Hi, could you elaborate with the difficulty naming? Because quoting from Ranking Criteria, you should name your diff set to be clearly progressive (like E-N-H-I)
If possible, I wanna use custom names on all difficulty, but some of words(明解, 超越) is not in this song. so I may change difficulty name if there are good suggestion.
感銘(Kammei: Impressed) / 明察(Meisatsu: good Guess) / 達観(Takkan: philosophically) / 博識(Hakushiki: erudite) / 天下無双(Tenka-Musou: There is no enemy of this world)
My suggestion,
is it just me or the default soft-hitnormal just a bit annoying loud? I'd recommend you using the custom one like this one https://wendao2000.s-ul.eu/JkedHAJc.wav
it fits perfectly for me, but I'll leave this as a suggestion for you
Tohoku Kiritan→Touhoku Kiritan
cocoa sigarette P→cocoa cigarette P
それから推奨タグとしてRCのガイドラインに"Additional Tags: It is recommended to include tags such as the language(s), genre(s) of the track in the map, related artists, and whatever may aid a player to find the map. Terms already in the primary metadata (Artist, Title, Source) should not be included in tags."っていうのがあるのでJapanese Noveltyあたりいれてはどうでしょうか
東北姉妹の公式ページ( https://zunko.jp/ )からは直接的な英語表記は見つかりませんでしたが、ここに使われている画像の代替表記がTohokuなので、念の為両方載せておこうと思います。 https://puu.sh/CXQhP/76e1036ac9.jpg
※公式アニメ「ずんだホライずん」の3Dアニメプロジェクト( https://greenfunding.jp/pub/projects/2514 )から、これが最も公式に近いページと思われます→ https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1101582079/tohoku-zunko-animation-zunda-horizon-production-pr-0
Japanese Novelty 追加します!
Dude you have to finish this mapset! It's so good and I'd love to see this ranked or loved. It's fun, well crafted and such a good interpretation of the song! Keep it up!