Your hitsounds only shows most of the snares and should be made more in depth (with whistles that will mostly be used on synth during kiais and as you used them outside of them; finishes that should represent crashes in the song like there 00:57:355 or there 00:59:201; and your kick sample (which should usually be set on drum-hitnormal (better imo), normal-hitnormal or drum-hitfinish (e.g. kick : 00:59:201 (1,2,3))
I think you could use the soft sampleset in general use and use the drum sampleset when you want to hitsound the kicks instead of your use of the general drum sampleset (personnal preference)
Okay, now let's talk a bit about aesthetics;
Let's take top diff's example again, at the start of the chorus at 02:29:663, you began using a majority of curved sliders for no good reason which makes the section lack in diversity and also lack clear object placement, a good example of great object placement in the kiai would be 02:38:201 (1,2,1,2), which is not perfect, but you should imo look into making this kind of pattern to make use of all those 1/2 curvy sliders throughout this chorus.
There's another topic that i want to talk about which is visual spacing;
First, what is visual spacing ?
Visual spacing is a term, which is almost self explanatory, that consists into spacing the objects the same amount visually, but the spacing is different,
example 1 : 01:27:355 (3,1,2), you could rearrange this bit like this :
example 2 : 02:02:778 (6,1,2,3,1), you could rearrange like this :
In most cases, only a bit of repositioning is necessary.
I think you could try to visually structure a bit more your ideas using visual spacing and it would resolve most the uneasy looking overlaps like 02:06:817 (1,1) or 02:06:932 (2,2) and some other visual inconsistencies (please don't be afraid of overlapping after what i've told you, if you search a way to make rather good overlaps, use consistent overlapping like half overlaps (half the circle into another), less than half a circle into a slider body, etc... could be considered good as long as it's consistent (except edge overlaps pls pls pls)).
The higher two diff were the ones I'm struggling on the most :P I did change the two examples that you gave me and I'll see what else I could move and such. Haven't touched the Kiai part for last diff much and I don't really like how the Extreme diff currently is either so I'll probably change a lot for those two. Thanks!
I think all the difficulties suffer from one big issue which is mostly consistency and some others like aesthetics.
Let's toss aside the aesthetics for now and let's take a look at what goes wrong on consistency :
Let's for example top diff, at 01:37:971's section, you chose to ignore the triplet there 01:39:644 which could be fine at certain extent, but the way you mapped this section doesn't call for that overall because you're mapping every bursts there like 01:38:663 (3,4,5,6,7), 01:39:817 (1,2,3,4,5), 01:40:278 (1,2,3).
Also, let's take another example like 02:38:432 (2,1,2), the way you mapped this is contrary as how you mapped it there 02:40:047 (1,2,3,4,5,6) (+ this should get rid of (1) and (2) since there's no synth note there), the way you should map it should be different, for example, here i'd make the 3 1/2 sliders become 5 clickables and a slider on the downbeat (big white tick there), all that with increasing spacing, visual link :
Triplet is just 3 active 1/4 in a row (idk if this is a musical term, i might have mixed up french and english osu slang lol)
I'm going to be very blunt. This map is really bad, and not near rankability. I do suggest you continue to get mods, but don't expect to be able to rank this even with a hundred mods on each diff. The only thing that would make this rankable is a remap, and if you want to do that I suggest doing that after you've mapped more. You should probably make more maps that have only 1 diff rather than an entire set, who's purpose is just to get mods until you can't improve it without remapping and go to the graveyard. I'm interested in seeing where you go with this, but as it is, this map is structurally clumsy and bankrupt, isn't even a tech map (the song is tech but the map isn't at all), and wouldn't even pass as a decent linear map. The only way to improve would be to just map more and to not care too much about the maps (but still push to get mods). Once you've done this for several months and also maybe have modders hype the map, start making maps for rank (you could get gd's at that point as well). Hope your mapping career goes well!
@Napoca help him instead of saying that bruh, you could have at least typed 2/3 general mods that could have helped him, like why the heck?
Also if he only makes 1 diff sets he will never be able to raise his skillsets on other types of diffs.
The map doesn't have to be tech even if it's tech.
The map isn't even that bad, there's clear differences in patterns, it's just the consistency that isn't held enough and some aesthetics that are questionable
Artist: Kobaryo
Title: Villain Virus feat. かめりあ
Romanised Title: Villain Virus feat. Camellia
Please remove "kobaryo, villain virus, camellia" from the tags
Also please remove "Mixpeed action" from the source field and leave it only in the tags.
The difficulty names at the current moment are not clearly indicating the level of their difficulties. Custom diff names may be used for the highest difficulties with a similar level of difficulty. So "Common Cold" must include the Insane somewhere in the diff name and so on up to the "Epidemic" (theoretically "Plague" also could have a custom name but comparing to the "Epidemic" difficulty they aren't at the similar level of difficulty).
But I would just
"Common Cold" -> "Insane"
"Infection" -> "Extra"
"Plague" -> "Extreme"
Because to the overall theme of the difficulty names the "Common Cold" and "Infection" makes no sense to the "Plague" and "Epidemic" difficulties which follows the similar theme. Also doing this would make it less confusing for players.