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these ai placed notes on the expert diff are interesting
cool but im trying to ss on all mods (hard) and its kinda hard
how do you have 4 insanes
Took a while to come to appreciate the expert dif
I'll come back in a year then
it still sucks
Did Random.org place the notes?
Notes in extra diff seem to be randomly generated and placed. Quality mapping in 2017.
10km jumps are so satisfying to clear! loved the Expert
the bg with the couple is the same as Yume Hanabi which is flashbacks to my first days on osu :')
maps like these make me want to quit
chano & 40mP - Natsukoi Hanabi ..... by Lasse
Intuitive! Nicely done enjoyed the play
didn't know my aim was this bad at the edges, expert diff :ok_hand:
grats on ranking a graveyard garbage map
lmao 3 mod farming here we come
nice map
Nice Song.
great map, loved it! ^w°
I got pranked by the pp :/
Harder ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Harder Lasse-Senpai, give me your tasty pp
osu needs more Natsukoi Hanabi hehexd
nice vote reset !
The map doesn't really play comfortably because the top diff is so unnatural and you are intentionally making it hard :<
There are plenty of easier diffs to play if the top diff is too challenging for you.
you know it plays a bit weird from the rating as well(I think)
I'm not talking about challenging or not, I mean it is made to feel uncomfortable at some points, "plays uncomfortable" and "Is badly made" are two different concepts. And I don't find it challenging..without DT ofc.
Yeah the spacing and placing of some of the notes could be better but at least the spaced streams felt really good and fun to play.
i love how bonsai's insane has lower sr than hard
Maybe we can't see full ver of this song forever
frostmourne's masterpiece
There's a full version ranked already
Insane diff is actually kinda farmable xD
which one lmao
What would happen if i mapped anime but not mapped it like anime 🤔
Lasse went 0-8 in toplane, and made this map to express what that felt like.
was he playing vs Riven? :thinking:
Quality mapping
Well I can read two of the hiraganas in this sentence.
wrong one
I think Bonsai misspelled the word "Hard"
i dunno about you but that is definitely not a hard
probably just me then, but bonsai diff is easier to play than the hard O.o
Bonsai's insane?
why bonsai's insane has the lowest SR than your hard diff lol
👻 it is a mystery
osu needs more natsukoi hanabi