#116 Mapset / Ranked #23 nanobii - HYPERDRIVE <-- Previous | My Mapsets | Next -->
Pending on July 14, 2017 Bubbled on August 15, 2017 by ZiRoX Qualified on August 19, 2017 by F D Flourite Disqualified on August 19, 2017 by JBHyperion Bubbled on August 20, 2017 by - Magic Bomb - Qualified on August 21, 2017 by ZiRoX
Honestly didn't expect that .... that I like it, I already let out a tear, this is probably one of the best map by Ascendance, I love this mapset ;3 ty
Hello hello, here's where I give some emotional comment or something about fruit catching game!
From the start of back in the autumn of 2015, I looked at the "Elite Mapper" title as something I wanted to set my sights on. Although it doesn't mean much to a player, and maybe not even to some mappers, my entire drive behind mapping was solely for winning this contest, the MBC. I'm super grateful to the staff for putting on this contest, as we haven't had one in some time, and for giving me the opportunity to showcase my mapping, and of course, to win the whole thing. Even though this contest may not give the title I sought after in the beginning, the essence of winning the contest itself was fantastic enough. I also can't thank enough the voters who helped me to win. I'm always super happy when at least one person enjoys my mapping, but to win the whole thing meant the majority liked it, and that means a lot to me.
Throughout my entire mapping journey, there have been highs and lows, and certainly my fair share of drama and confrontations, but this experience has been great for me, and I want to thank everyone who's been a part of it. A few significant people I'd like to thank:
Spectator : Truly an inspiration to me as a mapper and as a person.
ZiRoX : Putting up with all my garbage when I was a new mapper (I'M SORRY LOL).
CLSW : For being my teacher and for inspiring me to be where I am today, regardless of how many times we fight.
alienflybot : For always being honest about my work and helping me to achieve greater things.
-wwwww : For being my drive to constantly do better and to keep mapping, and for your constant support.
Thanks to you - the player - for continuing to play my stuff, whether for enjoyment or pp!
Let me be that one casual who says "Yeah no one cares kid get a life" But deep down I'm like "Good Sh*t Fam keep it up" Which one is correct you decide.