recommend me 3.4-4 star maps please <3
this is legendary
727 song in there
can someone send the level 10 song please
Super Driver
level 5 song?
Black Rover
yoooo0 love it
I ss the mini star lool
what is song for lvl 1 mini-star practice 5.13 stars?
Grisaia no Rakuen OP 2
SS'd the 1-2 diff how
WOT Kaneki on Black Clover...
lol is good
submitted right on my birthdaty
Tbh I dont think this is for me but I liked the default dance one I had to try over 30 tries to atleast get a D...Yet still fun
Love this mapset. Finally got an FC on level 6. Level, level 10 FC is quite far off tho
what's map level 3???
"Pensamento Tipico De Esquerda Caviar" by Maffalda
What is the level 4 speed practice song
A tab bit late, but "Hours" by Son Of Kick Ft. Lady Leshurr & Paigey cakey
can someone post the song of the level 2 simple practice 5.24 stars ?
You might have found it already, but here you go: https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/730303#osu/1541293