00:56:682 (1,1) - Probably doesn't need NC because they're all gradually getting longer as part of the same combo. NC'ing for SV change looks a bit too spammy imo but i guess it's okay too. Just looks more natural if they're all part of the same combo since the idea is that they're all gradually getting bigger :v
00:59:768 (3) - Two circles? The 1/2 slider implies a vocal because every other slider before it held a vocal but there's no vocal here so by making two circles, it can separate itself for background instruments and then the sliders will start again on the next downbeat.
01:02:597 (1) - NC doesn't seem necessary here as the entire stream is just one-accelerating-stream. Or rather, you can make it one without having to separate for only two DS's. http://puu.sh/C1Un7/07fda5025e.jpg
01:05:597 (1) - yo what even is that lol ?_? what happened to making these http://puu.sh/C1Uoc/27bc07716a.jpg :cry: