mapped by Zocto
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00:00:082 - hit F6 and lower all volumes having the hit sounds at 100% hurts ears and you don't want that tbh you could do 40% and it would be good, you will need to change each point by its self


they gave me a headache while playing so yeah

Marked as resolved by Cyrzai

Also combo color #3 should be changed because its considered transparent and unreadable,(this is something a BN told me once btw) 00:00:082 -


i understand the colors are very similar to the background so i'll change them, but i would've assumed 1 and 2 were the problem, not 3. could you explain later for me to comprehend a little bit better?


Yes I can


answered in pms

Marked as resolved by Cyrzai

Just to leave verification I believe it’s because white is technically not a real color?


i personally would NC here because the music changes and you have higher spacing so having it be a new combo can help the player realize this situation coming up 00:01:217 (3) -


mhm i agree

Marked as resolved by Cyrzai

having this one stacked here creates to much here and its complicated for a player to read consider repositioning this tripple to another location 00:16:297 (6,7,8) -


overlapped 00:16:946 (5) - with that triple ( 00:16:297 (6) - specifically)

Marked as resolved by Cyrzai

00:18:243 (1,2,3,4,5) - a lot of the maps intense beats land more on the white tick here than the red tick so while I understand the intentions of using sliders, the way the rhythm is makes the song feel even more underwhelming than had you juse simply map the white ticks with slider heads instead of slidertails since they ain't exactly clickable that way especially at players this playing skill

permalink something like this comes along


got it

Marked as resolved by Cyrzai

00:23:432 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16) - this is mapped to the music correctly but its very hard to read consider moving this section to make for a lot better reading and playability 00:24:162 (10,11,12,13,14,15,16,1) - and it will make this section not as clustered


This is such a reading i agree that adjustments is rather needed since it is a pretty much a huge difficulty spike in terms of reading and it isn't really balance by how this is map thus far and I really recommend arranging it


i feel like its better than the last so ill resolve this

Marked as resolved by Cyrzai

Yes this is better, positioning, be careful though because you don’t want streams to be to linear what you have is fine just for future reference


Stack #8 under slider tail end 00:27:973 (8,2) -



Marked as resolved by Cyrzai

00:37:703 (1,2) - right now the I can understand but tbh I think it still would emphasis the song if u just make a slight angle like this without having such high spaced here - picture



Marked as resolved by Cyrzai

00:38:027 (5,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3) - for streams like this I would recommend paying more close the the intensity of the music (like having hitsounds effects at 0% and maybe slowing down the song would help) because when u listen closely it isn't at a constant intensity as you picture it is, it is gradually decreasing in intensity slowly but your pattern doesn't do as such this applies to others alike


00:40:297 (1,2,3,4) - while this isn't a stream, the same logic applies to this, clearly at around (4) the song has a high intensity increase but u don't really feel that with how things is spaced out right now, making it feel rather weak and restricted atm, I understand the intend but it would be nicer if you raise the spacing on (3) and much more on (4)


00:46:946 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,4,5,6) - and 01:28:458 (1,2,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,1,2) - are similar sections musically speaking but i tried to add variety by mapping them differently. thoughts?


00:50:675 - around here it is rather weak imo to continuously go with a jump arrangement when the strong is clearly doing quite an intense streams here especially for this level of difficulty. It is quite clear this part of the song is begging for streams with how the intensity is and still focusing on jump arrangements is almost as close as ignoring the song to some extent here


00:02:676 - similar situation here and i think using 1/4 repeats would be more fitting for the intentions here tho


this applies to other places even minors ones so be careful on that (00:15:324 - like here for an example)


done, also fixed a minor one you didnt mention at 00:55:864 (5) -

Marked as resolved by Cyrzai

fix stack on slideder tail end 01:23:431 (2,4) -



Marked as resolved by Cyrzai

i would highlight this 01:24:404 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - and move it so that 01:24:891 (5) - #5 stacks on 01:25:702 (3) - #3 then highlight this and position so that #4 blankes the small stream here ill provide a picture so you understand better~


done. adjusted 01:25:539 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,1,2,3,4) - to fit the changes aswell

Marked as resolved by Cyrzai