Loading scores...
this amazing rythm
Always back to the origins...
this is the first map i have played
Missed on the last note because of my keybaord fml
free 100pp
the fuck is this even mapped to
cool map and bg
ayo top diff 7.27 stars with NC
wow hard is now 4 star cool
кайф для ушей
imagine slider breaking..... ha ha ha, can't be me <_<
same, cant be me....
nvm i fc'd it
1.5k pp later i still cant read the first single tap notes... wtf guess see this map in 1k more pp or what
WHY no sliders???
vamo chile
Me : no slider ? worth itosu : SIKE weird things spawn
ой пипяо конечно девочки
am i the only one that sees a face in the top left
cute song, cute map
cute player
I love this song
Whos the artist?
are you joking?
hope so
*sigh intensifies
НЯ <3
Noob player come to report, I can't like this one better.
nya x3
This is one of the best maps i ever played. SUCH a nice and cute song.
this is such a good map
Description Full image please ??
theo is weeb
This song is amazing 😮😮
Cute and stuff. I wonder from where that voice recorded and used?
Its not technicaly recorded, but its an example of sound designing. go search it up. Sounds like footsteps in anime are created like this.
Great Map
Source: https://soundcloud.com/amid...
Yeahh we back to Nippon modernized
Bless this song and the mapping as well <3 <3 <3
Это божественно, словами даже не могу объяснить .
А я знал что трек то годный ВОН в топе весит.КРАСАВА
спасибо :>
This is dope
Love it
Hi, amidst here, this is so cool! Thanks for doing this!
i need more song like this
me too! I need to mapping it
Yea! ;)
Какой приятный мапсет, действительно хорошая работа <3