PP Farming is annoying as hell and for my skill level I play more like a 100k rank player instead of a 290k rank (which is what i'm at now). I can do 6-7 star maps with relative ease and yet someone 100k below me is struggling to complete a 5 star map but has farmed 3 star maps the whole time. Honestly I believe the PP system is broke in this aspect but I just wanted to have my say on this because I believe it's unfair to users such as myself who play to pass and not to FC things like lower level maps.
Pass things is easy. This is a rythm game, if u get a C you're not following the song... The system isnt broken for that reason. The principal problems are the overweighted maps (Short, and with a lot of jumps like sotarks maps or stream maps like sidetracked day) and the sliders that are underweighted (SS maps like big black gives only 300pp).