Hi-yo Twiggy! Coming in behalf of the Project Loved Metadata Team, in order to prepare the metadata of this set for its nomation to the Loved section.
· Title (Unicode): change to "Freedom Dive↓ (tpz Overcute Remix)"
· Source: set to "maimai MiLK PLUS"
· Genre/Language: change to "Electronic"/"Instrumental"
· Please, add the following tags to the tag field:
cytus VOEZ Muse Dash SOUND VOLTEX IV HEAVENLY HAVEN SDVX BEMANI Rayark chapter x 10 parousia happy hardcore instrumental video game BMS Don’t waste me! E.P. t+pazolite electronic JCore J-Core C.H.S Club Hyper Speed Cutie & Headshaking Sounds CHSEP-0003 Yusuke Ishiwata Tomoyuki Hamada 浜田知幸 DJ Pixie Edamame Ultimate Speed infinity Lovewn☆ tpa:pbr とぱぞらいと 最速 Saisoku AAA+β for UR Betty 100sec Records Parousia 100SR-A013 M3-28 M3-2011 Fall M3-2011秋
In accordance with the Visual Content Guidelines, it is recommended that you credit the BG artist in the description of your map:
· BG Source: https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/333556
· Artist Link: https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/44612220
(you can ignore all this section)
Source for the given tags:
· Label: C.H.S
· Album/EP Name: Don't Waste Me! E.P.
· Cat number: CHSEP-0003
· Composer: Yusuke Ishiwata
· Label 2: 100sec Records
· Album Name 2: Parousia
· Album First Appearance: M3-28 M3-2011 Fall
· Cat number 2: 100SR-A013
· Arranger/Remixer: (Tomoyuki Hamada 浜田知幸)
· Remixer Aliases: DJ Pixie Edamame Ultimate Speed infinity Lovewn☆ tpa:pbr とぱぞらいと 最速 Saisoku AAA+β for UR Betty
· Subgenres: Happy Hardcore JCore J-Core
(rest of tags have been verified and copied from the ranked set of this song)
Metadata Proof:
· https://tpazolite.bandcamp.com/album/don-t-waste-me-e-p
· https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vw02zlA6ihE (outdated capitalization)
Congratulations on your Loved nomination! 🎉
I know this map is out of my league but I know someday I'll be able to pass it. I want this map to be ranked xd