Hello, from #modreqs
-Nikakis' part-
00:12:139 (3,4) - I should assume that this's intentional, but it actually doesn't look really appealing due to the uneven spacing of triples here while 00:12:957 (2,3,4) - are equal. An unequal distance space doesn't really support the music too since they're both drums active on the notes.
Could as well make 00:11:685 (2,3,4,1) - , all of them even in visual spacings.
Didn't really understand what you are saying, I will guess that you are talking about the placement of these 00:12:139 (3,4) - that are too close to the slider.Nvm, I made the parts more similar i guess(?)
00:13:321 (5,1) - since you're mapping stacks here, you might aswell stack 1's tail under 5's head
00:13:321 (5,1) - vs 00:19:139 (1,2) - same sound tbh, but you reversed the rhythm in the 2nd one, consider making them consistent
00:13:685 (1) - 00:16:594 (2) - these two notes have similar music intense and sound, and you followed that emphasis, then I think you should set same rhythm, 00:16:594 (2) - change it into 1/2 rhythm.
00:14:048 (3,4) - this is the only time you use an antijump, i'd just make this a regular small ds jump like the rest of the section
00:14:594 (1,2,3) - subjective but maybe arrange like https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/10014676 ? looks better imo
00:14:594 (1,2) - I feel like distance here is too close to compare with distance 00:14:957 (2,3) - here and I think both 3 sliderhead have same instrument sound.
Hi! I'm here for your NM request.
00:14:594 (1) - I think you should add a new NC here 00:22:048 (1) - and also here since it overlaps a slider.
00:30:594 (4) - Also here, I think this deserve a new NC too.
But overall the spacing, placement and hitsounds are fine for me. The only thing you should worry about is the combo colours.
Nice set by the way. I hope your map gets ranked!
About your second suggestion, I put the NC here 00:30:775 (1) - for the piano sound, 00:30:594 (4) doesn't include any new sound or something. I also fixed the dark green combo color so I think there is no problem now.Thank you!
-Nikakis' part-
The NC-ings aren't consistent. I expect NC-ing a measure each, or half a measure each so it reflects the music more.
For example, at 00:14:775 - you NC-ed a measure each, so you could probably switch the NCs at 00:19:139 (6,1) - to be more consistent. Same too at 00:24:957 (5,1) - .
In this section, 00:24:957 - , you NC-ed half a measure each so 00:30:048 (5) - should be NC-ed too, same applies to 00:32:048 (5) - etc.
00:16:230 (1,1) - Unnecessary spam of NC. Remove NC from the first slider and add a finish instead on the second one to emphasize the jump in the best way possible
-Nikakis' part-
00:16:594 (2,3) - Same as before, about aesthetics. How about stacking (3) on the slider-end of 00:16:230 (1) - ?
There're some more problems about aesthetics. For instance, 00:43:685 (1,3) - which could be improved by stacking.
00:24:957 (1) - Make 00:25:321 - clickable for it is a starting vocal and is prominent. (e.g Make them like these 00:19:139 (6,1) - , 00:13:321 (5,1) - . Or a 3/4 slider then circle.)
Edit: forgot to say that there was also a horn sound there so the importance is twice.
00:24:957 (1,2) - could you decrease DS little bit? looks it has similar distance with 00:25:321 (2,3) - , players can confuse about reading.
-Nikakis' part-
00:27:685 (3,1) - I suggest CTRL+G-ing the rhythm here. While the vocal starts at 00:27:685 - but it's kinda different with 00:26:230 (3) - , it kinda... risens up in pitch. And moreover, there's a pretty strong note on the downbeat.
-Nikakis' part-
00:29:503 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - The jumps kinda kills the contrast between sections. It's pretty large and it's similar to the jumps in kiai itself while the part is calmer musically. I'd highly recommend to tone them down or simply convert them into sliders. Same applies to 00:35:321 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) -
In my opinion, the jumps fit for the piano and for the sake of the loud drum beats.True, sometimes the melody is going quite calm like 00:35:321 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - but I don't want to nerf the jumps just because the song is getting calm, I want to separate the piano keys and drum beats from the calmility of the song.Converting them in sliders it would be really undermapping in my opinion.About an overall spacing nerf I think it isn't needed but if other modders gonna share similar opinion like yours then I would consider one.
