mapped by Blitztap
last updated
This beatmap wasn't updated since 14 May 2019 so it was graveyarded...
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the current custom diffnames arent indicative of progression/their respective difficulties, which isnt rankable. you do have the actual difficulty levels in brackets, but ranking criteria also advises against having unnecessary descriptors that arent related to difficulty level. it's allowed with top diff if you turn it into only "Galaxy Fusion", but the lower diffs should just be named by their level.




I think it's an exact 168.00 bpm tempo, and suggest to add a timing point on 03:05:098


im using a BPM detector software and thats why my BPM is 168.04 something like that, and placin g timing point on that time is not nessesary anymore:)

Marked as resolved by Blitztap