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4 years moment
mapping skill issue. This map is very bad 4 years ago and improved from time to time until this map get ranked
Also, i dont have rank maps in 2018, that's why this map is very bad in 2018
fc first try how ;-;
siapa sangka
definitely a map
97.99 bruh
its ranked omg:o
nice place 533
di nightcore makin asek, tareeek maaaaaang
Anying diluar nalar dikasih nightcore 😭
why with da sv
sv is fun
most fun map i've played since a whilealso good bg choice
thanks, cute BG!!
such a good song
The charting is good, but the song is... Uhm... Uh.... Ahhh... No...
(I had a weird looking face while playing this song, It was something combined with like, laughter and concern)
yea because u're unfamiliar with 'funkot' i assume. in southeast asia u literally can hear this kind of song everywhere xdd
^ agreed XD
its weird for non-asia people I think, but its banger for asia people like me in Indonesian (Indonesian have so much funkot song LMAO)
anjae jd keinget muse desh :P
kan emang dari muse dash XD
just play insane diff if you have SV issue
muse dashhh, damn 2018
old map song moment
osu needs more funkot song
anjay ranked juga, dari dulu gw tunggu
anjay, capek juga ngerank ni map
kekny cocok klo dijadiin taiko
https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/1028937#taiko/3263810 monggo taiko ver.
awikwok, chart favorit saya di Muse Dash
Sama cuy awowkowk, wajib fav mapnya sihhh
tarik mang
Goyangg manggg
-1 bg cowo
Dont care, yang penting menggoda 😋
jomok bgt
my pepe is confused
shut up gei
ranked soon :D
Hope so :D
Nice I got FC
Ok congratss!
4.3/5 for angki
omg that map is so fun
good map
Thanks ang ang
hufufu tam tam