-Nikakis' part-
00:31:139 (2) - The rhythm you follow isn't consistent with what you did the entire section. You take the vocals as priority everywhere else but you neglect the vocals at 00:31:321 - . It'd be better if it's changed into 1/2 slider + single note.
00:31:139 (2) - This slider is covering the sound at 00:31:321 - that should be clickable like you did for 00:25:685 (2,3) - .. I don't understand this sudden change for the same rhythmed section honestly xP
00:42:412 (1,2) - why this part doesn't have emphasis? in every part, you added jump for emphasis, you should jump it too.
00:47:139 (2,4,7,8,1) - could use some polish, I would move 00:47:503 (4,7,8,1) - a little bit lower to avoid pixel overlap with 00:47:139 (2) - . Also trying to balance these 00:47:321 (3,5,6) - with visual spacing will make it look neater
-Nikakis' part-
00:50:230 (3) - There's nothing to emphasize here, a jump isn't necessary here. The impact of emphasis to the drums after is also lowered down because of this. How about this? https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/10000229
00:58:957 (3,4) - mapping these sounds as normal 1/2 sliders feel weird because I think it doesn't emphasize the music very well. I will suggest some SV manipulation here. 00:58:957 (3,4) - I would make these 1/4 sliders with faster SV.
01:01:139 (1,2) - this part has 120 degree' angle. then for better visual of pattern, 01:01:139 (1,2,3) - can be triangle pattern, stacking looks not so good idea imo.
01:04:048 (1,2) - consider replacing it with 1/2 slider as 01:04:230 - circle here sounds kinda empty cuz I can hear nothing there. And this prominent sound is too way continious to be just a circle.
01:04:048 (1,2,3,4) - i also think you should change this rhythm to either a 1/2 slider-triplet or a 3/4-circle rhythm (screenshot if you're confused about what i mean https://puu.sh/z25xe.png) as 01:04:230 (2,3,4) - isnt really a triple sound, but a double on 01:04:321 (3,4) -.
-Nokashi's part-
01:04:775 (6) - Could probably NC this to stay consistent like the others. Same applies to 01:16:412 (6) -
-Nokashi's part-
01:08:594 (1) - How about changing this into a 1/1 slider instead? Starting from 01:06:048 - it's all 1/2s and it kills the contrast between the beats itself. Would be cool to differenciate it from 01:06:957 (1,2,3,4) - too. Same applies to 01:20:230 (1) - .
01:14:412 (1) - well,,, I think players can hard to read this slider's reversearrow, could you abvoid the stack for better reading?
01:15:321 (2,3) - both are drum sound but distance here is way shorter than distance 01:14:412 (1,2) - here. can you move 3 to give more distance?
01:17:321 (1,2) - compared to 00:13:321 (1,2)
your 3/4 spacing throughout the diff is pretty inconsistent. the beginning of the map has some very high spaced 3/4. because of the bpm it's pretty easy to play, but it doesn't make sense for the most intense 3/4 parts to be at the beginning of the map while the chorus has the easier 3/4.
01:17:685 (2,3) - Really weird antijump considering you made a jump between 01:17:321 (1,2,3) - that are placed 1/4 on the time line while (2) and (3) are placed 1/2 and have a smaller spacing xD Just CTRL +G the 01:17:685 (2) - to make a smooth and fun "up-down-up-down" movement while playing this pattern
01:18:048 (3,4) - ctrl G for better flow.01:18:048 (3,4,5) - this wide angle looks little bit uncomfortable to move the mouse.
I would just stack 01:20:230 (1,2) - considering you are treating it as if it was the exact same as 01:05:685 (1,2) - , which it isn't as you can tell it's clearly much weaker. I'd also do something about stuff like 01:05:139 (2) - , you could probably space it out to emphasize it, just having it like that doesn't really show how strong it is.
-Nokashi's part-
01:21:139 (1,3) - Switching NC here to be consistent with the others? More fitting too imo.
Could probably NC 01:11:139 (6) - too for marking the rhythm differences and 01:23:138 (5) - for downbeat.
01:21:503 (3) - this should be spaced further than 01:21:321 (2) - because the sound much higher pitched and its also a finish. also nc this pl0x