mapped by Nao Tomori
This beatmap was ranked on 27 March 2019!
nominated by Lasse and Usaha
21 March 2019
Discussion #869735 denied for kudosu.
Discussion #869735 by Lasse obtained enough votes for kudosu.
This beatmap has reached the required number of nominations and has been qualified.
Nominated by Usaha.
Nominated by Lasse.
Issue #869737 by Usaha marked as resolved by Nao Tomori.
New problem #869737 (
aimod mode
) triggered a nomination reset. (Usaha)
Nominated by Usaha.
Issue #869735 by Lasse marked as resolved by Nao Tomori.
Issue #869690 by Lasse marked as resolved by Nao Tomori.
Discussion #869690 by Lasse obtained enough votes for kudosu.
Disqualified by Lasse. Reason: #869735 (
disqualified to fix a small hitsound issue, see #869690
20 March 2019
This beatmap has reached the required number of nominations and has been qualified.
Nominated by Icekalt.
Nominated by Usaha.
Issue #867651 by Usaha marked as resolved by Nao Tomori.
Discussion #867651 by Usaha obtained enough votes for kudosu.
Issue #867551 by Icekalt marked as resolved by Nao Tomori.
Discussion #867551 by Icekalt obtained enough votes for kudosu.
Issue #867541 by Icekalt marked as resolved by Nao Tomori.
Discussion #867541 by Icekalt obtained enough votes for kudosu.
Issue #867544 by Icekalt marked as resolved by Nao Tomori.
Discussion #867544 by Icekalt obtained enough votes for kudosu.
Issue #867540 by Icekalt marked as resolved by Nao Tomori.
Discussion #867540 by Icekalt obtained enough votes for kudosu.