mapped by Seija
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01:04:649 (4) - and 01:20:009 (4) - should i turn them into 1/6?


no leave it for the platter



Marked as resolved by Seija

its 125 bpm and theres a comfy usual 1/2 gap before and after these 01:19:769 (3,5), im pretty certain he should be able to map these 1/6's, no?

right now its simply incorrect in my view, seija just make sure u make a comfy readable shape

Reopened by zerokt

actually, I would also strongly suggest to remove the dashes towards these 01:04:649 - 01:20:009 - as they dont seem that necessary to be dashed + paired with the stream might make it even harder for salad players

jus make walk


01:20:009 - 01:04:649 - try leaving these out similar to what cup did, to better focus drums


removed dashes and added 1/6

Marked as resolved by Seija

00:50:969 (3) - idk if these 1.8 are supposed to be dash or walk but if dash - "first" dash of the map being antiflow is giga nono for me

if walk - Imo should reduce these and other similar 1/2 ds to 1.4~1.5 instead, as 1.8 seems readable as dash Imo

if dash - increase all


they were intended to be walks, to keep a contrast with the platter, so yeah, fixed everything and adjust them to 1.5 as you said

Marked as resolved by Seija

1/1 dash ds is too low, seems to be ranging from 1.4~1.6 or so, which can be easily readable/played as a walk instead 01:11:609 (1) - 01:09:689 (1) 01:07:769 (1) - 01:03:929 (1) - etc all others

prob will be a bit hard to adjust a bit but imo this really needs to be fixed, at least +0.2 or 0.3


it was hard af to adjust everything, so every 1/1 dash should be 1.8

Marked as resolved by Seija

now you have too many dashes hehe xd try ONLY having dashes on cymbals/section changes to contrast with the platter 👍


idk man, who maps salads and ACTUALLY enjoy making them?

it should be OK

Marked as resolved by Seija

distances are kinda ambiguous would try to increase dash distance to make it more obvious and walks more consistent

honestly would be better to remap but my suggestion is to add dashes to every possible cymbal and maybe veeeeeery prominent drums (like in section changes) and walk everything else


maybe when i'm applying mods will eventually remap the entire thing

Marked as resolved by Seija

01:12:329 - En la platter está colocado un finish en este lugar pero en esta salad no, revisa xfa


fix fix

Marked as resolved by Seija