00:11:189 (1,2) - i see what you are going for here but the melody is almost not noticable. I hade to double check to even hear it. Would be cool to map this a bit different like follow the drums or smth
I think i will keep it, I use this quite sometime throughout the map so this one is fine for introduction
00:22:625 (3,4) - i think making the slider antiflow would feel a lot better to play. What you have now feels with the continuous flow very underwhelming to play.
01:00:645 (3,4) - more distance for a smoother flow. Rn its in a weird position between walk and standstill that doesnt quite feel right
01:05:694 (4) - maybe push a little left, quite easy to miss from moving left early and can imagine the target audience struggling reading with this little antiflow
01:29:902 (1,2,3) - this is pretty ugly and i havent seen anything else like it so far, i'd make it the same as 01:31:090 (1,2,3) -
01:55:521 (3,4) - i'd put this slightly closer together as the walk feels quite tight and could be mistaken as dash