00:36:681 (1) - 1/4 is highly not recommended in a normal diff. replace it into a 1/2 slider instead.
00:51:681 (1,1) - u should at least give 2 beats recovery time after the spinner due to RC guideline
RC : Spinner recovery time should be at least 2 beats. This is to ensure adequate time to click a hit object following a spinner.
00:56:454 (3) - consider splitting to 1/2 and mapping a 1/1 slider on the downbeat by moving (4) to it, as well as moving (5) back a 1/2 beat and extend it, i think it will be better this way to emphasize the stronger notes
if this is incredibly confusing and if you do agree to the changes just look at the example here:
if you do agree to the changes, make sure to apply it here 00:58:727 (1) - for consistency
00:57:818 (5) - reverse slider more than once is also not recommended. split it into circles + sliders. same for other similar objects.