mapped by Swadloon
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This beatmap wasn't updated since 21 January 2018 so it was graveyarded...
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Here some suggestions: -00:40:339 The tail of the slider lands on an important tick, this shouldnt be there. Instead make the slider one tick shorter and place on the next white tick a circle. The circle represents an importent sound. There a lots of these issues -01:01:767 , 01:08:624 , 01:15:482 , 01:22:339 , 01:29:129 , 01:42:910 and so on. On 00:53:196 is a gab. But the distance between the both sliders are as big as if there wouldnt be a gab. If there is a gab in the timeline, than make major distances. 00:54:696


I don't really feel like the sliders should be changed, since they represent both the end of the voice echo and the start of the "WAHWAHWAH" sounds. However, I did fix the gaps. Thanks for pointing that out .

Marked as resolved by Shinx