01:00:517 (60517|1,60654|2,60790|1,60927|2,61017|1,61154|2,61290|1,61427|2,61563|1,61745|2,61881|1,62063|2) - i think if you do right hand trill it would be very nice. left hand for LN only, right hand for the drums. Clear concept
01:26:153 - i think this one can make 34 12 since theres alooooooooooooooot stack on col1 01:19:063 (79063|0,79199|0,79335|0,79472|0,79608|0,79744|0,79881|0,80017|0,80154|0,80290|0,80426|0,80563|0,80699|0,80835|0,80972|0,81108|0,81244|0,81381|0,81517|0,81654|0,81790|0,81926|0,82063|0,82199|0,82335|0,82472|0,82608|0,82744|0,82881|0,83017|0,83154|0,83290|0,83426|0,83563|0,83699|0,83835|0,83972|0,84108|0,84244|0,84381|0,84517|0,84654|0,84790|0,84926|0,85063|0,85199|0,85335|0,85472|0,85608|0,85744|0,85881|0,86017|0,86153|0,86290|0,86426|0,86563|0,86699|0) - bikin njarem momentos minimal kasih jeda kek ;v
02:19:335 (139335|1,139608|2) - seems like you want emphasis on the vocal, in that case i suggest you make it 1/2 LN so its more clear that you are emphasis on vocal over the hats
01:50:699 (110699|3,110699|1,110699|2,110835|2) - ini lebih kenceng btw daripada 01:50:154 (110154|0,110154|3,110154|1,110290|3,110290|0,110290|2) - prefer yg td triple yg bawah double aja
01:54:108 (114108|3,114108|0,114108|1,114381|1,114381|0,114381|3) - kayaknya 2 note cukup deh, lebih keras 01:53:972 (113972|2,113972|0,113972|3,114244|0,114244|2,114244|3) - soalnya
03:05:976 (185976|1,185976|2) - kick = double
03:05:431 (185431|1) - snare = single
i think it should be reversed, kick = single, snare = double
04:43:646 (283646|1,283885|1) - should move to different column (col 1) its not same crash as 04:43:476 (283476|1) - and 04:43:067 (283067|1) -
04:48:385 (288385|0) - ini 2 note, soalnya lebih keras dari 04:48:453 (288453|1,288521|0,288521|2) -
04:48:521 (288521|0,288521|2) - dan ini jadiin 1 note aja