too 00:42:256 (1) -
00:39:018 (4,5) - I think the movement for the last few seconds has been very jaggy/awkward, especially this is pretty annoying to play when the song is still quiet, maybe something more straight forward like https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/15426831/30a7 would be better
umm i think the movement here is fine not really annoying to play at all since the spacing is kinda low so should be fine
This is one possible rhythm that fits the vocals: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/651832874999480345/704895005138878494/unknown.png
The density may also be reduced by changing one or more of these to 1/1 sliders:
00:39:529 (1,2) - 00:40:041 (3,4) - 00:40:382 (4,5) -
00:42:257 (1) - Clear crash on this note which isn't complemented with emphasis in the map.
I would rotate 00:41:916 (5) - 90 degrees to the left, and blanket the end with 00:41:404 (4), as in https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/14833655/69f7
This is just an example that happens to be visually appealing, but anything should work as long as:
00:42:598 (2,3,4,5,6) - nice 3/4 here so underwhelming to leave it unmapped, maybe https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/15426845/40c6 is cool
00:47:711 - 00:58:450 - Overall section is pretty scuffed altogether actually, you go to this side 00:50:438 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5) - too many times, would be cool to rework it to avoid that
it's probably because you're limiting yourself so much to only these curvy sliders rotating clockwise or anti clockwise thing, which is kinda cool but limiting the playfield usage like still vastly outweighs it
say the first pattern could be something like https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/15426869/a17c to keep your idea, then you could try to mix between different curves and straight sliders so you can make more patterns and thus can more easily transition all over the playfield, for example I had this idea https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/15426878/8adb into https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/15426886/b96e
it's prob mega confusing sorry, ping me ing if you need more specific help
00:48:734 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - Can you spread out this pattern just a little bit, feels very cramped rn
00:55:552 (4,5,1) - Crash here also needs more emphasis. Stacking 4-5 and moving 1 down should do the trick. The stack functions as a rest point where the displacement reaches a local stationary, and the velocity will polarise as it follows through into 1. It would look something like this: https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/14833701/e434
i think it's emphasis enough since super shape angel pls overlapping which make it's stand out from other since it's calm part so the emphasize rn is enough imo
01:03:393 (2,3,4,1) - for the 3/4, would be nice to use this rhythm or similar http://prntscr.com/u3ffe4
01:04:075 (1,2,1,1,1,1,2,1,1,1,1) - Forcing the 3/4 syncopations on one side of the field drastically misrepresents the music; there should be more movement in those sections, perhaps even on opposite sides of the field.
I have a difficulty on this mapset which demonstrates this. The half bars of lower intensity are both focused at the centre, but the syncopated half bars move through different areas of the playfield. It should demonstrate that in a build-up section like this, more changes in movement are encouraged. Don't go too far with this, however; we have not reached the chorus of the song.
01:12:427 (2,3,4,5,6,7) - a star pattern feels kind of random in terms of groupings in the song I feel, I was thinking something like this https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/15497610/5370 would envision the song a bit better?
01:16:177 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - current rhythm seems a bit faulty, vocals are on hold so you map the melody sound, which focuses on the red ticks which isn't really represented in the current rhythms, also kind of glosses over the strong vocals here with a 1/2 slider which isn't that nice. I would suggest a rhythm/pattern more like https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/15406345/dfea .
01:18:393 (3,4,5) - 01:15:666 (4,5,6) - etc..., It's nice that you have a consistent pattern/idea here, but it would be cooler if you did something to show the vocal on 01:16:007 - 01:18:734 - etc..., such as slightly higher spacing or sharper movement say https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/15406359/1fb2 , this is generally better representation wise imo and also makes parts like 01:19:757 (4,5,6) - stand out more because the 1-2-3 linear/circle pattern is no longer everywhere in the map.
01:19:757 (4,5,6) - movement off 01:19:416 (3) - is pretty simple/small spacing as well, would be cool to do something like https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/15426898/2ffc to keep it feeling intense
01:23:166 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3) - There is a flaw in this pattern. It suggests two things:
While 01:23:166 (1,2,3,1,2,3) - covers both vocals and instruments, 01:24:529 (1,2,3) - only covers instruments. These should thus be two distinct patterns, rather than being grouped into one.
i grouping stuff by instruments not vocal and i was focus on drum thoughout the chorus so would be reasonable to not change the pattern
01:23:848 (1,2,3,1,2,3) - Initial pattern is nice but later on the music doesn't really do this? Like the grouping in the music I feel doesn't do this 1-2 into slider thing, it's more like it's constantly ramping up and I feel you could probably do some continous jumps here, like https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/15406383/67c5 , could be a nice change of pace for the map.
01:23:848 (1,2,3) - I was thinking this angle https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/15497581/2e1a is better because currently it feels like you have very wide movement to 01:24:529 (1) - and the since the pattern keeps changing directions it ends up being very comfortable if that makes sense? sharper angle seems a bit better here
01:26:064 (2,3) - maybe angle more akin to https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/15497572/cc52 is better? you've been going to the left side constantly with 01:25:211 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3) - so maybe breaking it here is cool.
01:36:120 (3,4,5) - Two vocals here, so would be cool to not use a slider, perhaps circle into triple would be cooler?
ahh i'm dunno i prior the drum here and I want to keep the consistent idea of 01:14:302 (1,2,3,4,5) - 01:25:211 (1,2,3,4,5,1) - and I never done circle to triple b4 so idk considering keep for now
01:45:154 (2,1,2,1,2,3) - overall emphasis of this pattern feels a bit shaky? like 01:45:325 - the snare is a bit special here and doesn't really get proper emphasis, 01:45:666 (1,2,3) - are grouped in 1-2-3 through nc's but it's not that prevalent in gameplay. Maybe a pattern like https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/15406407/15a4 would be better?
no? cuz the cuz it's went straight up from this jump 01:44:813 (1,2,1) - so I think it's got emphasize enough well and this part is still 1-2 mode and 1-2-3 thing but the 1-2 didn't last long as the first one so I make this to 01:45:666 (1,2) - consistent with 1-2 thing and 01:46:007 (3) - this for 1-2-3 so it's pretty well imo and it's also fit the piano
01:45:495 (2) - then decrease this spacing or something, so the next 01:45:666 (1,2,3) - feels more special current is pretty awkward imo
01:45:666 (1) - should be a clap here I believe, makes hitsounding more in line with what's going on in the map/music.
01:48:052 (2,3,4,5) - I feel like the piano here is more of the main instrument than anything else, the background melody is nice but especially when it's like the outro and there aren't many sounds I feel like following the most prominent layer which is the piano would work better, regardless if you wanna map the instrument then I'd rather you not throw 1/1 sliders like that, maybe this rhythm http://prntscr.com/u0xcdd would be better.
01:51:632 (1,1) - Players using skins with transparent sliderends may misread the large jump between the long slider covering the held guitar string, and the kickslider covering the riff. This could be fixed in 3 ways: