Truzon's Extra By Truzon Amy By Me7 Star Meme DiffThanks to everyone that played this beatmap while it was in its testing stage
Ready for ranking
Truzons diff is a HDDT diffChangelog:
- Beatmap Released
- Expert Difficulty: HP Drain buffed
- Truzon's Extra difficulty added [Please Redownload]
- Expert difficulty buffed
- Expert Difficulty nerfed a little bit
- Expert Difficulty jumps re-patterned
- Expert Difficulty HP Drain buffed from HP 5.5 to 5.7
- Expert Difficulty HP Drain buffed from HP 5.7 to HP 6 due to being an easy pass
- Expert Difficulty renamed to "Amy" [You may have to re-download now]
- Amy Difficulty jump section buffed, now it's a continous jump section
- Amy Difficulty streams are now a whole lot more smoother
- Amy Difficulty OD nerfed to 8 from 9.1 (It was OD 9.1 by mistake)
- Final remap for Amy has been done
Changes in the final remap:
- HP nerfed to 5.5 from 6
- OD nerfed to 8 from 8.7
- AR buffed from 9.3 to 9.5
- CS nerfed from 4.2 to 4
- All notes rearranged
- No more break sections
- No more trash jumps at the second jump section
More PPNote: This map will no longer recieve updates