Riko's vocal sliders are curved and Reg's are red ticks because he is a robot and she is not a robot
a lot of the major patterns are based on moving from the top to the bottom of the screen ala climbing into the abyss 00:06:484 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,3,4) - 01:26:929 (1,2,1,2) - 00:52:040 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2)
the beginning vocals are lightly segmented into the top and bottom of the screen, with Riko's starting at the top 00:14:707 - because she starts at the top of the abyss and Reg's starting from the bottom 00:21:818 - because he starts from the bottom of the abyss
the map ends with a sharp descent to the bottom of the screen because of the previously stated themes 01:26:929 (1,2,1,2) -
all of these things are quite loose in their application but i hope they are nevertheless noticed and appreciated
Seems like you can't criticise anything without being able to do it better. Imagine you couldn't say that you don't like a song or movie without eyeryone saying "do it better". This is exactly what you're doing right now, saying that someone must enjoy something just because they can't do it themselves.
Not as overmapped as the state of our economy watch out for the inevitable crash of our markets as bitcoin becomes a new superpower and subsequently kills itself off by the hands of Ted Cruz who'll become the world's true leader plunging us into a world polluted by chemtrails and ideologies that the earth is round like wake up sheeple the new world order is going to enslave us all