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made it to 1k favorites!
There has a cheater in this map.XDhope the community solve this guy quickly.
It has been banned recently XDThe score of the cheater 20 times higher than siina in this 4*map .
Fia L
the 4 star has a really weird star pattern that my brain refuses to acknowledge
now i could f.....
Welcome to ossssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss
okay this song is fcking banger
seriously good
the double tap claps are INSANE really innovative gameplay
I came to osu! to game, not anime tits
hey, you cant call other's a weeb when you play osu!, just not how it works
on of the worst. 5 star false, he has minimal 7
o no fbi is knocking on my door
Unicorn so cute nya~
I love this so much.
when i first played the map i thought that HR was activated LMAO
this set is fantastic
more yuc'e pls
Adjective no-un
Ranked now B )
i love this map
Wow cool post thanks for sharing
that's how qualified section works :(
yay, best song and map has been approved <3 to Yusomi
chemical cuwukie
holy shit, hope it will get ranked fast
i came for yuc'e cookie n unicorn :3
Nice song
I think the Japanese are just using a random adjective+noun generator for song titles
great post
I love cookie :3
you mean NaHCO3 C9H14O6 C12H22O11?