mapped by Dunced
last updated
This beatmap wasn't updated since 23 November 2019 so it was graveyarded...
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spacing on whole map is incosistent, try map it with default skin and try put have exact same number of this "arrows" that appear between object when same break in timeline happend, maybe you can add one more on stronger sounds


I dont think this is very necessary but i will fix the spacing, thanks for all the feedback!

Marked as resolved by martyur

placement overall is really centered, u have the whole playfield to use so do that!


I will spread it out more!

Marked as resolved by martyur

I suggest mapping more sounds here because it is severely undermapped for a top diff. Making a good spread is a nice thin to do when ranking.


Thanks for the feedback!

Marked as resolved by martyur

if you ctrl + a the map you can see that its very cluttered in the middle. Since this is the top Difficulty, dont be afriad to space things out even if its mapped like a 1*


I see, thank you for your contribution!

Marked as resolved by martyur