so funny. the cancelling culture even got to mere words. God bring me back to the times when Internet was not a place for fragile twitter crybabies who can't even stand a word "loli" or "trap", but a place where anybody COULD actually share their thoughts without any sorts of limitations. truly dark times to live in when democracy has shaped itself into autocracy impersonating democracy. and the scariest thing is that everybody is okay with it...
P.S. if this comment gets deleted for one reason or another, you will actually be able to witness the DEMOCRACY of the Internet, and, particularly, osu!, in action, where as long as the moderation LIKES your comment, you can write whatever you want, but when it's something that they DON'T LIKE, they immediately find any reason to take in down
P.P.S. for anybody who is stupid enough to say that this change will help with combatting "pedos", deleting a word will not delete pedo's wieners, nor will it remove their urge to look at loli bodies, so, please, realize that what you're doing is just window dressing.
"People are too sensitive these days"-person saying that a difficulty name getting voluntarily changed by the creator means our democracy is becoming an autocratic hellscape without free speech.
(1) The emphasis on "democracy" (or in this context, sharing viewpoints without biased repercussions) in the second paragraph is quite amusingly ironic given that the premise of your first paragraph is literally against opposition who choose to be vocally critical of terms (like "loli" or "trap") within reasonable boundaries for discussion, by extrapolating the sensationalised, psuedo-realistic term "cancel culture" to try and represent all of them.
I think if you want to try and argue democracy you don't want to think like that :), treat people who associate with a wing on a case-by-case basis and not by the group-mind "stereotypes exist for a reason" mentality to shun people for an excuse not to respect their viewpoint. Dont be contradictory ("no censorship for me, but for thee (...) God, bring me back to where opposition didnt exist")
(2) I appreciate it when people attempt to delve into the more indicative/pressing issues surrounding a situation, even if a situation seems small, it still merits discussions about the issues surrounding why the decision (the difficulty name change) was made (e.g. some people are quoting the literally 1984 meme). It's possible the mapper felt pressured by peers to make such a change, as you're suggesting, or made it on their own volition.
(edit) It's somewhat confusing though. The situation just seems like someone-asked-for-a-change-and-the-team-carried-it-out, so as an outsider it feels like people are really deeping it. Unless theres like, twitter context?
(3) I wonder if these twitter "crybabies" are the issue when you're at least equivalently upset about this by making multiple paragraphs merely assuming the indicative issues of the difficulty name change, clearly biased by your own sociopolitical ideology- the idea of "cancel culture", "woke"-ness in your conclusion, etc., even though the mapper has shown that the name change was purely just requested by themselves and is in no way suggesting osu! will force difficulty name changes in the future.
what are you even talking about tho, like are you even aware that this change isn't a one sided decision from the staff and was instead requested by the mapper lol
no, osu! is not proactively "cancelling" anyone or anything by doing this. osu! --does-- allow the old diff name to pass through when the map was Ranked back in 2018, and technically speaking osu! --still does-- allow for it to be used indefinitely if not for the mapper's request.
osu! is simply adhering to the request in this case. nothing more, nothing less.
people making a big deal with the diff name changing. At the end of the day, the map is still there. But because of that, I see people joking about being sad that they can't play without the diff name lol. Either that or they just... you know
In case anyone mad about "pedo" coming in mad and crying about the changes.
Name changing screws over MD5 of the .osu file, breaking local score, replays. It breaks plenty of map packs (with this map included). Because it's not a simple "Update this map to latest version" when loading Global Leaderboard, but a "Not submitted" status and you need to download again.
At least, it's still better than the filename of background image/video, or some storyboard sprites, or audio file changes (like someone naming the image.jpg to the whole chorus lyrics of Harumachi Clover before). In this case, the map file just got a "Update this map to latest version" status. But after updating, it doesn't regconise the BG anymore, since it's declared with a new name that is different from the current local file.