00:05:868 (27) - K as 00:05:515 (26) - did? and same to other parts simillar
00:09:215 (48,49) remove the note? here is very quiet so I think put note here is little weird
00:17:156 (95,96,97,98,99,100) - following violin high pitches, you should do kk(dddk) or kd(kkkk)
I have always placed Finisher at the end of a each part, and then in the style of a 1/1 interval. but, we plan to change it, as it has been pointed out to us most of the time. / 01:39:215 (562) - 00:25:803 (155) - add Finish, If it should be deleted, it shall be deleted.
01:22:103 - https://puu.sh/Fm2S7/05b0b41c36.png dddddがとかがいまいち合ってるように感じなかったので、このようなパターンはいかがでしょうか?
01:34:980 (528,529,530,531) - to lead to the next bar of voice smoothly I suggest changing it to k kkd or kkk d. Main goal is to have colour change similar to 00:21:744 (125,126) -