Unused files.
Too high sprite resolution.
"sb/intronext/mimiisqt132.jpg" is missing, so you'll need to check that manually.
"sb/intronext/mimiisqt133.jpg" is missing, so you'll need to check that manually.
"sb/intro/shish100.jpg" is missing, so you'll need to check that manually.
"sb/intro/shish101.jpg" is missing, so you'll need to check that manually.
"sb/intro/shish102.jpg" is missing, so you'll need to check that manually.
"sb/intro/shish103.jpg" is missing, so you'll need to check that manually.
"sb/intro/shish104.jpg" is missing, so you'll need to check that manually.
"sb/intro/shish105.jpg" is missing, so you'll need to check that manually.
"sb/intro/shish106.jpg" is missing, so you'll need to check that manually.
"sb/intro/shish107.jpg" is missing, so you'll need to check that manually.
"sb/intro/shish108.jpg" is missing, so you'll need to check that manually.
"sb/intro/shish109.jpg" is missing, so you'll need to check that manually.
"sb/intro/shish110.jpg" is missing, so you'll need to check that manually.
"sb/intro/shish111.jpg" is missing, so you'll need to check that manually.
"sb/intro/shish112.jpg" is missing, so you'll need to check that manually.
"sb/intro/shish113.jpg" is missing, so you'll need to check that manually.
"sb/intro/shish114.jpg" is missing, so you'll need to check that manually.
"sb/intro/shish115.jpg" is missing, so you'll need to check that manually.
"sb/intro/shish116.jpg" is missing, so you'll need to check that manually.
"sb/intro/shish117.jpg" is missing, so you'll need to check that manually.
deleted the unused files (i was testing smth out but it never worked)
as for the missing files, i manually edited the .osb file
since the map doesn't seem to be color haxed it'd be good to add more contrast between the 1st & 3rd, 2nd & 4th combo colors
(that or just remove 3 & 4 since they r basically exact)
tbh after looking thru the insane -> light insane difficulties i propose you change the diff names to extra/expert/ect -> insane
just makes more sense imo in terms of gameplay
why are all ur bgs in storyboard so low quality
this isn't a video so you're perfectly allowed to use 1920x1080, currently it looks like 1280x720 or smth